# coding: utf-8 import pandas as pd idx = pd.IndexSlice import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import os import re import numpy as np import scipy as sp from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components, dijkstra import xarray as xr import geopandas as gpd import shapely import networkx as nx from six import iteritems from six.moves import reduce import pypsa from pypsa.io import import_components_from_dataframe, import_series_from_dataframe from pypsa.networkclustering import (busmap_by_stubs, busmap_by_kmeans, _make_consense, get_clustering_from_busmap, aggregategenerators, aggregateoneport) from cluster_network import clustering_for_n_clusters, cluster_regions from add_electricity import load_costs def simplify_network_to_380(n): ## All goes to v_nom == 380 logger.info("Mapping all network lines onto a single 380kV layer") n.buses['v_nom'] = 380. linetype_380, = n.lines.loc[n.lines.v_nom == 380., 'type'].unique() lines_v_nom_b = n.lines.v_nom != 380. n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'num_parallel'] *= (n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'v_nom'] / 380.)**2 n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'v_nom'] = 380. n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'type'] = linetype_380 n.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 's_nom'] = ( np.sqrt(3) * n.lines['type'].map(n.line_types.i_nom) * n.lines.bus0.map(n.buses.v_nom) * n.lines.num_parallel ) # Replace transformers by lines trafo_map = pd.Series(n.transformers.bus1.values, index=n.transformers.bus0.values) trafo_map = trafo_map[~trafo_map.index.duplicated(keep='first')] several_trafo_b = trafo_map.isin(trafo_map.index) trafo_map.loc[several_trafo_b] = trafo_map.loc[several_trafo_b].map(trafo_map) missing_buses_i = n.buses.index.difference(trafo_map.index) trafo_map = trafo_map.append(pd.Series(missing_buses_i, missing_buses_i)) for c in n.one_port_components|n.branch_components: df = n.df(c) for col in df.columns: if col.startswith('bus'): df[col] = df[col].map(trafo_map) n.mremove("Transformer", n.transformers.index) n.mremove("Bus", n.buses.index.difference(trafo_map)) return n, trafo_map def _adjust_costs_using_distance(n, distance): costs = load_costs(n.snapshot_weightings.sum() / 8760, snakemake.input.tech_costs, snakemake.config['costs'], snakemake.config['electricity']) for tech in snakemake.config['renewable']: if tech + "-grid-perlength" in costs.index: cost_perlength = costs.at[tech + "-grid-perlength", "capital_cost"] tech_b = n.generators.carrier == tech generator_distance = n.generators.loc[tech_b, ["bus"]].join(distance.rename("distance"), on="bus")['distance'].loc[lambda s: s>0] if not generator_distance.empty: n.generators.loc[generator_distance.index, "capital_cost"] += cost_perlength * generator_distance logger.info("Displacing generator(s) {}; capital_cost is adjusted accordingly" .format(", ".join("`{}` by {:.0f}km".format(b, d) for b, d in generator_distance.iteritems()))) def _aggregate_and_move_components(n, busmap, distance, aggregate_one_ports={"Load", "StorageUnit"}): def replace_components(n, c, df, pnl): n.mremove(c, n.df(c).index) import_components_from_dataframe(n, df, c) for attr, df in iteritems(pnl): if not df.empty: import_series_from_dataframe(n, df, c, attr) _adjust_costs_using_distance(n, distance) generators, generators_pnl = aggregategenerators(n, busmap) replace_components(n, "Generator", generators, generators_pnl) for one_port in aggregate_one_ports: df, pnl = aggregateoneport(n, busmap, component=one_port) replace_components(n, one_port, df, pnl) buses_to_del = n.buses.index.difference(busmap) n.mremove("Bus", buses_to_del) for c in n.branch_components: df = n.df(c) n.mremove(c, df.index[df.bus0.isin(buses_to_del) | df.bus1.isin(buses_to_del)]) def simplify_links(n): ## Complex multi-node links are folded into end-points logger.info("Simplifying connected link components") # Determine connected link components, ignore all links but DC adjacency_matrix = n.adjacency_matrix(branch_components=['Link'], weights=dict(Link=(n.links.carrier == 'DC').astype(float))) _, labels = connected_components(adjacency_matrix, directed=False) labels = pd.Series(labels, n.buses.index) G = n.graph() def split_links(nodes): nodes = frozenset(nodes) seen = set() supernodes = {m for m in nodes if len(G.adj[m]) > 2 or (set(G.adj[m]) - nodes)} for u in supernodes: for m, ls in iteritems(G.adj[u]): if m not in nodes or m in seen: continue buses = [u, m] links = [list(ls)] #[name for name in ls]] while m not in (supernodes | seen): seen.add(m) for m2, ls in iteritems(G.adj[m]): if m2 in seen or m2 == u: continue buses.append(m2) links.append(list(ls)) # [name for name in ls]) break else: # stub break m = m2 if m != u: yield pd.Index((u, m)), buses, links seen.add(u) busmap = n.buses.index.to_series() distance = pd.Series(0., n.buses.index) adjacency_matrix = n.adjacency_matrix(weights=pd.concat(dict(Link=n.links.length, Line=pd.Series(0., n.lines.index)))) for lbl in labels.value_counts().loc[lambda s: s > 2].index: for b, buses, links in split_links(labels.index[labels == lbl]): if len(buses) <= 2: continue logger.debug('nodes = {}'.format(labels.index[labels == lbl])) logger.debug('b = {}\nbuses = {}\nlinks = {}'.format(b, buses, links)) m = sp.spatial.distance_matrix(n.buses.loc[b, ['x', 'y']], n.buses.loc[buses[1:-1], ['x', 'y']]) busmap.loc[buses] = b[np.r_[0, m.argmin(axis=0), 1]] dist = dijkstra(adjacency_matrix, directed=False, indices=n.buses.index.get_indexer(buses)) distance.loc[buses] += [dist[i,j] for i, j in enumerate(n.buses.index.get_indexer(busmap.loc[buses]))] all_links = [i for _, i in sum(links, [])] p_max_pu = snakemake.config['links'].get('p_max_pu', 1.) lengths = n.links.loc[all_links, 'length'] name = lengths.idxmax() + '+{}'.format(len(links) - 1) params = dict( carrier='DC', bus0=b[0], bus1=b[1], length=sum(n.links.loc[[i for _, i in l], 'length'].mean() for l in links), p_nom=min(n.links.loc[[i for _, i in l], 'p_nom'].sum() for l in links), underwater_fraction=sum(lengths/lengths.sum() * n.links.loc[all_links, 'underwater_fraction']), p_max_pu=p_max_pu, p_min_pu=-p_max_pu, underground=False, under_construction=False ) logger.info("Joining the links {} connecting the buses {} to simple link {}".format(", ".join(all_links), ", ".join(buses), name)) n.mremove("Link", all_links) static_attrs = n.components["Link"]["attrs"].loc[lambda df: df.static] for attr, default in static_attrs.default.iteritems(): params.setdefault(attr, default) n.links.loc[name] = pd.Series(params) # n.add("Link", **params) logger.debug("Collecting all components using the busmap") _aggregate_and_move_components(n, busmap, distance) return n, busmap def remove_stubs(n): logger.info("Removing stubs") busmap = busmap_by_stubs(n, ['country']) indices, = np.where(busmap.index != busmap.values) buses = busmap.index[indices] adjacency_matrix = n.adjacency_matrix(busorder=busmap.index, weights=pd.concat(dict(Link=n.links.length, Line=pd.Series(0., n.lines.index)))) dist = dijkstra(adjacency_matrix, directed=False, indices=indices) distance = pd.Series(dist[np.arange(len(indices)), busmap.index.get_indexer(busmap.iloc[indices])], buses) logger.info("The following offshore buses are displaced: {}" .format(", ".join("{} by {:.0f}".format(b, d) for b,d in distance.loc[offwind_buses].iteritems()))) _aggregate_and_move_components(n, busmap, distance) return n, busmap if __name__ == "__main__": # Detect running outside of snakemake and mock snakemake for testing if 'snakemake' not in globals(): from vresutils.snakemake import MockSnakemake, Dict snakemake = MockSnakemake( path='..', wildcards=Dict(simpl=''), input=Dict( network='networks/elec.nc', regions_onshore='resources/regions_onshore.geojson', regions_offshore='resources/regions_offshore.geojson' ), output=Dict( network='networks/elec_s{simpl}.nc', regions_onshore='resources/regions_onshore_s{simpl}.geojson', regions_offshore='resources/regions_offshore_s{simpl}.geojson' ) ) logging.basicConfig(level=snakemake.config['logging_level']) n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network) n, trafo_map = simplify_network_to_380(n) n, simplify_links_map = simplify_links(n) n, stub_map = remove_stubs(n) busmaps = [trafo_map, simplify_links_map, stub_map] if snakemake.wildcards.simpl: n_clusters = int(snakemake.wildcards.simpl) clustering = clustering_for_n_clusters(n, n_clusters) n = clustering.network busmaps.append(clustering.busmap) n.export_to_netcdf(snakemake.output.network) busemap_s = reduce(lambda x, y: x.map(y), busmaps[1:], busmaps[0]) with pd.HDFStore(snakemake.output.clustermaps, mode='w') as store: store.put('busmap_s', busemap_s, format="table", index=False) cluster_regions(busmaps, snakemake.input, snakemake.output)