# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Concats pypsa networks of single investment periods to one network.

import logging
import re

import pandas as pd
import pypsa
from _helpers import update_config_with_sector_opts
from add_existing_baseyear import add_build_year_to_new_assets
from pypsa.descriptors import expand_series
from pypsa.io import import_components_from_dataframe
from six import iterkeys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# helper functions ---------------------------------------------------
def get_missing(df, n, c):
    Get in network n missing assets of df for component c.

        df: pandas DataFrame, static values of pypsa components
        n : pypsa Network to which new assets should be added
        c : string, pypsa component.list_name (e.g. "generators")
        pd.DataFrame with static values of missing assets
    df_final = getattr(n, c)
    missing_i = df.index.difference(df_final.index)
    return df.loc[missing_i]

def get_social_discount(t, r=0.01):
    Calculate for a given time t the social discount.
    return 1 / (1 + r) ** t

def get_investment_weighting(time_weighting, r=0.01):
    Define cost weighting.

    Returns cost weightings depending on the the time_weighting
    (pd.Series) and the social discountrate r
    end = time_weighting.cumsum()
    start = time_weighting.cumsum().shift().fillna(0)
    return pd.concat([start, end], axis=1).apply(
        lambda x: sum([get_social_discount(t, r) for t in range(int(x[0]), int(x[1]))]),

def add_year_to_constraints(n, baseyear):
    n : pypsa.Network
    baseyear : int
        year in which optimized assets are built

    for c in n.iterate_components(["GlobalConstraint"]):
        c.df["investment_period"] = baseyear
        c.df.rename(index=lambda x: x + "-" + str(baseyear), inplace=True)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def concat_networks(years):
    Concat given pypsa networks and adds build_year.

        n : pypsa.Network for the whole planning horizon

    # input paths of sector coupling networks
    network_paths = [snakemake.input.brownfield_network] + [
        snakemake.input[f"network_{year}"] for year in years[1:]
    # final concatenated network
    n = pypsa.Network()

    # iterate over single year networks and concat to perfect foresight network
    for i, network_path in enumerate(network_paths):
        year = years[i]
        network = pypsa.Network(network_path)
        network.lines["carrier"] = "AC"
        add_build_year_to_new_assets(network, year)

        # static ----------------------------------
        # (1) add buses and carriers
        for component in network.iterate_components(["Bus", "Carrier"]):
            df_year = component.df
            # get missing assets
            missing = get_missing(df_year, n, component.list_name)
            import_components_from_dataframe(n, missing, component.name)
        # (2) add generators, links, stores and loads
        for component in network.iterate_components(
            ["Generator", "Link", "Store", "Load", "Line", "StorageUnit"]
            df_year = component.df.copy()
            missing = get_missing(df_year, n, component.list_name)

            import_components_from_dataframe(n, missing, component.name)

        # time variant --------------------------------------------------
        network_sns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[year], network.snapshots])
        snapshots = n.snapshots.drop("now", errors="ignore").union(network_sns)

        for component in network.iterate_components():
            pnl = getattr(n, component.list_name + "_t")
            for k in iterkeys(component.pnl):
                pnl_year = component.pnl[k].copy().reindex(snapshots, level=1)
                if pnl_year.empty and ~(component.name == "Load" and k == "p_set"):
                if component.name == "Load":
                    static_load = network.loads.loc[network.loads.p_set != 0]
                    static_load_t = expand_series(static_load.p_set, network_sns).T
                    pnl_year = pd.concat(
                        [pnl_year.reindex(network_sns), static_load_t], axis=1
                    columns = (pnl[k].columns.union(pnl_year.columns)).unique()
                    pnl[k] = pnl[k].reindex(columns=columns)
                    pnl[k].loc[pnl_year.index, pnl_year.columns] = pnl_year

                    # this is to avoid adding multiple times assets with infinit lifetime as ror
                    cols = pnl_year.columns.difference(pnl[k].columns)
                    pnl[k] = pd.concat([pnl[k], pnl_year[cols]], axis=1)

        n.snapshot_weightings.loc[year, :] = network.snapshot_weightings.values

        # (3) global constraints
        for component in network.iterate_components(["GlobalConstraint"]):
            add_year_to_constraints(network, year)
            import_components_from_dataframe(n, component.df, component.name)

    # set investment periods
    n.investment_periods = n.snapshots.levels[0]
    # weighting of the investment period -> assuming last period same weighting as the period before
    time_w = n.investment_periods.to_series().diff().shift(-1).fillna(method="ffill")
    n.investment_period_weightings["years"] = time_w
    # set objective weightings
    objective_w = get_investment_weighting(
        n.investment_period_weightings["years"], social_discountrate
    n.investment_period_weightings["objective"] = objective_w
    # all former static loads are now time-dependent -> set static = 0
    n.loads["p_set"] = 0
    n.loads_t.p_set.fillna(0, inplace=True)

    return n

def adjust_stores(n):
    Make sure that stores still behave cyclic over one year and not whole
    modelling horizon.
    # cylclic constraint
    cyclic_i = n.stores[n.stores.e_cyclic].index
    n.stores.loc[cyclic_i, "e_cyclic_per_period"] = True
    n.stores.loc[cyclic_i, "e_cyclic"] = False
    # non cyclic store assumptions
    non_cyclic_store = ["co2", "co2 stored", "solid biomass", "biogas", "Li ion"]
    co2_i = n.stores[n.stores.carrier.isin(non_cyclic_store)].index
    n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_cyclic_per_period"] = False
    n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_cyclic"] = False
    # e_initial at beginning of each investment period
    e_initial_store = ["solid biomass", "biogas"]
    co2_i = n.stores[n.stores.carrier.isin(e_initial_store)].index
    n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_initial_per_period"] = True
    # n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_initial"] *= 10
    # n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_nom"] *= 10
    e_initial_store = ["co2 stored"]
    co2_i = n.stores[n.stores.carrier.isin(e_initial_store)].index
    n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_initial_per_period"] = True

    return n

def set_phase_out(n, carrier, ct, phase_out_year):
    Set planned phase outs for given carrier,country (ct) and planned year of
    phase out (phase_out_year).
    df = n.links[(n.links.carrier.isin(carrier)) & (n.links.bus1.str[:2] == ct)]
    # assets which are going to be phased out before end of their lifetime
    assets_i = df[df[["build_year", "lifetime"]].sum(axis=1) > phase_out_year].index
    build_year = n.links.loc[assets_i, "build_year"]
    # adjust lifetime
    n.links.loc[assets_i, "lifetime"] = (phase_out_year - build_year).astype(float)

def set_all_phase_outs(n):
    # TODO move this to a csv or to the config
    planned = [
        (["nuclear"], "DE", 2022),
        (["nuclear"], "BE", 2025),
        (["nuclear"], "ES", 2027),
        (["coal", "lignite"], "DE", 2038),
        (["coal", "lignite"], "ES", 2027),
        (["coal", "lignite"], "FR", 2022),
        (["coal", "lignite"], "GB", 2024),
        (["coal", "lignite"], "IT", 2025),
    for carrier, ct, phase_out_year in planned:
        set_phase_out(n, carrier, ct, phase_out_year)
    # remove assets which are already phased out
    remove_i = n.links[n.links[["build_year", "lifetime"]].sum(axis=1) < years[0]].index
    n.mremove("Link", remove_i)

def set_carbon_constraints(n, opts):
    Add global constraints for carbon emissions.
    budget = None
    for o in opts:
        # other budgets
        m = re.match(r"^\d+p\d$", o, re.IGNORECASE)
        if m is not None:
            budget = snakemake.config["co2_budget"][m.group(0)] * 1e9
    if budget != None:
        logger.info("add carbon budget of {}".format(budget))

        e_initial_store = ["co2 stored"]
        co2_i = n.stores[n.stores.carrier.isin(e_initial_store)].index
        n.stores.loc[co2_i, "e_initial_per_period"] = True
    # set minimum CO2 emission constraint to avoid too fast reduction
    if "co2min" in opts:
        emissions_1990 = 4.53693
        emissions_2019 = 3.344096
        target_2030 = 0.45 * emissions_1990
        annual_reduction = (emissions_2019 - target_2030) / 11
        first_year = n.snapshots.levels[0][0]
        time_weightings = n.investment_period_weightings.loc[first_year, "years"]
        co2min = emissions_2019 - ((first_year - 2019) * annual_reduction)
            "add minimum emissions for {} of {} t CO2/a".format(first_year, co2min)
            constant=co2min * 1e9 * time_weightings,
    return n

def adjust_lvlimit(n):
    c = "GlobalConstraint"
    cols = ['carrier_attribute', 'sense', "constant", "type"]
    glc_type = "transmission_volume_expansion_limit"
    if (n.df(c)[n.df(c).type==glc_type][cols].nunique()==1).all():
        glc = n.df(c)[n.df(c).type==glc_type][cols].iloc[[0]]
        glc.index = pd.Index(["lv_limit"])
        remove_i = n.df(c)[n.df(c).type==glc_type].index
        n.mremove(c, remove_i)
        import_components_from_dataframe(n, glc, c)
    return n

def adjust_CO2_glc(n):
    c = "GlobalConstraint"
    glc_name = "CO2Limit"
    glc_type = "primary_energy"
    mask = (n.df(c).index.str.contains(glc_name)) & (n.df(c).type==glc_type)
    n.df(c).loc[mask, "type"] = "co2_limit"
    return n
# %%
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if "snakemake" not in globals():
        from _helpers import mock_snakemake

        snakemake = mock_snakemake(

    update_config_with_sector_opts(snakemake.config, snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts)
    # parameters -----------------------------------------------------------
    years = snakemake.config["scenario"]["planning_horizons"]
    opts = snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts.split("-")
    social_discountrate = snakemake.config["costs"]["social_discountrate"]
    for o in opts:
        if "sdr" in o:
            social_discountrate = float(o.replace("sdr", "")) / 100

        "Concat networks of investment period {} with social discount rate of {}%".format(
            years, social_discountrate * 100

    # concat prenetworks of planning horizon to single network ------------
    n = concat_networks(years)
    # adjust global constraints lv limit if the same for all years
    n = adjust_lvlimit(n)
    # adjust global constraints CO2 limit
    n = adjust_CO2_glc(n)
    # set phase outs
    # adjust stores to multi period investment
    n = adjust_stores(n)

    # set carbon constraints
    opts = snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts.split("-")
    n = set_carbon_constraints(n, opts)

    # export network