# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 run: name: "validation" # use this to keep track of runs with different settings scenario: ll: # allowed transmission line volume expansion, can be any float >= 1.0 with a prefix v|c (today) or "copt" - v1.0 clusters: # number of nodes in Europe, any integer between 37 (1 node per country-zone) and several hundred - 37 opts: # only relevant for PyPSA-Eur - 'Ept' snapshots: start: "2019-01-01" end: "2020-01-01" inclusive: 'left' # include start, not end enable: retrieve_cutout: false electricity: co2limit: 1e9 extendable_carriers: Generator: [] StorageUnit: [] # battery, H2 Store: [] Link: [] # H2 pipeline # use pandas query strings here, e.g. Country not in ['Germany'] powerplants_filter: not (DateOut < 2019) conventional_carriers: [nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass] renewable_carriers: [solar, onwind, offwind-ac, offwind-dc, hydro] estimate_renewable_capacities: year: 2019 atlite: default_cutout: europe-2019-era5 cutouts: # use 'base' to determine geographical bounds and time span from config # base: # module: era5 europe-2019-era5: module: era5 # in priority order x: [-12., 35.] y: [33., 72] dx: 0.3 dy: 0.3 time: ['2019', '2019'] renewable: onwind: cutout: europe-2019-era5 offwind-ac: cutout: europe-2019-era5 offwind-dc: cutout: europe-2019-era5 solar: cutout: europe-2019-era5 hydro: cutout: europe-2019-era5 flatten_dispatch: 0.01 conventional: unit_commitment: false dynamic_fuel_price: true nuclear: p_max_pu: "data/nuclear_p_max_pu.csv" # float of file name biomass: p_max_pu: 0.65 load: power_statistics: false # only for files from <2019; set false in order to get ENTSOE transparency data lines: s_max_pu: 0.25 under_construction: 'remove' # 'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove, 'keep': with full capacity links: include_tyndp: false costs: year: 2020 emission_prices: # in currency per tonne emission, only used with the option Ep co2: 25 clustering: simplify_network: exclude_carriers: [oil, coal, lignite, OCGT, CCGT] cluster_network: consider_efficiency_classes: true solving: #tmpdir: "path/to/tmp" options: load_shedding: true rolling_horizon: false horizon: 1000 overlap: 48