,Unit,Values,Description map,,, -- boundaries,°,"[x1,x2,y1,y2]",Boundaries of the map plots in degrees latitude (y) and longitude (x) projection,,,, -- name,--,"Valid Cartopy projection name","See https://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/latest/reference/projections.html for list of available projections." -- args,--,--,"Other entries under 'projection' are passed as keyword arguments to the projection constructor, e.g. ``central_longitude: 10.``." costs_max,bn Euro,float,Upper y-axis limit in cost bar plots. costs_threshold,bn Euro,float,Threshold below which technologies will not be shown in cost bar plots. energy_max,TWh,float,Upper y-axis limit in energy bar plots. energy_min,TWh,float,Lower y-axis limit in energy bar plots. energy_threshold,TWh,float,Threshold below which technologies will not be shown in energy bar plots. tech_colors,--,carrier -> HEX colour code,Mapping from network ``carrier`` to a colour (`HEX colour code <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors#Hex_triplet>`_). nice_names,--,str -> str,Mapping from network ``carrier`` to a more readable name.