# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Adds existing power and heat generation capacities for initial planning horizon. """ import logging from types import SimpleNamespace import country_converter as coco import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pypsa import xarray as xr from _helpers import ( configure_logging, set_scenario_config, update_config_with_sector_opts, ) from add_electricity import sanitize_carriers from prepare_sector_network import cluster_heat_buses, define_spatial, prepare_costs logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cc = coco.CountryConverter() idx = pd.IndexSlice spatial = SimpleNamespace() def add_build_year_to_new_assets(n, baseyear): """ Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network baseyear : int year in which optimized assets are built """ # Give assets with lifetimes and no build year the build year baseyear for c in n.iterate_components(["Link", "Generator", "Store"]): assets = c.df.index[(c.df.lifetime != np.inf) & (c.df.build_year == 0)] c.df.loc[assets, "build_year"] = baseyear # add -baseyear to name rename = pd.Series(c.df.index, c.df.index) rename[assets] += f"-{str(baseyear)}" c.df.rename(index=rename, inplace=True) # rename time-dependent selection = n.component_attrs[c.name].type.str.contains( "series" ) & n.component_attrs[c.name].status.str.contains("Input") for attr in n.component_attrs[c.name].index[selection]: c.pnl[attr] = c.pnl[attr].rename(columns=rename) def add_existing_renewables(df_agg): """ Append existing renewables to the df_agg pd.DataFrame with the conventional power plants. """ carriers = {"solar": "solar", "onwind": "onwind", "offwind": "offwind-ac"} for tech in ["solar", "onwind", "offwind"]: carrier = carriers[tech] df = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input[f"existing_{tech}"], index_col=0).fillna(0.0) df.columns = df.columns.astype(int) df.index = cc.convert(df.index, to="iso2") # calculate yearly differences df.insert(loc=0, value=0.0, column="1999") df = df.diff(axis=1).drop("1999", axis=1).clip(lower=0) # distribute capacities among nodes according to capacity factor # weighting with nodal_fraction elec_buses = n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier == "AC"].union( n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier == "DC"] ) nodal_fraction = pd.Series(0.0, elec_buses) for country in n.buses.loc[elec_buses, "country"].unique(): gens = n.generators.index[ (n.generators.index.str[:2] == country) & (n.generators.carrier == carrier) ] cfs = n.generators_t.p_max_pu[gens].mean() cfs_key = cfs / cfs.sum() nodal_fraction.loc[n.generators.loc[gens, "bus"]] = cfs_key.groupby( n.generators.loc[gens, "bus"] ).sum() nodal_df = df.loc[n.buses.loc[elec_buses, "country"]] nodal_df.index = elec_buses nodal_df = nodal_df.multiply(nodal_fraction, axis=0) for year in nodal_df.columns: for node in nodal_df.index: name = f"{node}-{tech}-{year}" capacity = nodal_df.loc[node, year] if capacity > 0.0: df_agg.at[name, "Fueltype"] = tech df_agg.at[name, "Capacity"] = capacity df_agg.at[name, "DateIn"] = year df_agg.at[name, "cluster_bus"] = node def add_power_capacities_installed_before_baseyear(n, grouping_years, costs, baseyear): """ Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network grouping_years : intervals to group existing capacities costs : to read lifetime to estimate YearDecomissioning baseyear : int """ logger.debug( f"Adding power capacities installed before {baseyear} from powerplants.csv" ) df_agg = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.powerplants, index_col=0) rename_fuel = { "Hard Coal": "coal", "Lignite": "lignite", "Nuclear": "nuclear", "Oil": "oil", "OCGT": "OCGT", "CCGT": "CCGT", "Bioenergy": "urban central solid biomass CHP", } # Replace Fueltype "Natural Gas" with the respective technology (OCGT or CCGT) df_agg.loc[df_agg["Fueltype"] == "Natural Gas", "Fueltype"] = df_agg.loc[ df_agg["Fueltype"] == "Natural Gas", "Technology" ] fueltype_to_drop = [ "Hydro", "Wind", "Solar", "Geothermal", "Waste", "Other", "CCGT, Thermal", ] technology_to_drop = ["Pv", "Storage Technologies"] # drop unused fueltyps and technologies df_agg.drop(df_agg.index[df_agg.Fueltype.isin(fueltype_to_drop)], inplace=True) df_agg.drop(df_agg.index[df_agg.Technology.isin(technology_to_drop)], inplace=True) df_agg.Fueltype = df_agg.Fueltype.map(rename_fuel) # Intermediate fix for DateIn & DateOut # Fill missing DateIn biomass_i = df_agg.loc[df_agg.Fueltype == "urban central solid biomass CHP"].index mean = df_agg.loc[biomass_i, "DateIn"].mean() df_agg.loc[biomass_i, "DateIn"] = df_agg.loc[biomass_i, "DateIn"].fillna(int(mean)) # Fill missing DateOut dateout = ( df_agg.loc[biomass_i, "DateIn"] + snakemake.params.costs["fill_values"]["lifetime"] ) df_agg.loc[biomass_i, "DateOut"] = df_agg.loc[biomass_i, "DateOut"].fillna(dateout) # drop assets which are already phased out / decommissioned phased_out = df_agg[df_agg["DateOut"] < baseyear].index df_agg.drop(phased_out, inplace=True) # calculate remaining lifetime before phase-out (+1 because assuming # phase out date at the end of the year) df_agg["lifetime"] = df_agg.DateOut - df_agg.DateIn + 1 # assign clustered bus busmap_s = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.busmap_s, index_col=0).squeeze() busmap = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.busmap, index_col=0).squeeze() inv_busmap = {} for k, v in busmap.items(): inv_busmap[v] = inv_busmap.get(v, []) + [k] clustermaps = busmap_s.map(busmap) clustermaps.index = clustermaps.index.astype(int) df_agg["cluster_bus"] = df_agg.bus.map(clustermaps) # include renewables in df_agg add_existing_renewables(df_agg) df_agg["grouping_year"] = np.take( grouping_years, np.digitize(df_agg.DateIn, grouping_years, right=True) ) df = df_agg.pivot_table( index=["grouping_year", "Fueltype"], columns="cluster_bus", values="Capacity", aggfunc="sum", ) lifetime = df_agg.pivot_table( index=["grouping_year", "Fueltype"], columns="cluster_bus", values="lifetime", aggfunc="mean", # currently taken mean for clustering lifetimes ) carrier = { "OCGT": "gas", "CCGT": "gas", "coal": "coal", "oil": "oil", "lignite": "lignite", "nuclear": "uranium", "urban central solid biomass CHP": "biomass", } for grouping_year, generator in df.index: # capacity is the capacity in MW at each node for this capacity = df.loc[grouping_year, generator] capacity = capacity[~capacity.isna()] capacity = capacity[ capacity > snakemake.params.existing_capacities["threshold_capacity"] ] suffix = "-ac" if generator == "offwind" else "" name_suffix = f" {generator}{suffix}-{grouping_year}" asset_i = capacity.index + name_suffix if generator in ["solar", "onwind", "offwind"]: # to consider electricity grid connection costs or a split between # solar utility and rooftop as well, rather take cost assumptions # from existing network than from the cost database capital_cost = n.generators.loc[ n.generators.carrier == generator + suffix, "capital_cost" ].mean() marginal_cost = n.generators.loc[ n.generators.carrier == generator + suffix, "marginal_cost" ].mean() # check if assets are already in network (e.g. for 2020) already_build = n.generators.index.intersection(asset_i) new_build = asset_i.difference(n.generators.index) # this is for the year 2020 if not already_build.empty: n.generators.loc[already_build, "p_nom_min"] = capacity.loc[ already_build.str.replace(name_suffix, "") ].values new_capacity = capacity.loc[new_build.str.replace(name_suffix, "")] if "m" in snakemake.wildcards.clusters: for ind in new_capacity.index: # existing capacities are split evenly among regions in every country inv_ind = list(inv_busmap[ind]) # for offshore the splitting only includes coastal regions inv_ind = [ i for i in inv_ind if (i + name_suffix) in n.generators.index ] p_max_pu = n.generators_t.p_max_pu[ [i + name_suffix for i in inv_ind] ] p_max_pu.columns = [i + name_suffix for i in inv_ind] n.madd( "Generator", [i + name_suffix for i in inv_ind], bus=ind, carrier=generator, p_nom=new_capacity[ind] / len(inv_ind), # split among regions in a country marginal_cost=marginal_cost, capital_cost=capital_cost, efficiency=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"], p_max_pu=p_max_pu, build_year=grouping_year, lifetime=costs.at[generator, "lifetime"], ) else: p_max_pu = n.generators_t.p_max_pu[ capacity.index + f" {generator}{suffix}-{baseyear}" ] if not new_build.empty: n.madd( "Generator", new_capacity.index, suffix=" " + name_suffix, bus=new_capacity.index, carrier=generator, p_nom=new_capacity, marginal_cost=marginal_cost, capital_cost=capital_cost, efficiency=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"], p_max_pu=p_max_pu.rename(columns=n.generators.bus), build_year=grouping_year, lifetime=costs.at[generator, "lifetime"], ) else: bus0 = vars(spatial)[carrier[generator]].nodes if "EU" not in vars(spatial)[carrier[generator]].locations: bus0 = bus0.intersection(capacity.index + " " + carrier[generator]) # check for missing bus missing_bus = pd.Index(bus0).difference(n.buses.index) if not missing_bus.empty: logger.info(f"add buses {bus0}") n.madd( "Bus", bus0, carrier=generator, location=vars(spatial)[carrier[generator]].locations, unit="MWh_el", ) already_build = n.links.index.intersection(asset_i) new_build = asset_i.difference(n.links.index) lifetime_assets = lifetime.loc[grouping_year, generator].dropna() # this is for the year 2020 if not already_build.empty: n.links.loc[already_build, "p_nom_min"] = capacity.loc[ already_build.str.replace(name_suffix, "") ].values if not new_build.empty: new_capacity = capacity.loc[new_build.str.replace(name_suffix, "")] if generator != "urban central solid biomass CHP": n.madd( "Link", new_capacity.index, suffix=name_suffix, bus0=bus0, bus1=new_capacity.index, bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier=generator, marginal_cost=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"] * costs.at[generator, "VOM"], # NB: VOM is per MWel capital_cost=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"] * costs.at[generator, "fixed"], # NB: fixed cost is per MWel p_nom=new_capacity / costs.at[generator, "efficiency"], efficiency=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at[carrier[generator], "CO2 intensity"], build_year=grouping_year, lifetime=lifetime_assets.loc[new_capacity.index], ) else: key = "central solid biomass CHP" n.madd( "Link", new_capacity.index, suffix=name_suffix, bus0=spatial.biomass.df.loc[new_capacity.index]["nodes"].values, bus1=new_capacity.index, bus2=new_capacity.index + " urban central heat", carrier=generator, p_nom=new_capacity / costs.at[key, "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at[key, "fixed"] * costs.at[key, "efficiency"], marginal_cost=costs.at[key, "VOM"], efficiency=costs.at[key, "efficiency"], build_year=grouping_year, efficiency2=costs.at[key, "efficiency-heat"], lifetime=lifetime_assets.loc[new_capacity.index], ) # check if existing capacities are larger than technical potential existing_large = n.generators[ n.generators["p_nom_min"] > n.generators["p_nom_max"] ].index if len(existing_large): logger.warning( f"Existing capacities larger than technical potential for {existing_large},\ adjust technical potential to existing capacities" ) n.generators.loc[existing_large, "p_nom_max"] = n.generators.loc[ existing_large, "p_nom_min" ] def add_heating_capacities_installed_before_baseyear( n, baseyear, grouping_years, ashp_cop, gshp_cop, time_dep_hp_cop, costs, default_lifetime, ): """ Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network baseyear : last year covered in the existing capacities database grouping_years : intervals to group existing capacities linear decommissioning of heating capacities from 2020 to 2045 is currently assumed heating capacities split between residential and services proportional to heating load in both 50% capacities in rural busess 50% in urban buses """ logger.debug(f"Adding heating capacities installed before {baseyear}") existing_heating = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.existing_heating_distribution, header=[0, 1], index_col=0 ) techs = existing_heating.columns.get_level_values(1).unique() for name in existing_heating.columns.get_level_values(0).unique(): name_type = "central" if name == "urban central" else "decentral" nodes = pd.Index(n.buses.location[n.buses.index.str.contains(f"{name} heat")]) heat_pump_type = "air" if "urban" in name else "ground" # Add heat pumps costs_name = f"decentral {heat_pump_type}-sourced heat pump" cop = {"air": ashp_cop, "ground": gshp_cop} if time_dep_hp_cop: efficiency = cop[heat_pump_type][nodes] else: efficiency = costs.at[costs_name, "efficiency"] for i, grouping_year in enumerate(grouping_years): if int(grouping_year) + default_lifetime <= int(baseyear): continue # installation is assumed to be linear for the past default_lifetime years ratio = (int(grouping_year) - int(grouping_years[i - 1])) / default_lifetime n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=f" {name} {heat_pump_type} heat pump-{grouping_year}", bus0=nodes, bus1=nodes + " " + name + " heat", carrier=f"{name} {heat_pump_type} heat pump", efficiency=efficiency, capital_cost=costs.at[costs_name, "efficiency"] * costs.at[costs_name, "fixed"], p_nom=existing_heating.loc[nodes, (name, f"{heat_pump_type} heat pump")] * ratio / costs.at[costs_name, "efficiency"], build_year=int(grouping_year), lifetime=costs.at[costs_name, "lifetime"], ) # add resistive heater, gas boilers and oil boilers n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=f" {name} resistive heater-{grouping_year}", bus0=nodes, bus1=nodes + " " + name + " heat", carrier=name + " resistive heater", efficiency=costs.at[f"{name_type} resistive heater", "efficiency"], capital_cost=( costs.at[f"{name_type} resistive heater", "efficiency"] * costs.at[f"{name_type} resistive heater", "fixed"] ), p_nom=( existing_heating.loc[nodes, (name, "resistive heater")] * ratio / costs.at[f"{name_type} resistive heater", "efficiency"] ), build_year=int(grouping_year), lifetime=costs.at[f"{name_type} resistive heater", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=f" {name} gas boiler-{grouping_year}", bus0="EU gas" if "EU gas" in spatial.gas.nodes else nodes + " gas", bus1=nodes + " " + name + " heat", bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier=name + " gas boiler", efficiency=costs.at[f"{name_type} gas boiler", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=( costs.at[f"{name_type} gas boiler", "efficiency"] * costs.at[f"{name_type} gas boiler", "fixed"] ), p_nom=( existing_heating.loc[nodes, (name, "gas boiler")] * ratio / costs.at[f"{name_type} gas boiler", "efficiency"] ), build_year=int(grouping_year), lifetime=costs.at[f"{name_type} gas boiler", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=f" {name} oil boiler-{grouping_year}", bus0=spatial.oil.nodes, bus1=nodes + " " + name + " heat", bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier=name + " oil boiler", efficiency=costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "efficiency"] * costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "fixed"], p_nom=( existing_heating.loc[nodes, (name, "oil boiler")] * ratio / costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "efficiency"] ), build_year=int(grouping_year), lifetime=costs.at[f"{name_type} gas boiler", "lifetime"], ) # delete links with p_nom=nan corresponding to extra nodes in country n.mremove( "Link", [ index for index in n.links.index.to_list() if str(grouping_year) in index and np.isnan(n.links.p_nom[index]) ], ) # delete links with capacities below threshold threshold = snakemake.params.existing_capacities["threshold_capacity"] n.mremove( "Link", [ index for index in n.links.index.to_list() if str(grouping_year) in index and n.links.p_nom[index] < threshold ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake( "add_existing_baseyear", # configfiles="config/test/config.myopic.yaml", simpl="", clusters="37", ll="v1.0", opts="", sector_opts="1p7-4380H-T-H-B-I-A-dist1", planning_horizons=2020, ) configure_logging(snakemake) set_scenario_config(snakemake) update_config_with_sector_opts(snakemake.config, snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts) options = snakemake.params.sector opts = snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts.split("-") baseyear = snakemake.params.baseyear n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network) # define spatial resolution of carriers spatial = define_spatial(n.buses[n.buses.carrier == "AC"].index, options) add_build_year_to_new_assets(n, baseyear) Nyears = n.snapshot_weightings.generators.sum() / 8760.0 costs = prepare_costs( snakemake.input.costs, snakemake.params.costs, Nyears, ) grouping_years_power = snakemake.params.existing_capacities["grouping_years_power"] grouping_years_heat = snakemake.params.existing_capacities["grouping_years_heat"] add_power_capacities_installed_before_baseyear( n, grouping_years_power, costs, baseyear ) if "H" in opts: time_dep_hp_cop = options["time_dep_hp_cop"] ashp_cop = ( xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.cop_air_total) .to_pandas() .reindex(index=n.snapshots) ) gshp_cop = ( xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.cop_soil_total) .to_pandas() .reindex(index=n.snapshots) ) default_lifetime = snakemake.params.existing_capacities[ "default_heating_lifetime" ] add_heating_capacities_installed_before_baseyear( n, baseyear, grouping_years_heat, ashp_cop, gshp_cop, time_dep_hp_cop, costs, default_lifetime, ) if options.get("cluster_heat_buses", False): cluster_heat_buses(n) n.meta = dict(snakemake.config, **dict(wildcards=dict(snakemake.wildcards))) sanitize_carriers(n, snakemake.config) n.export_to_netcdf(snakemake.output[0])