# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2021-2024 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Compute biogas and solid biomass potentials for each clustered model region using data from JRC ENSPRESO. """ import logging import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np import pandas as pd from _helpers import configure_logging, set_scenario_config from build_energy_totals import build_eurostat logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) AVAILABLE_BIOMASS_YEARS = [2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050] def _calc_unsustainable_potential(df, df_unsustainable, share_unsus, resource_type): """ Calculate the unsustainable biomass potential for a given resource type or regex. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The dataframe with sustainable biomass potentials. df_unsustainable : pd.DataFrame The dataframe with unsustainable biomass potentials. share_unsus : float The share of unsustainable biomass potential retained. resource_type : str or regex The resource type to calculate the unsustainable potential for. Returns ------- pd.Series The unsustainable biomass potential for the given resource type or regex. """ if "|" in resource_type: resource_potential = df_unsustainable.filter(regex=resource_type).sum(axis=1) else: resource_potential = df_unsustainable[resource_type] return ( df.apply( lambda c: c.sum() / df.loc[df.index.str[:2] == c.name[:2]].sum().sum() * resource_potential.loc[c.name[:2]], axis=1, ) .mul(share_unsus) .clip(lower=0) ) def build_nuts_population_data(year=2013): pop = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.nuts3_population, sep=r"\,| \t|\t", engine="python", na_values=[":"], index_col=1, )[str(year)] # only countries pop.drop("EU28", inplace=True) # mapping from Cantons to NUTS3 cantons = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.swiss_cantons) cantons = cantons.set_index(cantons.HASC.str[3:]).NUTS cantons = cantons.str.pad(5, side="right", fillchar="0") # get population by NUTS3 swiss = pd.read_excel( snakemake.input.swiss_population, skiprows=3, index_col=0 ).loc["Residents in 1000"] swiss = swiss.rename(cantons).filter(like="CH") # aggregate also to higher order NUTS levels swiss = [swiss.groupby(swiss.index.str[:i]).sum() for i in range(2, 6)] # merge Europe + Switzerland pop = pd.concat([pop, pd.concat(swiss)]).to_frame("total") # add missing manually pop["AL"] = 2778 pop["BA"] = 3234 pop["RS"] = 6664 pop["ME"] = 617 pop["XK"] = 1587 pop["ct"] = pop.index.str[:2] return pop def enspreso_biomass_potentials(year=2020, scenario="ENS_Low"): """ Loads the JRC ENSPRESO biomass potentials. Parameters ---------- year : int The year for which potentials are to be taken. Can be {2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, 2050}. scenario : str The scenario. Can be {"ENS_Low", "ENS_Med", "ENS_High"}. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Biomass potentials for given year and scenario in TWh/a by commodity and NUTS2 region. """ glossary = pd.read_excel( str(snakemake.input.enspreso_biomass), sheet_name="Glossary", usecols="B:D", skiprows=1, index_col=0, ) df = pd.read_excel( str(snakemake.input.enspreso_biomass), sheet_name="ENER - NUTS2 BioCom E", usecols="A:H", ) df["group"] = df["E-Comm"].map(glossary.group) df["commodity"] = df["E-Comm"].map(glossary.description) to_rename = { "NUTS2 Potential available by Bio Commodity": "potential", "NUST2": "NUTS2", } df.rename(columns=to_rename, inplace=True) # fill up with NUTS0 if NUTS2 is not given df.NUTS2 = df.apply(lambda x: x.NUTS0 if x.NUTS2 == "-" else x.NUTS2, axis=1) # convert PJ to TWh df.potential /= 3.6 df.Unit = "TWh/a" dff = df.query("Year == @year and Scenario == @scenario") bio = dff.groupby(["NUTS2", "commodity"]).potential.sum().unstack() return bio def disaggregate_nuts0(bio): """ Some commodities are only given on NUTS0 level. These are disaggregated here using the NUTS2 population as distribution key. Parameters ---------- bio : pd.DataFrame from enspreso_biomass_potentials() Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ pop = build_nuts_population_data() # get population in nuts2 pop_nuts2 = pop.loc[pop.index.str.len() == 4].copy() by_country = pop_nuts2.total.groupby(pop_nuts2.ct).sum() pop_nuts2["fraction"] = pop_nuts2.total / pop_nuts2.ct.map(by_country) # distribute nuts0 data to nuts2 by population bio_nodal = bio.loc[pop_nuts2.ct] bio_nodal.index = pop_nuts2.index bio_nodal = bio_nodal.mul(pop_nuts2.fraction, axis=0).astype(float) # update inplace bio.update(bio_nodal) return bio def build_nuts2_shapes(): """ - load NUTS2 geometries - add RS, AL, BA country shapes (not covered in NUTS 2013) - consistently name ME, MK """ nuts2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame( gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.nuts2).set_index("NUTS_ID").geometry ) countries = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.country_shapes).set_index("name") missing_iso2 = countries.index.intersection(["AL", "RS", "XK", "BA"]) missing = countries.loc[missing_iso2] nuts2.rename(index={"ME00": "ME", "MK00": "MK"}, inplace=True) return pd.concat([nuts2, missing]) def area(gdf): """ Returns area of GeoDataFrame geometries in square kilometers. """ return gdf.to_crs(epsg=3035).area.div(1e6) def convert_nuts2_to_regions(bio_nuts2, regions): """ Converts biomass potentials given in NUTS2 to PyPSA-Eur regions based on the overlay of both GeoDataFrames in proportion to the area. Parameters ---------- bio_nuts2 : gpd.GeoDataFrame JRC ENSPRESO biomass potentials indexed by NUTS2 shapes. regions : gpd.GeoDataFrame PyPSA-Eur clustered onshore regions Returns ------- gpd.GeoDataFrame """ # calculate area of nuts2 regions bio_nuts2["area_nuts2"] = area(bio_nuts2) overlay = gpd.overlay(regions, bio_nuts2, keep_geom_type=True) # calculate share of nuts2 area inside region overlay["share"] = area(overlay) / overlay["area_nuts2"] # multiply all nuts2-level values with share of nuts2 inside region adjust_cols = overlay.columns.difference( {"name", "area_nuts2", "geometry", "share"} ) overlay[adjust_cols] = overlay[adjust_cols].multiply(overlay["share"], axis=0) bio_regions = overlay.dissolve("name", aggfunc="sum") bio_regions.drop(["area_nuts2", "share"], axis=1, inplace=True) return bio_regions def add_unsustainable_potentials(df): """ Add unsustainable biomass potentials to the given dataframe. The difference between the data of JRC and Eurostat is assumed to be unsustainable biomass. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame The dataframe with sustainable biomass potentials. unsustainable_biomass : str Path to the file with unsustainable biomass potentials. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The dataframe with added unsustainable biomass potentials. """ if "GB" in snakemake.config["countries"]: latest_year = 2019 else: latest_year = 2021 idees_rename = {"GR": "EL", "GB": "UK"} df_unsustainable = ( build_eurostat( countries=snakemake.config["countries"], input_eurostat=snakemake.input.eurostat, nprocesses=int(snakemake.threads), ) .xs( max(min(latest_year, int(snakemake.wildcards.planning_horizons)), 1990), level=1, ) .xs("Primary production", level=2) .droplevel([1, 2, 3]) ) df_unsustainable.index = df_unsustainable.index.str.strip() df_unsustainable = df_unsustainable.rename( {v: k for k, v in idees_rename.items()}, axis=0 ) bio_carriers = [ "Primary solid biofuels", "Biogases", "Renewable municipal waste", "Pure biogasoline", "Blended biogasoline", "Pure biodiesels", "Blended biodiesels", "Pure bio jet kerosene", "Blended bio jet kerosene", "Other liquid biofuels", ] df_unsustainable = df_unsustainable[bio_carriers] # Phase out unsustainable biomass potentials linearly from 2020 to 2035 while phasing in sustainable potentials share_unsus = params.get("share_unsustainable_use_retained").get(investment_year) df_wo_ch = df.drop(df.filter(regex=r"CH\d", axis=0).index) # Calculate unsustainable solid biomass df_wo_ch["unsustainable solid biomass"] = _calc_unsustainable_potential( df_wo_ch, df_unsustainable, share_unsus, "Primary solid biofuels" ) # Calculate unsustainable biogas df_wo_ch["unsustainable biogas"] = _calc_unsustainable_potential( df_wo_ch, df_unsustainable, share_unsus, "Biogases" ) # Calculate unsustainable bioliquids df_wo_ch["unsustainable bioliquids"] = _calc_unsustainable_potential( df_wo_ch, df_unsustainable, share_unsus, resource_type="gasoline|diesel|kerosene|liquid", ) share_sus = params.get("share_sustainable_potential_available").get(investment_year) df.loc[df_wo_ch.index] *= share_sus df = df.join(df_wo_ch.filter(like="unsustainable")).fillna(0) return df if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake( "build_biomass_potentials", simpl="", clusters="39", planning_horizons=2050, ) configure_logging(snakemake) set_scenario_config(snakemake) overnight = snakemake.config["foresight"] == "overnight" params = snakemake.params.biomass investment_year = int(snakemake.wildcards.planning_horizons) year = params["year"] if overnight else investment_year scenario = params["scenario"] if year > 2050: logger.info("No biomass potentials for years after 2050, using 2050.") max_year = max(AVAILABLE_BIOMASS_YEARS) enspreso = enspreso_biomass_potentials(max_year, scenario) elif year not in AVAILABLE_BIOMASS_YEARS: before = int(np.floor(year / 10) * 10) after = int(np.ceil(year / 10) * 10) logger.info( f"No biomass potentials for {year}, interpolating linearly between {before} and {after}." ) enspreso_before = enspreso_biomass_potentials(before, scenario) enspreso_after = enspreso_biomass_potentials(after, scenario) fraction = (year - before) / (after - before) enspreso = enspreso_before + fraction * (enspreso_after - enspreso_before) else: logger.info(f"Using biomass potentials for {year}.") enspreso = enspreso_biomass_potentials(year, scenario) enspreso = disaggregate_nuts0(enspreso) nuts2 = build_nuts2_shapes() df_nuts2 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(nuts2.geometry).join(enspreso) regions = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.regions_onshore) df = convert_nuts2_to_regions(df_nuts2, regions) df.to_csv(snakemake.output.biomass_potentials_all) grouper = {v: k for k, vv in params["classes"].items() for v in vv} df = df.T.groupby(grouper).sum().T df = add_unsustainable_potentials(df) df *= 1e6 # TWh/a to MWh/a df.index.name = "MWh/a" df.to_csv(snakemake.output.biomass_potentials)