# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import re from itertools import product import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pypsa import xarray as xr from build_energy_totals import build_co2_totals, build_eea_co2, build_eurostat_co2 from helper import ( generate_periodic_profiles, override_component_attrs, update_config_with_sector_opts, ) from networkx.algorithms import complement from networkx.algorithms.connectivity.edge_augmentation import k_edge_augmentation from pypsa.geo import haversine_pts from pypsa.io import import_components_from_dataframe from scipy.stats import beta from vresutils.costdata import annuity logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from types import SimpleNamespace spatial = SimpleNamespace() from packaging.version import Version, parse pd_version = parse(pd.__version__) agg_group_kwargs = dict(numeric_only=False) if pd_version >= Version("1.3") else {} def define_spatial(nodes, options): """ Namespace for spatial. Parameters ---------- nodes : list-like """ global spatial spatial.nodes = nodes # biomass spatial.biomass = SimpleNamespace() if options.get("biomass_spatial", options["biomass_transport"]): spatial.biomass.nodes = nodes + " solid biomass" spatial.biomass.locations = nodes spatial.biomass.industry = nodes + " solid biomass for industry" spatial.biomass.industry_cc = nodes + " solid biomass for industry CC" else: spatial.biomass.nodes = ["EU solid biomass"] spatial.biomass.locations = ["EU"] spatial.biomass.industry = ["solid biomass for industry"] spatial.biomass.industry_cc = ["solid biomass for industry CC"] spatial.biomass.df = pd.DataFrame(vars(spatial.biomass), index=nodes) # co2 spatial.co2 = SimpleNamespace() if options["co2_spatial"]: spatial.co2.nodes = nodes + " co2 stored" spatial.co2.locations = nodes spatial.co2.vents = nodes + " co2 vent" spatial.co2.process_emissions = nodes + " process emissions" else: spatial.co2.nodes = ["co2 stored"] spatial.co2.locations = ["EU"] spatial.co2.vents = ["co2 vent"] spatial.co2.process_emissions = ["process emissions"] spatial.co2.df = pd.DataFrame(vars(spatial.co2), index=nodes) # gas spatial.gas = SimpleNamespace() if options["gas_network"]: spatial.gas.nodes = nodes + " gas" spatial.gas.locations = nodes spatial.gas.biogas = nodes + " biogas" spatial.gas.industry = nodes + " gas for industry" spatial.gas.industry_cc = nodes + " gas for industry CC" spatial.gas.biogas_to_gas = nodes + " biogas to gas" else: spatial.gas.nodes = ["EU gas"] spatial.gas.locations = ["EU"] spatial.gas.biogas = ["EU biogas"] spatial.gas.industry = ["gas for industry"] spatial.gas.biogas_to_gas = ["EU biogas to gas"] if options.get("co2_spatial", options["co2network"]): spatial.gas.industry_cc = nodes + " gas for industry CC" else: spatial.gas.industry_cc = ["gas for industry CC"] spatial.gas.df = pd.DataFrame(vars(spatial.gas), index=nodes) # ammonia if options.get("ammonia"): spatial.ammonia = SimpleNamespace() if options.get("ammonia") == "regional": spatial.ammonia.nodes = nodes + " NH3" spatial.ammonia.locations = nodes else: spatial.ammonia.nodes = ["EU NH3"] spatial.ammonia.locations = ["EU"] spatial.ammonia.df = pd.DataFrame(vars(spatial.ammonia), index=nodes) # hydrogen spatial.h2 = SimpleNamespace() spatial.h2.nodes = nodes + " H2" spatial.h2.locations = nodes # methanol spatial.methanol = SimpleNamespace() spatial.methanol.nodes = ["EU methanol"] spatial.methanol.locations = ["EU"] # oil spatial.oil = SimpleNamespace() spatial.oil.nodes = ["EU oil"] spatial.oil.locations = ["EU"] # uranium spatial.uranium = SimpleNamespace() spatial.uranium.nodes = ["EU uranium"] spatial.uranium.locations = ["EU"] # coal spatial.coal = SimpleNamespace() spatial.coal.nodes = ["EU coal"] spatial.coal.locations = ["EU"] # lignite spatial.lignite = SimpleNamespace() spatial.lignite.nodes = ["EU lignite"] spatial.lignite.locations = ["EU"] return spatial from types import SimpleNamespace spatial = SimpleNamespace() def emission_sectors_from_opts(opts): sectors = ["electricity"] if "T" in opts: sectors += ["rail non-elec", "road non-elec"] if "H" in opts: sectors += ["residential non-elec", "services non-elec"] if "I" in opts: sectors += [ "industrial non-elec", "industrial processes", "domestic aviation", "international aviation", "domestic navigation", "international navigation", ] if "A" in opts: sectors += ["agriculture"] return sectors def get(item, investment_year=None): """ Check whether item depends on investment year. """ if isinstance(item, dict): return item[investment_year] else: return item def co2_emissions_year( countries, input_eurostat, opts, emissions_scope, report_year, year ): """ Calculate CO2 emissions in one specific year (e.g. 1990 or 2018). """ emissions_scope = snakemake.config["energy"]["emissions"] eea_co2 = build_eea_co2(snakemake.input.co2, year, emissions_scope) # TODO: read Eurostat data from year > 2014 # this only affects the estimation of CO2 emissions for BA, RS, AL, ME, MK report_year = snakemake.config["energy"]["eurostat_report_year"] if year > 2014: eurostat_co2 = build_eurostat_co2( input_eurostat, countries, report_year, year=2014 ) else: eurostat_co2 = build_eurostat_co2(input_eurostat, countries, report_year, year) co2_totals = build_co2_totals(countries, eea_co2, eurostat_co2) sectors = emission_sectors_from_opts(opts) co2_emissions = co2_totals.loc[countries, sectors].sum().sum() # convert MtCO2 to GtCO2 co2_emissions *= 0.001 return co2_emissions # TODO: move to own rule with sector-opts wildcard? def build_carbon_budget(o, input_eurostat, fn, emissions_scope, report_year): """ Distribute carbon budget following beta or exponential transition path. """ # opts? if "be" in o: # beta decay carbon_budget = float(o[o.find("cb") + 2 : o.find("be")]) be = float(o[o.find("be") + 2 :]) if "ex" in o: # exponential decay carbon_budget = float(o[o.find("cb") + 2 : o.find("ex")]) r = float(o[o.find("ex") + 2 :]) countries = n.buses.country.dropna().unique() e_1990 = co2_emissions_year( countries, input_eurostat, opts, emissions_scope, report_year, year=1990 ) # emissions at the beginning of the path (last year available 2018) e_0 = co2_emissions_year( countries, input_eurostat, opts, emissions_scope, report_year, year=2018 ) planning_horizons = snakemake.config["scenario"]["planning_horizons"] t_0 = planning_horizons[0] if "be" in o: # final year in the path t_f = t_0 + (2 * carbon_budget / e_0).round(0) def beta_decay(t): cdf_term = (t - t_0) / (t_f - t_0) return (e_0 / e_1990) * (1 - beta.cdf(cdf_term, be, be)) # emissions (relative to 1990) co2_cap = pd.Series({t: beta_decay(t) for t in planning_horizons}, name=o) if "ex" in o: T = carbon_budget / e_0 m = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + r * T)) / T def exponential_decay(t): return (e_0 / e_1990) * (1 + (m + r) * (t - t_0)) * np.exp(-m * (t - t_0)) co2_cap = pd.Series( {t: exponential_decay(t) for t in planning_horizons}, name=o ) # TODO log in Snakefile csvs_folder = fn.rsplit("/", 1)[0] if not os.path.exists(csvs_folder): os.makedirs(csvs_folder) co2_cap.to_csv(fn, float_format="%.3f") def add_lifetime_wind_solar(n, costs): """ Add lifetime for solar and wind generators. """ for carrier in ["solar", "onwind", "offwind"]: gen_i = n.generators.index.str.contains(carrier) n.generators.loc[gen_i, "lifetime"] = costs.at[carrier, "lifetime"] def haversine(p): coord0 = n.buses.loc[p.bus0, ["x", "y"]].values coord1 = n.buses.loc[p.bus1, ["x", "y"]].values return 1.5 * haversine_pts(coord0, coord1) def create_network_topology( n, prefix, carriers=["DC"], connector=" -> ", bidirectional=True ): """ Create a network topology from transmission lines and link carrier selection. Parameters ---------- n : pypsa.Network prefix : str carriers : list-like connector : str bidirectional : bool, default True True: one link for each connection False: one link for each connection and direction (back and forth) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame with columns bus0, bus1, length, underwater_fraction """ ln_attrs = ["bus0", "bus1", "length"] lk_attrs = ["bus0", "bus1", "length", "underwater_fraction"] lk_attrs = n.links.columns.intersection(lk_attrs) candidates = pd.concat( [n.lines[ln_attrs], n.links.loc[n.links.carrier.isin(carriers), lk_attrs]] ).fillna(0) # base network topology purely on location not carrier candidates["bus0"] = candidates.bus0.map(n.buses.location) candidates["bus1"] = candidates.bus1.map(n.buses.location) positive_order = candidates.bus0 < candidates.bus1 candidates_p = candidates[positive_order] swap_buses = {"bus0": "bus1", "bus1": "bus0"} candidates_n = candidates[~positive_order].rename(columns=swap_buses) candidates = pd.concat([candidates_p, candidates_n]) def make_index(c): return prefix + c.bus0 + connector + c.bus1 topo = candidates.groupby(["bus0", "bus1"], as_index=False).mean() topo.index = topo.apply(make_index, axis=1) if not bidirectional: topo_reverse = topo.copy() topo_reverse.rename(columns=swap_buses, inplace=True) topo_reverse.index = topo_reverse.apply(make_index, axis=1) topo = pd.concat([topo, topo_reverse]) return topo # TODO merge issue with PyPSA-Eur def update_wind_solar_costs(n, costs): """ Update costs for wind and solar generators added with pypsa-eur to those cost in the planning year. """ # NB: solar costs are also manipulated for rooftop # when distribution grid is inserted n.generators.loc[n.generators.carrier == "solar", "capital_cost"] = costs.at[ "solar-utility", "fixed" ] n.generators.loc[n.generators.carrier == "onwind", "capital_cost"] = costs.at[ "onwind", "fixed" ] # for offshore wind, need to calculated connection costs # assign clustered bus # map initial network -> simplified network busmap_s = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.busmap_s, index_col=0).squeeze() busmap_s.index = busmap_s.index.astype(str) busmap_s = busmap_s.astype(str) # map simplified network -> clustered network busmap = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.busmap, index_col=0).squeeze() busmap.index = busmap.index.astype(str) busmap = busmap.astype(str) # map initial network -> clustered network clustermaps = busmap_s.map(busmap) # code adapted from pypsa-eur/scripts/add_electricity.py for connection in ["dc", "ac"]: tech = "offwind-" + connection profile = snakemake.input["profile_offwind_" + connection] with xr.open_dataset(profile) as ds: underwater_fraction = ds["underwater_fraction"].to_pandas() connection_cost = ( snakemake.config["lines"]["length_factor"] * ds["average_distance"].to_pandas() * ( underwater_fraction * costs.at[tech + "-connection-submarine", "fixed"] + (1.0 - underwater_fraction) * costs.at[tech + "-connection-underground", "fixed"] ) ) # convert to aggregated clusters with weighting weight = ds["weight"].to_pandas() # e.g. clusters == 37m means that VRE generators are left # at clustering of simplified network, but that they are # connected to 37-node network if snakemake.wildcards.clusters[-1:] == "m": genmap = busmap_s else: genmap = clustermaps connection_cost = (connection_cost * weight).groupby( genmap ).sum() / weight.groupby(genmap).sum() capital_cost = ( costs.at["offwind", "fixed"] + costs.at[tech + "-station", "fixed"] + connection_cost ) logger.info( "Added connection cost of {:0.0f}-{:0.0f} Eur/MW/a to {}".format( connection_cost[0].min(), connection_cost[0].max(), tech ) ) n.generators.loc[ n.generators.carrier == tech, "capital_cost" ] = capital_cost.rename(index=lambda node: node + " " + tech) def add_carrier_buses(n, carrier, nodes=None): """ Add buses to connect e.g. coal, nuclear and oil plants. """ if nodes is None: nodes = vars(spatial)[carrier].nodes location = vars(spatial)[carrier].locations # skip if carrier already exists if carrier in n.carriers.index: return if not isinstance(nodes, pd.Index): nodes = pd.Index(nodes) n.add("Carrier", carrier) unit = "MWh_LHV" if carrier == "gas" else "MWh_th" n.madd("Bus", nodes, location=location, carrier=carrier, unit=unit) # capital cost could be corrected to e.g. 0.2 EUR/kWh * annuity and O&M n.madd( "Store", nodes + " Store", bus=nodes, e_nom_extendable=True, e_cyclic=True, carrier=carrier, capital_cost=0.2 * costs.at[carrier, "discount rate"], # preliminary value to avoid zeros ) n.madd( "Generator", nodes, bus=nodes, p_nom_extendable=True, carrier=carrier, marginal_cost=costs.at[carrier, "fuel"], ) # TODO: PyPSA-Eur merge issue def remove_elec_base_techs(n): """ Remove conventional generators (e.g. OCGT) and storage units (e.g. batteries and H2) from base electricity-only network, since they're added here differently using links. """ for c in n.iterate_components(snakemake.config["pypsa_eur"]): to_keep = snakemake.config["pypsa_eur"][c.name] to_remove = pd.Index(c.df.carrier.unique()).symmetric_difference(to_keep) if to_remove.empty: continue logger.info(f"Removing {c.list_name} with carrier {list(to_remove)}") names = c.df.index[c.df.carrier.isin(to_remove)] n.mremove(c.name, names) n.carriers.drop(to_remove, inplace=True, errors="ignore") # TODO: PyPSA-Eur merge issue def remove_non_electric_buses(n): """ Remove buses from pypsa-eur with carriers which are not AC buses. """ to_drop = list(n.buses.query("carrier not in ['AC', 'DC']").carrier.unique()) if to_drop: logger.info(f"Drop buses from PyPSA-Eur with carrier: {to_drop}") n.buses = n.buses[n.buses.carrier.isin(["AC", "DC"])] def patch_electricity_network(n): remove_elec_base_techs(n) remove_non_electric_buses(n) update_wind_solar_costs(n, costs) n.loads["carrier"] = "electricity" n.buses["location"] = n.buses.index n.buses["unit"] = "MWh_el" # remove trailing white space of load index until new PyPSA version after v0.18. n.loads.rename(lambda x: x.strip(), inplace=True) n.loads_t.p_set.rename(lambda x: x.strip(), axis=1, inplace=True) def add_co2_tracking(n, options): # minus sign because opposite to how fossil fuels used: # CH4 burning puts CH4 down, atmosphere up n.add("Carrier", "co2", co2_emissions=-1.0) # this tracks CO2 in the atmosphere n.add("Bus", "co2 atmosphere", location="EU", carrier="co2", unit="t_co2") # can also be negative n.add( "Store", "co2 atmosphere", e_nom_extendable=True, e_min_pu=-1, carrier="co2", bus="co2 atmosphere", ) # this tracks CO2 stored, e.g. underground n.madd( "Bus", spatial.co2.nodes, location=spatial.co2.locations, carrier="co2 stored", unit="t_co2", ) if options["regional_co2_sequestration_potential"]["enable"]: upper_limit = ( options["regional_co2_sequestration_potential"]["max_size"] * 1e3 ) # Mt annualiser = options["regional_co2_sequestration_potential"]["years_of_storage"] e_nom_max = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.sequestration_potential, index_col=0 ).squeeze() e_nom_max = ( e_nom_max.reindex(spatial.co2.locations) .fillna(0.0) .clip(upper=upper_limit) .mul(1e6) / annualiser ) # t e_nom_max = e_nom_max.rename(index=lambda x: x + " co2 stored") else: e_nom_max = np.inf n.madd( "Store", spatial.co2.nodes, e_nom_extendable=True, e_nom_max=e_nom_max, capital_cost=options["co2_sequestration_cost"], carrier="co2 stored", bus=spatial.co2.nodes, ) n.add("Carrier", "co2 stored") if options["co2_vent"]: n.madd( "Link", spatial.co2.vents, bus0=spatial.co2.nodes, bus1="co2 atmosphere", carrier="co2 vent", efficiency=1.0, p_nom_extendable=True, ) def add_co2_network(n, costs): logger.info("Adding CO2 network.") co2_links = create_network_topology(n, "CO2 pipeline ") cost_onshore = ( (1 - co2_links.underwater_fraction) * costs.at["CO2 pipeline", "fixed"] * co2_links.length ) cost_submarine = ( co2_links.underwater_fraction * costs.at["CO2 submarine pipeline", "fixed"] * co2_links.length ) capital_cost = cost_onshore + cost_submarine n.madd( "Link", co2_links.index, bus0=co2_links.bus0.values + " co2 stored", bus1=co2_links.bus1.values + " co2 stored", p_min_pu=-1, p_nom_extendable=True, length=co2_links.length.values, capital_cost=capital_cost.values, carrier="CO2 pipeline", lifetime=costs.at["CO2 pipeline", "lifetime"], ) def add_allam(n, costs): logger.info("Adding Allam cycle gas power plants.") nodes = pop_layout.index n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=" allam", bus0=spatial.gas.df.loc[nodes, "nodes"].values, bus1=nodes, bus2=spatial.co2.df.loc[nodes, "nodes"].values, carrier="allam", p_nom_extendable=True, # TODO: add costs to technology-data capital_cost=0.6 * 1.5e6 * 0.1, # efficiency * EUR/MW * annuity marginal_cost=2, efficiency=0.6, efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], lifetime=30.0, ) def add_dac(n, costs): heat_carriers = ["urban central heat", "services urban decentral heat"] heat_buses = n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier.isin(heat_carriers)] locations = n.buses.location[heat_buses] efficiency2 = -( costs.at["direct air capture", "electricity-input"] + costs.at["direct air capture", "compression-electricity-input"] ) efficiency3 = -( costs.at["direct air capture", "heat-input"] - costs.at["direct air capture", "compression-heat-output"] ) n.madd( "Link", heat_buses.str.replace(" heat", " DAC"), bus0="co2 atmosphere", bus1=spatial.co2.df.loc[locations, "nodes"].values, bus2=locations.values, bus3=heat_buses, carrier="DAC", capital_cost=costs.at["direct air capture", "fixed"], efficiency=1.0, efficiency2=efficiency2, efficiency3=efficiency3, p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at["direct air capture", "lifetime"], ) def add_co2limit(n, Nyears=1.0, limit=0.0): logger.info(f"Adding CO2 budget limit as per unit of 1990 levels of {limit}") countries = n.buses.country.dropna().unique() sectors = emission_sectors_from_opts(opts) # convert Mt to tCO2 co2_totals = 1e6 * pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.co2_totals_name, index_col=0) co2_limit = co2_totals.loc[countries, sectors].sum().sum() co2_limit *= limit * Nyears n.add( "GlobalConstraint", "CO2Limit", carrier_attribute="co2_emissions", sense="<=", constant=co2_limit, ) # TODO PyPSA-Eur merge issue def average_every_nhours(n, offset): logger.info(f"Resampling the network to {offset}") m = n.copy(with_time=False) snapshot_weightings = n.snapshot_weightings.resample(offset).sum() m.set_snapshots(snapshot_weightings.index) m.snapshot_weightings = snapshot_weightings for c in n.iterate_components(): pnl = getattr(m, c.list_name + "_t") for k, df in c.pnl.items(): if not df.empty: if c.list_name == "stores" and k == "e_max_pu": pnl[k] = df.resample(offset).min() elif c.list_name == "stores" and k == "e_min_pu": pnl[k] = df.resample(offset).max() else: pnl[k] = df.resample(offset).mean() return m def cycling_shift(df, steps=1): """ Cyclic shift on index of pd.Series|pd.DataFrame by number of steps. """ df = df.copy() new_index = np.roll(df.index, steps) df.values[:] = df.reindex(index=new_index).values return df # TODO checkout PyPSA-Eur script def prepare_costs(cost_file, discount_rate, Nyears, lifetime): # set all asset costs and other parameters costs = pd.read_csv(cost_file, index_col=[0, 1]).sort_index() # correct units to MW and EUR costs.loc[costs.unit.str.contains("/kW"), "value"] *= 1e3 # min_count=1 is important to generate NaNs which are then filled by fillna costs = ( costs.loc[:, "value"].unstack(level=1).groupby("technology").sum(min_count=1) ) costs = costs.fillna( { "CO2 intensity": 0, "FOM": 0, "VOM": 0, "discount rate": discount_rate, "efficiency": 1, "fuel": 0, "investment": 0, "lifetime": lifetime, } ) annuity_factor = ( lambda v: annuity(v["lifetime"], v["discount rate"]) + v["FOM"] / 100 ) costs["fixed"] = [ annuity_factor(v) * v["investment"] * Nyears for i, v in costs.iterrows() ] return costs def add_generation(n, costs): logger.info("Adding electricity generation") nodes = pop_layout.index fallback = {"OCGT": "gas"} conventionals = options.get("conventional_generation", fallback) for generator, carrier in conventionals.items(): carrier_nodes = vars(spatial)[carrier].nodes add_carrier_buses(n, carrier, carrier_nodes) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " " + generator, bus0=carrier_nodes, bus1=nodes, bus2="co2 atmosphere", marginal_cost=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"] * costs.at[generator, "VOM"], # NB: VOM is per MWel capital_cost=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"] * costs.at[generator, "fixed"], # NB: fixed cost is per MWel p_nom_extendable=True, carrier=generator, efficiency=costs.at[generator, "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at[carrier, "CO2 intensity"], lifetime=costs.at[generator, "lifetime"], ) def add_ammonia(n, costs): logger.info("Adding ammonia carrier with synthesis, cracking and storage") nodes = pop_layout.index cf_industry = snakemake.config["industry"] n.add("Carrier", "NH3") n.madd( "Bus", spatial.ammonia.nodes, location=spatial.ammonia.locations, carrier="NH3" ) n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=" Haber-Bosch", bus0=nodes, bus1=spatial.ammonia.nodes, bus2=nodes + " H2", p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="Haber-Bosch", efficiency=1 / ( cf_industry["MWh_elec_per_tNH3_electrolysis"] / cf_industry["MWh_NH3_per_tNH3"] ), # output: MW_NH3 per MW_elec efficiency2=-cf_industry["MWh_H2_per_tNH3_electrolysis"] / cf_industry["MWh_elec_per_tNH3_electrolysis"], # input: MW_H2 per MW_elec capital_cost=costs.at["Haber-Bosch", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["Haber-Bosch", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=" ammonia cracker", bus0=spatial.ammonia.nodes, bus1=nodes + " H2", p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="ammonia cracker", efficiency=1 / cf_industry["MWh_NH3_per_MWh_H2_cracker"], capital_cost=costs.at["Ammonia cracker", "fixed"] / cf_industry["MWh_NH3_per_MWh_H2_cracker"], # given per MW_H2 lifetime=costs.at["Ammonia cracker", "lifetime"], ) # Ammonia Storage n.madd( "Store", spatial.ammonia.nodes, suffix=" ammonia store", bus=spatial.ammonia.nodes, e_nom_extendable=True, e_cyclic=True, carrier="ammonia store", capital_cost=costs.at["NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["NH3 (l) storage tank incl. liquefaction", "lifetime"], ) def add_wave(n, wave_cost_factor): # TODO: handle in Snakefile wave_fn = "data/WindWaveWEC_GLTB.xlsx" # in kW capacity = pd.Series({"Attenuator": 750, "F2HB": 1000, "MultiPA": 600}) # in EUR/MW annuity_factor = annuity(25, 0.07) + 0.03 costs = ( 1e6 * wave_cost_factor * annuity_factor * pd.Series({"Attenuator": 2.5, "F2HB": 2, "MultiPA": 1.5}) ) sheets = pd.read_excel( wave_fn, sheet_name=["FirthForth", "Hebrides"], usecols=["Attenuator", "F2HB", "MultiPA"], index_col=0, skiprows=[0], parse_dates=True, ) wave = pd.concat( [sheets[l].divide(capacity, axis=1) for l in locations], keys=locations, axis=1 ) for wave_type in costs.index: n.add( "Generator", "Hebrides " + wave_type, bus="GB4 0", # TODO this location is hardcoded p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="wave", capital_cost=costs[wave_type], p_max_pu=wave["Hebrides", wave_type], ) def insert_electricity_distribution_grid(n, costs): # TODO pop_layout? # TODO options? cost_factor = options["electricity_distribution_grid_cost_factor"] logger.info( f"Inserting electricity distribution grid with investment cost factor of {cost_factor:.2f}" ) nodes = pop_layout.index n.madd( "Bus", nodes + " low voltage", location=nodes, carrier="low voltage", unit="MWh_el", ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " electricity distribution grid", bus0=nodes, bus1=nodes + " low voltage", p_nom_extendable=True, p_min_pu=-1, carrier="electricity distribution grid", efficiency=1, lifetime=costs.at["electricity distribution grid", "lifetime"], capital_cost=costs.at["electricity distribution grid", "fixed"] * cost_factor, ) # this catches regular electricity load and "industry electricity" and # "agriculture machinery electric" and "agriculture electricity" loads = n.loads.index[n.loads.carrier.str.contains("electric")] n.loads.loc[loads, "bus"] += " low voltage" bevs = n.links.index[n.links.carrier == "BEV charger"] n.links.loc[bevs, "bus0"] += " low voltage" v2gs = n.links.index[n.links.carrier == "V2G"] n.links.loc[v2gs, "bus1"] += " low voltage" hps = n.links.index[n.links.carrier.str.contains("heat pump")] n.links.loc[hps, "bus0"] += " low voltage" rh = n.links.index[n.links.carrier.str.contains("resistive heater")] n.links.loc[rh, "bus0"] += " low voltage" mchp = n.links.index[n.links.carrier.str.contains("micro gas")] n.links.loc[mchp, "bus1"] += " low voltage" # set existing solar to cost of utility cost rather the 50-50 rooftop-utility solar = n.generators.index[n.generators.carrier == "solar"] n.generators.loc[solar, "capital_cost"] = costs.at["solar-utility", "fixed"] if snakemake.wildcards.clusters[-1:] == "m": simplified_pop_layout = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.simplified_pop_layout, index_col=0 ) pop_solar = simplified_pop_layout.total.rename(index=lambda x: x + " solar") else: pop_solar = pop_layout.total.rename(index=lambda x: x + " solar") # add max solar rooftop potential assuming 0.1 kW/m2 and 10 m2/person, # i.e. 1 kW/person (population data is in thousands of people) so we get MW potential = 0.1 * 10 * pop_solar n.madd( "Generator", solar, suffix=" rooftop", bus=n.generators.loc[solar, "bus"] + " low voltage", carrier="solar rooftop", p_nom_extendable=True, p_nom_max=potential, marginal_cost=n.generators.loc[solar, "marginal_cost"], capital_cost=costs.at["solar-rooftop", "fixed"], efficiency=n.generators.loc[solar, "efficiency"], p_max_pu=n.generators_t.p_max_pu[solar], lifetime=costs.at["solar-rooftop", "lifetime"], ) n.add("Carrier", "home battery") n.madd( "Bus", nodes + " home battery", location=nodes, carrier="home battery", unit="MWh_el", ) n.madd( "Store", nodes + " home battery", bus=nodes + " home battery", e_cyclic=True, e_nom_extendable=True, carrier="home battery", capital_cost=costs.at["home battery storage", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["battery storage", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " home battery charger", bus0=nodes + " low voltage", bus1=nodes + " home battery", carrier="home battery charger", efficiency=costs.at["battery inverter", "efficiency"] ** 0.5, capital_cost=costs.at["home battery inverter", "fixed"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at["battery inverter", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " home battery discharger", bus0=nodes + " home battery", bus1=nodes + " low voltage", carrier="home battery discharger", efficiency=costs.at["battery inverter", "efficiency"] ** 0.5, marginal_cost=options["marginal_cost_storage"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at["battery inverter", "lifetime"], ) def insert_gas_distribution_costs(n, costs): # TODO options? f_costs = options["gas_distribution_grid_cost_factor"] logger.info( f"Inserting gas distribution grid with investment cost factor of {f_costs}" ) capital_cost = costs.loc["electricity distribution grid"]["fixed"] * f_costs # gas boilers gas_b = n.links.index[ n.links.carrier.str.contains("gas boiler") & (~n.links.carrier.str.contains("urban central")) ] n.links.loc[gas_b, "capital_cost"] += capital_cost # micro CHPs mchp = n.links.index[n.links.carrier.str.contains("micro gas")] n.links.loc[mchp, "capital_cost"] += capital_cost def add_electricity_grid_connection(n, costs): carriers = ["onwind", "solar"] gens = n.generators.index[n.generators.carrier.isin(carriers)] n.generators.loc[gens, "capital_cost"] += costs.at[ "electricity grid connection", "fixed" ] def add_storage_and_grids(n, costs): logger.info("Add hydrogen storage") nodes = pop_layout.index n.add("Carrier", "H2") n.madd("Bus", nodes + " H2", location=nodes, carrier="H2", unit="MWh_LHV") n.madd( "Link", nodes + " H2 Electrolysis", bus1=nodes + " H2", bus0=nodes, p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="H2 Electrolysis", efficiency=costs.at["electrolysis", "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at["electrolysis", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["electrolysis", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " H2 Fuel Cell", bus0=nodes + " H2", bus1=nodes, p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="H2 Fuel Cell", efficiency=costs.at["fuel cell", "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at["fuel cell", "fixed"] * costs.at["fuel cell", "efficiency"], # NB: fixed cost is per MWel lifetime=costs.at["fuel cell", "lifetime"], ) cavern_types = snakemake.config["sector"]["hydrogen_underground_storage_locations"] h2_caverns = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.h2_cavern, index_col=0) if not h2_caverns.empty and options["hydrogen_underground_storage"]: h2_caverns = h2_caverns[cavern_types].sum(axis=1) # only use sites with at least 2 TWh potential h2_caverns = h2_caverns[h2_caverns > 2] # convert TWh to MWh h2_caverns = h2_caverns * 1e6 # clip at 1000 TWh for one location h2_caverns.clip(upper=1e9, inplace=True) logger.info("Add hydrogen underground storage") h2_capital_cost = costs.at["hydrogen storage underground", "fixed"] n.madd( "Store", h2_caverns.index + " H2 Store", bus=h2_caverns.index + " H2", e_nom_extendable=True, e_nom_max=h2_caverns.values, e_cyclic=True, carrier="H2 Store", capital_cost=h2_capital_cost, lifetime=costs.at["hydrogen storage underground", "lifetime"], ) # hydrogen stored overground (where not already underground) h2_capital_cost = costs.at[ "hydrogen storage tank type 1 including compressor", "fixed" ] nodes_overground = h2_caverns.index.symmetric_difference(nodes) n.madd( "Store", nodes_overground + " H2 Store", bus=nodes_overground + " H2", e_nom_extendable=True, e_cyclic=True, carrier="H2 Store", capital_cost=h2_capital_cost, ) if options["gas_network"] or options["H2_retrofit"]: fn = snakemake.input.clustered_gas_network gas_pipes = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0) if options["gas_network"]: logger.info( "Add natural gas infrastructure, incl. LNG terminals, production and entry-points." ) if options["H2_retrofit"]: gas_pipes["p_nom_max"] = gas_pipes.p_nom gas_pipes["p_nom_min"] = 0.0 # 0.1 EUR/MWkm/a to prefer decommissioning to address degeneracy gas_pipes["capital_cost"] = 0.1 * gas_pipes.length else: gas_pipes["p_nom_max"] = np.inf gas_pipes["p_nom_min"] = gas_pipes.p_nom gas_pipes["capital_cost"] = ( gas_pipes.length * costs.at["CH4 (g) pipeline", "fixed"] ) n.madd( "Link", gas_pipes.index, bus0=gas_pipes.bus0 + " gas", bus1=gas_pipes.bus1 + " gas", p_min_pu=gas_pipes.p_min_pu, p_nom=gas_pipes.p_nom, p_nom_extendable=True, p_nom_max=gas_pipes.p_nom_max, p_nom_min=gas_pipes.p_nom_min, length=gas_pipes.length, capital_cost=gas_pipes.capital_cost, tags=gas_pipes.name, carrier="gas pipeline", lifetime=costs.at["CH4 (g) pipeline", "lifetime"], ) # remove fossil generators where there is neither # production, LNG terminal, nor entry-point beyond system scope fn = snakemake.input.gas_input_nodes_simplified gas_input_nodes = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0) unique = gas_input_nodes.index.unique() gas_i = n.generators.carrier == "gas" internal_i = ~n.generators.bus.map(n.buses.location).isin(unique) remove_i = n.generators[gas_i & internal_i].index n.generators.drop(remove_i, inplace=True) p_nom = gas_input_nodes.sum(axis=1).rename(lambda x: x + " gas") n.generators.loc[gas_i, "p_nom_extendable"] = False n.generators.loc[gas_i, "p_nom"] = p_nom # add candidates for new gas pipelines to achieve full connectivity G = nx.Graph() gas_buses = n.buses.loc[n.buses.carrier == "gas", "location"] G.add_nodes_from(np.unique(gas_buses.values)) sel = gas_pipes.p_nom > 1500 attrs = ["bus0", "bus1", "length"] G.add_weighted_edges_from(gas_pipes.loc[sel, attrs].values) # find all complement edges complement_edges = pd.DataFrame(complement(G).edges, columns=["bus0", "bus1"]) complement_edges["length"] = complement_edges.apply(haversine, axis=1) # apply k_edge_augmentation weighted by length of complement edges k_edge = options.get("gas_network_connectivity_upgrade", 3) augmentation = list( k_edge_augmentation(G, k_edge, avail=complement_edges.values) ) if augmentation: new_gas_pipes = pd.DataFrame(augmentation, columns=["bus0", "bus1"]) new_gas_pipes["length"] = new_gas_pipes.apply(haversine, axis=1) new_gas_pipes.index = new_gas_pipes.apply( lambda x: f"gas pipeline new {x.bus0} <-> {x.bus1}", axis=1 ) n.madd( "Link", new_gas_pipes.index, bus0=new_gas_pipes.bus0 + " gas", bus1=new_gas_pipes.bus1 + " gas", p_min_pu=-1, # new gas pipes are bidirectional p_nom_extendable=True, length=new_gas_pipes.length, capital_cost=new_gas_pipes.length * costs.at["CH4 (g) pipeline", "fixed"], carrier="gas pipeline new", lifetime=costs.at["CH4 (g) pipeline", "lifetime"], ) if options["H2_retrofit"]: logger.info("Add retrofitting options of existing CH4 pipes to H2 pipes.") fr = "gas pipeline" to = "H2 pipeline retrofitted" h2_pipes = gas_pipes.rename(index=lambda x: x.replace(fr, to)) n.madd( "Link", h2_pipes.index, bus0=h2_pipes.bus0 + " H2", bus1=h2_pipes.bus1 + " H2", p_min_pu=-1.0, # allow that all H2 retrofit pipelines can be used in both directions p_nom_max=h2_pipes.p_nom * options["H2_retrofit_capacity_per_CH4"], p_nom_extendable=True, length=h2_pipes.length, capital_cost=costs.at["H2 (g) pipeline repurposed", "fixed"] * h2_pipes.length, tags=h2_pipes.name, carrier="H2 pipeline retrofitted", lifetime=costs.at["H2 (g) pipeline repurposed", "lifetime"], ) if options.get("H2_network", True): logger.info("Add options for new hydrogen pipelines.") h2_pipes = create_network_topology( n, "H2 pipeline ", carriers=["DC", "gas pipeline"] ) # TODO Add efficiency losses n.madd( "Link", h2_pipes.index, bus0=h2_pipes.bus0.values + " H2", bus1=h2_pipes.bus1.values + " H2", p_min_pu=-1, p_nom_extendable=True, length=h2_pipes.length.values, capital_cost=costs.at["H2 (g) pipeline", "fixed"] * h2_pipes.length.values, carrier="H2 pipeline", lifetime=costs.at["H2 (g) pipeline", "lifetime"], ) n.add("Carrier", "battery") n.madd("Bus", nodes + " battery", location=nodes, carrier="battery", unit="MWh_el") n.madd( "Store", nodes + " battery", bus=nodes + " battery", e_cyclic=True, e_nom_extendable=True, carrier="battery", capital_cost=costs.at["battery storage", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["battery storage", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " battery charger", bus0=nodes, bus1=nodes + " battery", carrier="battery charger", efficiency=costs.at["battery inverter", "efficiency"] ** 0.5, capital_cost=costs.at["battery inverter", "fixed"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at["battery inverter", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " battery discharger", bus0=nodes + " battery", bus1=nodes, carrier="battery discharger", efficiency=costs.at["battery inverter", "efficiency"] ** 0.5, marginal_cost=options["marginal_cost_storage"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at["battery inverter", "lifetime"], ) if options["methanation"]: n.madd( "Link", spatial.nodes, suffix=" Sabatier", bus0=nodes + " H2", bus1=spatial.gas.nodes, bus2=spatial.co2.nodes, p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="Sabatier", efficiency=costs.at["methanation", "efficiency"], efficiency2=-costs.at["methanation", "efficiency"] * costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at["methanation", "fixed"] * costs.at["methanation", "efficiency"], # costs given per kW_gas lifetime=costs.at["methanation", "lifetime"], ) if options["helmeth"]: n.madd( "Link", spatial.nodes, suffix=" helmeth", bus0=nodes, bus1=spatial.gas.nodes, bus2=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="helmeth", p_nom_extendable=True, efficiency=costs.at["helmeth", "efficiency"], efficiency2=-costs.at["helmeth", "efficiency"] * costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at["helmeth", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["helmeth", "lifetime"], ) if options.get("coal_cc"): n.madd( "Link", spatial.nodes, suffix=" coal CC", bus0=spatial.coal.nodes, bus1=spatial.nodes, bus2="co2 atmosphere", bus3=spatial.co2.nodes, marginal_cost=costs.at["coal", "efficiency"] * costs.at["coal", "VOM"], # NB: VOM is per MWel capital_cost=costs.at["coal", "efficiency"] * costs.at["coal", "fixed"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["coal", "CO2 intensity"], # NB: fixed cost is per MWel p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="coal", efficiency=costs.at["coal", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["coal", "CO2 intensity"] * (1 - costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "capture_rate"]), efficiency3=costs.at["coal", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "capture_rate"], lifetime=costs.at["coal", "lifetime"], ) if options["SMR"]: n.madd( "Link", spatial.nodes, suffix=" SMR CC", bus0=spatial.gas.nodes, bus1=nodes + " H2", bus2="co2 atmosphere", bus3=spatial.co2.nodes, p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="SMR CC", efficiency=costs.at["SMR CC", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * (1 - options["cc_fraction"]), efficiency3=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * options["cc_fraction"], capital_cost=costs.at["SMR CC", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["SMR CC", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " SMR", bus0=spatial.gas.nodes, bus1=nodes + " H2", bus2="co2 atmosphere", p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="SMR", efficiency=costs.at["SMR", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at["SMR", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["SMR", "lifetime"], ) def add_land_transport(n, costs): # TODO options? logger.info("Add land transport") transport = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.transport_demand, index_col=0, parse_dates=True ) number_cars = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.transport_data, index_col=0)[ "number cars" ] avail_profile = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.avail_profile, index_col=0, parse_dates=True ) dsm_profile = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.dsm_profile, index_col=0, parse_dates=True ) fuel_cell_share = get(options["land_transport_fuel_cell_share"], investment_year) electric_share = get(options["land_transport_electric_share"], investment_year) ice_share = get(options["land_transport_ice_share"], investment_year) total_share = fuel_cell_share + electric_share + ice_share if total_share != 1: logger.warning( f"Total land transport shares sum up to {total_share:.2%}, corresponding to increased or decreased demand assumptions." ) logger.info(f"FCEV share: {fuel_cell_share*100}%") logger.info(f"EV share: {electric_share*100}%") logger.info(f"ICEV share: {ice_share*100}%") nodes = pop_layout.index if electric_share > 0: n.add("Carrier", "Li ion") n.madd( "Bus", nodes, location=nodes, suffix=" EV battery", carrier="Li ion", unit="MWh_el", ) p_set = ( electric_share * ( transport[nodes] + cycling_shift(transport[nodes], 1) + cycling_shift(transport[nodes], 2) ) / 3 ) n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" land transport EV", bus=nodes + " EV battery", carrier="land transport EV", p_set=p_set, ) p_nom = number_cars * options.get("bev_charge_rate", 0.011) * electric_share n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=" BEV charger", bus0=nodes, bus1=nodes + " EV battery", p_nom=p_nom, carrier="BEV charger", p_max_pu=avail_profile[nodes], efficiency=options.get("bev_charge_efficiency", 0.9), # These were set non-zero to find LU infeasibility when availability = 0.25 # p_nom_extendable=True, # p_nom_min=p_nom, # capital_cost=1e6, #i.e. so high it only gets built where necessary ) if electric_share > 0 and options["v2g"]: n.madd( "Link", nodes, suffix=" V2G", bus1=nodes, bus0=nodes + " EV battery", p_nom=p_nom, carrier="V2G", p_max_pu=avail_profile[nodes], efficiency=options.get("bev_charge_efficiency", 0.9), ) if electric_share > 0 and options["bev_dsm"]: e_nom = ( number_cars * options.get("bev_energy", 0.05) * options["bev_availability"] * electric_share ) n.madd( "Store", nodes, suffix=" battery storage", bus=nodes + " EV battery", carrier="battery storage", e_cyclic=True, e_nom=e_nom, e_max_pu=1, e_min_pu=dsm_profile[nodes], ) if fuel_cell_share > 0: n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" land transport fuel cell", bus=nodes + " H2", carrier="land transport fuel cell", p_set=fuel_cell_share / options["transport_fuel_cell_efficiency"] * transport[nodes], ) if ice_share > 0: if "oil" not in n.buses.carrier.unique(): n.madd( "Bus", spatial.oil.nodes, location=spatial.oil.locations, carrier="oil", unit="MWh_LHV", ) ice_efficiency = options["transport_internal_combustion_efficiency"] n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" land transport oil", bus=spatial.oil.nodes, carrier="land transport oil", p_set=ice_share / ice_efficiency * transport[nodes], ) co2 = ( ice_share / ice_efficiency * transport[nodes].sum().sum() / 8760 * costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"] ) n.add( "Load", "land transport oil emissions", bus="co2 atmosphere", carrier="land transport oil emissions", p_set=-co2, ) def build_heat_demand(n): # copy forward the daily average heat demand into each hour, so it can be multiplied by the intraday profile daily_space_heat_demand = ( xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.heat_demand_total) .to_pandas() .reindex(index=n.snapshots, method="ffill") ) intraday_profiles = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.heat_profile, index_col=0) sectors = ["residential", "services"] uses = ["water", "space"] heat_demand = {} electric_heat_supply = {} for sector, use in product(sectors, uses): weekday = list(intraday_profiles[f"{sector} {use} weekday"]) weekend = list(intraday_profiles[f"{sector} {use} weekend"]) weekly_profile = weekday * 5 + weekend * 2 intraday_year_profile = generate_periodic_profiles( daily_space_heat_demand.index.tz_localize("UTC"), nodes=daily_space_heat_demand.columns, weekly_profile=weekly_profile, ) if use == "space": heat_demand_shape = daily_space_heat_demand * intraday_year_profile else: heat_demand_shape = intraday_year_profile heat_demand[f"{sector} {use}"] = ( heat_demand_shape / heat_demand_shape.sum() ).multiply(pop_weighted_energy_totals[f"total {sector} {use}"]) * 1e6 electric_heat_supply[f"{sector} {use}"] = ( heat_demand_shape / heat_demand_shape.sum() ).multiply(pop_weighted_energy_totals[f"electricity {sector} {use}"]) * 1e6 heat_demand = pd.concat(heat_demand, axis=1) electric_heat_supply = pd.concat(electric_heat_supply, axis=1) # subtract from electricity load since heat demand already in heat_demand electric_nodes = n.loads.index[n.loads.carrier == "electricity"] n.loads_t.p_set[electric_nodes] = ( n.loads_t.p_set[electric_nodes] - electric_heat_supply.groupby(level=1, axis=1).sum()[electric_nodes] ) return heat_demand def add_heat(n, costs): logger.info("Add heat sector") sectors = ["residential", "services"] heat_demand = build_heat_demand(n) nodes, dist_fraction, urban_fraction = create_nodes_for_heat_sector() # NB: must add costs of central heating afterwards (EUR 400 / kWpeak, 50a, 1% FOM from Fraunhofer ISE) # exogenously reduce space heat demand if options["reduce_space_heat_exogenously"]: dE = get(options["reduce_space_heat_exogenously_factor"], investment_year) logger.info(f"Assumed space heat reduction of {dE:.2%}") for sector in sectors: heat_demand[sector + " space"] = (1 - dE) * heat_demand[sector + " space"] heat_systems = [ "residential rural", "services rural", "residential urban decentral", "services urban decentral", "urban central", ] cop = { "air": xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.cop_air_total) .to_pandas() .reindex(index=n.snapshots), "ground": xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.cop_soil_total) .to_pandas() .reindex(index=n.snapshots), } if options["solar_thermal"]: solar_thermal = ( xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.solar_thermal_total) .to_pandas() .reindex(index=n.snapshots) ) # 1e3 converts from W/m^2 to MW/(1000m^2) = kW/m^2 solar_thermal = options["solar_cf_correction"] * solar_thermal / 1e3 for name in heat_systems: name_type = "central" if name == "urban central" else "decentral" n.add("Carrier", name + " heat") n.madd( "Bus", nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", location=nodes[name], carrier=name + " heat", unit="MWh_th", ) ## Add heat load for sector in sectors: # heat demand weighting if "rural" in name: factor = 1 - urban_fraction[nodes[name]] elif "urban central" in name: factor = dist_fraction[nodes[name]] elif "urban decentral" in name: factor = urban_fraction[nodes[name]] - dist_fraction[nodes[name]] else: raise NotImplementedError( f" {name} not in " f"heat systems: {heat_systems}" ) if sector in name: heat_load = ( heat_demand[[sector + " water", sector + " space"]] .groupby(level=1, axis=1) .sum()[nodes[name]] .multiply(factor) ) if name == "urban central": heat_load = ( heat_demand.groupby(level=1, axis=1) .sum()[nodes[name]] .multiply( factor * (1 + options["district_heating"]["district_heating_loss"]) ) ) n.madd( "Load", nodes[name], suffix=f" {name} heat", bus=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", carrier=name + " heat", p_set=heat_load, ) ## Add heat pumps heat_pump_type = "air" if "urban" in name else "ground" costs_name = f"{name_type} {heat_pump_type}-sourced heat pump" efficiency = ( cop[heat_pump_type][nodes[name]] if options["time_dep_hp_cop"] else costs.at[costs_name, "efficiency"] ) n.madd( "Link", nodes[name], suffix=f" {name} {heat_pump_type} heat pump", bus0=nodes[name], bus1=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", carrier=f"{name} {heat_pump_type} heat pump", efficiency=efficiency, capital_cost=costs.at[costs_name, "efficiency"] * costs.at[costs_name, "fixed"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at[costs_name, "lifetime"], ) if options["tes"]: n.add("Carrier", name + " water tanks") n.madd( "Bus", nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks", location=nodes[name], carrier=name + " water tanks", unit="MWh_th", ) n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks charger", bus0=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", bus1=nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks", efficiency=costs.at["water tank charger", "efficiency"], carrier=name + " water tanks charger", p_nom_extendable=True, ) n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks discharger", bus0=nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks", bus1=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", carrier=name + " water tanks discharger", efficiency=costs.at["water tank discharger", "efficiency"], p_nom_extendable=True, ) if isinstance(options["tes_tau"], dict): tes_time_constant_days = options["tes_tau"][name_type] else: logger.warning( "Deprecated: a future version will require you to specify 'tes_tau' ", "for 'decentral' and 'central' separately.", ) tes_time_constant_days = ( options["tes_tau"] if name_type == "decentral" else 180.0 ) n.madd( "Store", nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks", bus=nodes[name] + f" {name} water tanks", e_cyclic=True, e_nom_extendable=True, carrier=name + " water tanks", standing_loss=1 - np.exp(-1 / 24 / tes_time_constant_days), capital_cost=costs.at[name_type + " water tank storage", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at[name_type + " water tank storage", "lifetime"], ) if options["boilers"]: key = f"{name_type} resistive heater" n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + f" {name} resistive heater", bus0=nodes[name], bus1=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", carrier=name + " resistive heater", efficiency=costs.at[key, "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at[key, "efficiency"] * costs.at[key, "fixed"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at[key, "lifetime"], ) key = f"{name_type} gas boiler" n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + f" {name} gas boiler", p_nom_extendable=True, bus0=spatial.gas.df.loc[nodes[name], "nodes"].values, bus1=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier=name + " gas boiler", efficiency=costs.at[key, "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at[key, "efficiency"] * costs.at[key, "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at[key, "lifetime"], ) if options["solar_thermal"]: n.add("Carrier", name + " solar thermal") n.madd( "Generator", nodes[name], suffix=f" {name} solar thermal collector", bus=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", carrier=name + " solar thermal", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at[name_type + " solar thermal", "fixed"], p_max_pu=solar_thermal[nodes[name]], lifetime=costs.at[name_type + " solar thermal", "lifetime"], ) if options["chp"] and name == "urban central": # add gas CHP; biomass CHP is added in biomass section n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + " urban central gas CHP", bus0=spatial.gas.df.loc[nodes[name], "nodes"].values, bus1=nodes[name], bus2=nodes[name] + " urban central heat", bus3="co2 atmosphere", carrier="urban central gas CHP", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["central gas CHP", "fixed"] * costs.at["central gas CHP", "efficiency"], marginal_cost=costs.at["central gas CHP", "VOM"], efficiency=costs.at["central gas CHP", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["central gas CHP", "efficiency"] / costs.at["central gas CHP", "c_b"], efficiency3=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], lifetime=costs.at["central gas CHP", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + " urban central gas CHP CC", bus0=spatial.gas.df.loc[nodes[name], "nodes"].values, bus1=nodes[name], bus2=nodes[name] + " urban central heat", bus3="co2 atmosphere", bus4=spatial.co2.df.loc[nodes[name], "nodes"].values, carrier="urban central gas CHP CC", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["central gas CHP", "fixed"] * costs.at["central gas CHP", "efficiency"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], marginal_cost=costs.at["central gas CHP", "VOM"], efficiency=costs.at["central gas CHP", "efficiency"] - costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * ( costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "electricity-input"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "compression-electricity-input"] ), efficiency2=costs.at["central gas CHP", "efficiency"] / costs.at["central gas CHP", "c_b"] + costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * ( costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "heat-output"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "compression-heat-output"] - costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "heat-input"] ), efficiency3=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * (1 - costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "capture_rate"]), efficiency4=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "capture_rate"], lifetime=costs.at["central gas CHP", "lifetime"], ) if options["chp"] and options["micro_chp"] and name != "urban central": n.madd( "Link", nodes[name] + f" {name} micro gas CHP", p_nom_extendable=True, bus0=spatial.gas.df.loc[nodes[name], "nodes"].values, bus1=nodes[name], bus2=nodes[name] + f" {name} heat", bus3="co2 atmosphere", carrier=name + " micro gas CHP", efficiency=costs.at["micro CHP", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["micro CHP", "efficiency-heat"], efficiency3=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at["micro CHP", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["micro CHP", "lifetime"], ) if options["retrofitting"]["retro_endogen"]: logger.info("Add retrofitting endogenously") # resample heat demand temporal 'heat_demand_r' depending on in config # specified temporal resolution, to not overestimate retrofitting hours = list(filter(re.compile(r"^\d+h$", re.IGNORECASE).search, opts)) if len(hours) == 0: hours = [n.snapshots[1] - n.snapshots[0]] heat_demand_r = heat_demand.resample(hours[0]).mean() # retrofitting data 'retro_data' with 'costs' [EUR/m^2] and heat # demand 'dE' [per unit of original heat demand] for each country and # different retrofitting strengths [additional insulation thickness in m] retro_data = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.retro_cost_energy, index_col=[0, 1], skipinitialspace=True, header=[0, 1], ) # heated floor area [10^6 * m^2] per country floor_area = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.floor_area, index_col=[0, 1]) n.add("Carrier", "retrofitting") # share of space heat demand 'w_space' of total heat demand w_space = {} for sector in sectors: w_space[sector] = heat_demand_r[sector + " space"] / ( heat_demand_r[sector + " space"] + heat_demand_r[sector + " water"] ) w_space["tot"] = ( heat_demand_r["services space"] + heat_demand_r["residential space"] ) / heat_demand_r.groupby(level=[1], axis=1).sum() for name in n.loads[ n.loads.carrier.isin([x + " heat" for x in heat_systems]) ].index: node = n.buses.loc[name, "location"] ct = pop_layout.loc[node, "ct"] # weighting 'f' depending on the size of the population at the node f = urban_fraction[node] if "urban" in name else (1 - urban_fraction[node]) if f == 0: continue # get sector name ("residential"/"services"/or both "tot" for urban central) sec = [x if x in name else "tot" for x in sectors][0] # get floor aread at node and region (urban/rural) in m^2 floor_area_node = ( pop_layout.loc[node].fraction * floor_area.loc[ct, "value"] * 10**6 ).loc[sec] * f # total heat demand at node [MWh] demand = n.loads_t.p_set[name].resample(hours[0]).mean() # space heat demand at node [MWh] space_heat_demand = demand * w_space[sec][node] # normed time profile of space heat demand 'space_pu' (values between 0-1), # p_max_pu/p_min_pu of retrofitting generators space_pu = (space_heat_demand / space_heat_demand.max()).to_frame(name=node) # minimum heat demand 'dE' after retrofitting in units of original heat demand (values between 0-1) dE = retro_data.loc[(ct, sec), ("dE")] # get additional energy savings 'dE_diff' between the different retrofitting strengths/generators at one node dE_diff = abs(dE.diff()).fillna(1 - dE.iloc[0]) # convert costs Euro/m^2 -> Euro/MWh capital_cost = ( retro_data.loc[(ct, sec), ("cost")] * floor_area_node / ((1 - dE) * space_heat_demand.max()) ) # number of possible retrofitting measures 'strengths' (set in list at config.yaml 'l_strength') # given in additional insulation thickness [m] # for each measure, a retrofitting generator is added at the node strengths = retro_data.columns.levels[1] # check that ambitious retrofitting has higher costs per MWh than moderate retrofitting if (capital_cost.diff() < 0).sum(): logger.warning(f"Costs are not linear for {ct} {sec}") s = capital_cost[(capital_cost.diff() < 0)].index strengths = strengths.drop(s) # reindex normed time profile of space heat demand back to hourly resolution space_pu = space_pu.reindex(index=heat_demand.index).fillna(method="ffill") # add for each retrofitting strength a generator with heat generation profile following the profile of the heat demand for strength in strengths: n.madd( "Generator", [node], suffix=" retrofitting " + strength + " " + name[6::], bus=name, carrier="retrofitting", p_nom_extendable=True, p_nom_max=dE_diff[strength] * space_heat_demand.max(), # maximum energy savings for this renovation strength p_max_pu=space_pu, p_min_pu=space_pu, country=ct, capital_cost=capital_cost[strength] * options["retrofitting"]["cost_factor"], ) def create_nodes_for_heat_sector(): # TODO pop_layout # rural are areas with low heating density and individual heating # urban are areas with high heating density # urban can be split into district heating (central) and individual heating (decentral) ct_urban = pop_layout.urban.groupby(pop_layout.ct).sum() # distribution of urban population within a country pop_layout["urban_ct_fraction"] = pop_layout.urban / pop_layout.ct.map(ct_urban.get) sectors = ["residential", "services"] nodes = {} urban_fraction = pop_layout.urban / pop_layout[["rural", "urban"]].sum(axis=1) for sector in sectors: nodes[sector + " rural"] = pop_layout.index nodes[sector + " urban decentral"] = pop_layout.index district_heat_share = pop_weighted_energy_totals["district heat share"] # maximum potential of urban demand covered by district heating central_fraction = options["district_heating"]["potential"] # district heating share at each node dist_fraction_node = ( district_heat_share * pop_layout["urban_ct_fraction"] / pop_layout["fraction"] ) nodes["urban central"] = dist_fraction_node.index # if district heating share larger than urban fraction -> set urban # fraction to district heating share urban_fraction = pd.concat([urban_fraction, dist_fraction_node], axis=1).max(axis=1) # difference of max potential and today's share of district heating diff = (urban_fraction * central_fraction) - dist_fraction_node progress = get(options["district_heating"]["progress"], investment_year) dist_fraction_node += diff * progress logger.info( f"Increase district heating share by a progress factor of {progress:.2%} " f"resulting in new average share of {dist_fraction_node.mean():.2%}" ) return nodes, dist_fraction_node, urban_fraction def add_biomass(n, costs): logger.info("Add biomass") biomass_potentials = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.biomass_potentials, index_col=0) # need to aggregate potentials if gas not nodally resolved if options["gas_network"]: biogas_potentials_spatial = biomass_potentials["biogas"].rename( index=lambda x: x + " biogas" ) else: biogas_potentials_spatial = biomass_potentials["biogas"].sum() if options.get("biomass_spatial", options["biomass_transport"]): solid_biomass_potentials_spatial = biomass_potentials["solid biomass"].rename( index=lambda x: x + " solid biomass" ) else: solid_biomass_potentials_spatial = biomass_potentials["solid biomass"].sum() n.add("Carrier", "biogas") n.add("Carrier", "solid biomass") n.madd( "Bus", spatial.gas.biogas, location=spatial.gas.locations, carrier="biogas", unit="MWh_LHV", ) n.madd( "Bus", spatial.biomass.nodes, location=spatial.biomass.locations, carrier="solid biomass", unit="MWh_LHV", ) n.madd( "Store", spatial.gas.biogas, bus=spatial.gas.biogas, carrier="biogas", e_nom=biogas_potentials_spatial, marginal_cost=costs.at["biogas", "fuel"], e_initial=biogas_potentials_spatial, ) n.madd( "Store", spatial.biomass.nodes, bus=spatial.biomass.nodes, carrier="solid biomass", e_nom=solid_biomass_potentials_spatial, marginal_cost=costs.at["solid biomass", "fuel"], e_initial=solid_biomass_potentials_spatial, ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.gas.biogas_to_gas, bus0=spatial.gas.biogas, bus1=spatial.gas.nodes, bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier="biogas to gas", capital_cost=costs.loc["biogas upgrading", "fixed"], marginal_cost=costs.loc["biogas upgrading", "VOM"], efficiency2=-costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], p_nom_extendable=True, ) if options["biomass_transport"]: transport_costs = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.biomass_transport_costs, index_col=0, ).squeeze() # add biomass transport biomass_transport = create_network_topology( n, "biomass transport ", bidirectional=False ) # costs bus0_costs = biomass_transport.bus0.apply(lambda x: transport_costs[x[:2]]) bus1_costs = biomass_transport.bus1.apply(lambda x: transport_costs[x[:2]]) biomass_transport["costs"] = pd.concat([bus0_costs, bus1_costs], axis=1).mean( axis=1 ) n.madd( "Link", biomass_transport.index, bus0=biomass_transport.bus0 + " solid biomass", bus1=biomass_transport.bus1 + " solid biomass", p_nom_extendable=False, p_nom=5e4, length=biomass_transport.length.values, marginal_cost=biomass_transport.costs * biomass_transport.length.values, carrier="solid biomass transport", ) # AC buses with district heating urban_central = n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier == "urban central heat"] if not urban_central.empty and options["chp"]: urban_central = urban_central.str[: -len(" urban central heat")] key = "central solid biomass CHP" n.madd( "Link", urban_central + " urban central solid biomass CHP", bus0=spatial.biomass.df.loc[urban_central, "nodes"].values, bus1=urban_central, bus2=urban_central + " urban central heat", carrier="urban central solid biomass CHP", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at[key, "fixed"] * costs.at[key, "efficiency"], marginal_cost=costs.at[key, "VOM"], efficiency=costs.at[key, "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at[key, "efficiency-heat"], lifetime=costs.at[key, "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", urban_central + " urban central solid biomass CHP CC", bus0=spatial.biomass.df.loc[urban_central, "nodes"].values, bus1=urban_central, bus2=urban_central + " urban central heat", bus3="co2 atmosphere", bus4=spatial.co2.df.loc[urban_central, "nodes"].values, carrier="urban central solid biomass CHP CC", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at[key, "fixed"] * costs.at[key, "efficiency"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"], marginal_cost=costs.at[key, "VOM"], efficiency=costs.at[key, "efficiency"] - costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] * ( costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "electricity-input"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "compression-electricity-input"] ), efficiency2=costs.at[key, "efficiency-heat"] + costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] * ( costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "heat-output"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "compression-heat-output"] - costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "heat-input"] ), efficiency3=-costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "capture_rate"], efficiency4=costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "capture_rate"], lifetime=costs.at[key, "lifetime"], ) if options["biomass_boiler"]: # TODO: Add surcharge for pellets nodes_heat = create_nodes_for_heat_sector()[0] for name in [ "residential rural", "services rural", "residential urban decentral", "services urban decentral", ]: n.madd( "Link", nodes_heat[name] + f" {name} biomass boiler", p_nom_extendable=True, bus0=spatial.biomass.df.loc[nodes_heat[name], "nodes"].values, bus1=nodes_heat[name] + f" {name} heat", carrier=name + " biomass boiler", efficiency=costs.at["biomass boiler", "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at["biomass boiler", "efficiency"] * costs.at["biomass boiler", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["biomass boiler", "lifetime"], ) # Solid biomass to liquid fuel if options["biomass_to_liquid"]: n.madd( "Link", spatial.biomass.nodes, suffix=" biomass to liquid", bus0=spatial.biomass.nodes, bus1=spatial.oil.nodes, bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier="biomass to liquid", lifetime=costs.at["BtL", "lifetime"], efficiency=costs.at["BtL", "efficiency"], efficiency2=-costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] + costs.at["BtL", "CO2 stored"], p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["BtL", "fixed"], marginal_cost=costs.at["BtL", "efficiency"] * costs.loc["BtL", "VOM"], ) # TODO: Update with energy penalty n.madd( "Link", spatial.biomass.nodes, suffix=" biomass to liquid CC", bus0=spatial.biomass.nodes, bus1=spatial.oil.nodes, bus2="co2 atmosphere", bus3=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="biomass to liquid", lifetime=costs.at["BtL", "lifetime"], efficiency=costs.at["BtL", "efficiency"], efficiency2=-costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] + costs.at["BtL", "CO2 stored"] * (1 - costs.at["BtL", "capture rate"]), efficiency3=costs.at["BtL", "CO2 stored"] * costs.at["BtL", "capture rate"], p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["BtL", "fixed"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["BtL", "CO2 stored"], marginal_cost=costs.at["BtL", "efficiency"] * costs.loc["BtL", "VOM"], ) # BioSNG from solid biomass if options["biosng"]: n.madd( "Link", spatial.biomass.nodes, suffix=" solid biomass to gas", bus0=spatial.biomass.nodes, bus1=spatial.gas.nodes, bus3="co2 atmosphere", carrier="BioSNG", lifetime=costs.at["BioSNG", "lifetime"], efficiency=costs.at["BioSNG", "efficiency"], efficiency3=-costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] + costs.at["BioSNG", "CO2 stored"], p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["BioSNG", "fixed"], marginal_cost=costs.at["BioSNG", "efficiency"] * costs.loc["BioSNG", "VOM"], ) # TODO: Update with energy penalty for CC n.madd( "Link", spatial.biomass.nodes, suffix=" solid biomass to gas CC", bus0=spatial.biomass.nodes, bus1=spatial.gas.nodes, bus2=spatial.co2.nodes, bus3="co2 atmosphere", carrier="BioSNG", lifetime=costs.at["BioSNG", "lifetime"], efficiency=costs.at["BioSNG", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["BioSNG", "CO2 stored"] * costs.at["BioSNG", "capture rate"], efficiency3=-costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] + costs.at["BioSNG", "CO2 stored"] * (1 - costs.at["BioSNG", "capture rate"]), p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["BioSNG", "fixed"] + costs.at["biomass CHP capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["BioSNG", "CO2 stored"], marginal_cost=costs.at["BioSNG", "efficiency"] * costs.loc["BioSNG", "VOM"], ) def add_industry(n, costs): logger.info("Add industrial demand") nodes = pop_layout.index # 1e6 to convert TWh to MWh industrial_demand = ( pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.industrial_demand, index_col=0) * 1e6 ) n.madd( "Bus", spatial.biomass.industry, location=spatial.biomass.locations, carrier="solid biomass for industry", unit="MWh_LHV", ) if options.get("biomass_spatial", options["biomass_transport"]): p_set = ( industrial_demand.loc[spatial.biomass.locations, "solid biomass"].rename( index=lambda x: x + " solid biomass for industry" ) / 8760 ) else: p_set = industrial_demand["solid biomass"].sum() / 8760 n.madd( "Load", spatial.biomass.industry, bus=spatial.biomass.industry, carrier="solid biomass for industry", p_set=p_set, ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.biomass.industry, bus0=spatial.biomass.nodes, bus1=spatial.biomass.industry, carrier="solid biomass for industry", p_nom_extendable=True, efficiency=1.0, ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.biomass.industry_cc, bus0=spatial.biomass.nodes, bus1=spatial.biomass.industry, bus2="co2 atmosphere", bus3=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="solid biomass for industry CC", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["cement capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"], efficiency=0.9, # TODO: make config option efficiency2=-costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["cement capture", "capture_rate"], efficiency3=costs.at["solid biomass", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["cement capture", "capture_rate"], lifetime=costs.at["cement capture", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Bus", spatial.gas.industry, location=spatial.gas.locations, carrier="gas for industry", unit="MWh_LHV", ) gas_demand = industrial_demand.loc[nodes, "methane"] / 8760.0 if options["gas_network"]: spatial_gas_demand = gas_demand.rename(index=lambda x: x + " gas for industry") else: spatial_gas_demand = gas_demand.sum() n.madd( "Load", spatial.gas.industry, bus=spatial.gas.industry, carrier="gas for industry", p_set=spatial_gas_demand, ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.gas.industry, bus0=spatial.gas.nodes, bus1=spatial.gas.industry, bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier="gas for industry", p_nom_extendable=True, efficiency=1.0, efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.gas.industry_cc, bus0=spatial.gas.nodes, bus1=spatial.gas.industry, bus2="co2 atmosphere", bus3=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="gas for industry CC", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["cement capture", "fixed"] * costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"], efficiency=0.9, efficiency2=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * (1 - costs.at["cement capture", "capture_rate"]), efficiency3=costs.at["gas", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["cement capture", "capture_rate"], lifetime=costs.at["cement capture", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" H2 for industry", bus=nodes + " H2", carrier="H2 for industry", p_set=industrial_demand.loc[nodes, "hydrogen"] / 8760, ) shipping_hydrogen_share = get(options["shipping_hydrogen_share"], investment_year) shipping_methanol_share = get(options["shipping_methanol_share"], investment_year) shipping_oil_share = get(options["shipping_oil_share"], investment_year) total_share = shipping_hydrogen_share + shipping_methanol_share + shipping_oil_share if total_share != 1: logger.warning( f"Total shipping shares sum up to {total_share:.2%}, corresponding to increased or decreased demand assumptions." ) domestic_navigation = pop_weighted_energy_totals.loc[ nodes, "total domestic navigation" ].squeeze() international_navigation = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.shipping_demand, index_col=0 ).squeeze() all_navigation = domestic_navigation + international_navigation p_set = all_navigation * 1e6 / 8760 if shipping_hydrogen_share: oil_efficiency = options.get( "shipping_oil_efficiency", options.get("shipping_average_efficiency", 0.4) ) efficiency = oil_efficiency / costs.at["fuel cell", "efficiency"] shipping_hydrogen_share = get( options["shipping_hydrogen_share"], investment_year ) if options["shipping_hydrogen_liquefaction"]: n.madd( "Bus", nodes, suffix=" H2 liquid", carrier="H2 liquid", location=nodes, unit="MWh_LHV", ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " H2 liquefaction", bus0=nodes + " H2", bus1=nodes + " H2 liquid", carrier="H2 liquefaction", efficiency=costs.at["H2 liquefaction", "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at["H2 liquefaction", "fixed"], p_nom_extendable=True, lifetime=costs.at["H2 liquefaction", "lifetime"], ) shipping_bus = nodes + " H2 liquid" else: shipping_bus = nodes + " H2" efficiency = ( options["shipping_oil_efficiency"] / costs.at["fuel cell", "efficiency"] ) p_set_hydrogen = shipping_hydrogen_share * p_set * efficiency n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" H2 for shipping", bus=shipping_bus, carrier="H2 for shipping", p_set=p_set_hydrogen, ) if shipping_methanol_share: n.madd( "Bus", spatial.methanol.nodes, carrier="methanol", location=spatial.methanol.locations, unit="MWh_LHV", ) n.madd( "Store", spatial.methanol.nodes, suffix=" Store", bus=spatial.methanol.nodes, e_nom_extendable=True, e_cyclic=True, carrier="methanol", ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.h2.locations + " methanolisation", bus0=spatial.h2.nodes, bus1=spatial.methanol.nodes, bus2=nodes, bus3=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="methanolisation", p_nom_extendable=True, p_min_pu=options.get("min_part_load_methanolisation", 0), capital_cost=costs.at["methanolisation", "fixed"] * options["MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2"], # EUR/MW_H2/a lifetime=costs.at["methanolisation", "lifetime"], efficiency=options["MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2"], efficiency2=-options["MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2"] / options["MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_e"], efficiency3=-options["MWh_MeOH_per_MWh_H2"] / options["MWh_MeOH_per_tCO2"], ) efficiency = ( options["shipping_oil_efficiency"] / options["shipping_methanol_efficiency"] ) p_set_methanol = shipping_methanol_share * p_set.sum() * efficiency n.madd( "Load", spatial.methanol.nodes, suffix=" shipping methanol", bus=spatial.methanol.nodes, carrier="shipping methanol", p_set=p_set_methanol, ) # CO2 intensity methanol based on stoichiometric calculation with 22.7 GJ/t methanol (32 g/mol), CO2 (44 g/mol), 277.78 MWh/TJ = 0.218 t/MWh co2 = p_set_methanol / options["MWh_MeOH_per_tCO2"] n.add( "Load", "shipping methanol emissions", bus="co2 atmosphere", carrier="shipping methanol emissions", p_set=-co2, ) if shipping_oil_share: p_set_oil = shipping_oil_share * p_set.sum() n.madd( "Load", spatial.oil.nodes, suffix=" shipping oil", bus=spatial.oil.nodes, carrier="shipping oil", p_set=p_set_oil, ) co2 = p_set_oil * costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"] n.add( "Load", "shipping oil emissions", bus="co2 atmosphere", carrier="shipping oil emissions", p_set=-co2, ) if "oil" not in n.buses.carrier.unique(): n.madd( "Bus", spatial.oil.nodes, location=spatial.oil.locations, carrier="oil", unit="MWh_LHV", ) if "oil" not in n.stores.carrier.unique(): # could correct to e.g. 0.001 EUR/kWh * annuity and O&M n.madd( "Store", [oil_bus + " Store" for oil_bus in spatial.oil.nodes], bus=spatial.oil.nodes, e_nom_extendable=True, e_cyclic=True, carrier="oil", ) if "oil" not in n.generators.carrier.unique(): n.madd( "Generator", spatial.oil.nodes, bus=spatial.oil.nodes, p_nom_extendable=True, carrier="oil", marginal_cost=costs.at["oil", "fuel"], ) if options["oil_boilers"]: nodes_heat = create_nodes_for_heat_sector()[0] for name in [ "residential rural", "services rural", "residential urban decentral", "services urban decentral", ]: n.madd( "Link", nodes_heat[name] + f" {name} oil boiler", p_nom_extendable=True, bus0=spatial.oil.nodes, bus1=nodes_heat[name] + f" {name} heat", bus2="co2 atmosphere", carrier=f"{name} oil boiler", efficiency=costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "efficiency"], efficiency2=costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"], capital_cost=costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "efficiency"] * costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "fixed"], lifetime=costs.at["decentral oil boiler", "lifetime"], ) n.madd( "Link", nodes + " Fischer-Tropsch", bus0=nodes + " H2", bus1=spatial.oil.nodes, bus2=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="Fischer-Tropsch", efficiency=costs.at["Fischer-Tropsch", "efficiency"], capital_cost=costs.at["Fischer-Tropsch", "fixed"] * costs.at["Fischer-Tropsch", "efficiency"], # EUR/MW_H2/a efficiency2=-costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"] * costs.at["Fischer-Tropsch", "efficiency"], p_nom_extendable=True, p_min_pu=options.get("min_part_load_fischer_tropsch", 0), lifetime=costs.at["Fischer-Tropsch", "lifetime"], ) demand_factor = options.get("HVC_demand_factor", 1) p_set = demand_factor * industrial_demand.loc[nodes, "naphtha"].sum() / 8760 if demand_factor != 1: logger.warning(f"Changing HVC demand by {demand_factor*100-100:+.2f}%.") n.madd( "Load", ["naphtha for industry"], bus=spatial.oil.nodes, carrier="naphtha for industry", p_set=p_set, ) demand_factor = options.get("aviation_demand_factor", 1) all_aviation = ["total international aviation", "total domestic aviation"] p_set = ( demand_factor * pop_weighted_energy_totals.loc[nodes, all_aviation].sum(axis=1).sum() * 1e6 / 8760 ) if demand_factor != 1: logger.warning(f"Changing aviation demand by {demand_factor*100-100:+.2f}%.") n.madd( "Load", ["kerosene for aviation"], bus=spatial.oil.nodes, carrier="kerosene for aviation", p_set=p_set, ) # NB: CO2 gets released again to atmosphere when plastics decay or kerosene is burned # except for the process emissions when naphtha is used for petrochemicals, which can be captured with other industry process emissions # tco2 per hour co2_release = ["naphtha for industry", "kerosene for aviation"] co2 = ( n.loads.loc[co2_release, "p_set"].sum() * costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"] - industrial_demand.loc[nodes, "process emission from feedstock"].sum() / 8760 ) n.add( "Load", "oil emissions", bus="co2 atmosphere", carrier="oil emissions", p_set=-co2, ) # TODO simplify bus expression n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" low-temperature heat for industry", bus=[ node + " urban central heat" if node + " urban central heat" in n.buses.index else node + " services urban decentral heat" for node in nodes ], carrier="low-temperature heat for industry", p_set=industrial_demand.loc[nodes, "low-temperature heat"] / 8760, ) # remove today's industrial electricity demand by scaling down total electricity demand for ct in n.buses.country.dropna().unique(): # TODO map onto n.bus.country loads_i = n.loads.index[ (n.loads.index.str[:2] == ct) & (n.loads.carrier == "electricity") ] if n.loads_t.p_set[loads_i].empty: continue factor = ( 1 - industrial_demand.loc[loads_i, "current electricity"].sum() / n.loads_t.p_set[loads_i].sum().sum() ) n.loads_t.p_set[loads_i] *= factor n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" industry electricity", bus=nodes, carrier="industry electricity", p_set=industrial_demand.loc[nodes, "electricity"] / 8760, ) n.madd( "Bus", spatial.co2.process_emissions, location=spatial.co2.locations, carrier="process emissions", unit="t_co2", ) sel = ["process emission", "process emission from feedstock"] if options["co2_spatial"] or options["co2network"]: p_set = ( -industrial_demand.loc[nodes, sel] .sum(axis=1) .rename(index=lambda x: x + " process emissions") / 8760 ) else: p_set = -industrial_demand.loc[nodes, sel].sum(axis=1).sum() / 8760 # this should be process emissions fossil+feedstock # then need load on atmosphere for feedstock emissions that are currently going to atmosphere via Link Fischer-Tropsch demand n.madd( "Load", spatial.co2.process_emissions, bus=spatial.co2.process_emissions, carrier="process emissions", p_set=p_set, ) n.madd( "Link", spatial.co2.process_emissions, bus0=spatial.co2.process_emissions, bus1="co2 atmosphere", carrier="process emissions", p_nom_extendable=True, efficiency=1.0, ) # assume enough local waste heat for CC n.madd( "Link", spatial.co2.locations, suffix=" process emissions CC", bus0=spatial.co2.process_emissions, bus1="co2 atmosphere", bus2=spatial.co2.nodes, carrier="process emissions CC", p_nom_extendable=True, capital_cost=costs.at["cement capture", "fixed"], efficiency=1 - costs.at["cement capture", "capture_rate"], efficiency2=costs.at["cement capture", "capture_rate"], lifetime=costs.at["cement capture", "lifetime"], ) if options.get("ammonia"): if options["ammonia"] == "regional": p_set = ( industrial_demand.loc[spatial.ammonia.locations, "ammonia"].rename( index=lambda x: x + " NH3" ) / 8760 ) else: p_set = industrial_demand["ammonia"].sum() / 8760 n.madd( "Load", spatial.ammonia.nodes, bus=spatial.ammonia.nodes, carrier="NH3", p_set=p_set, ) def add_waste_heat(n): # TODO options? logger.info("Add possibility to use industrial waste heat in district heating") # AC buses with district heating urban_central = n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier == "urban central heat"] if not urban_central.empty: urban_central = urban_central.str[: -len(" urban central heat")] # TODO what is the 0.95 and should it be a config option? if options["use_fischer_tropsch_waste_heat"]: n.links.loc[urban_central + " Fischer-Tropsch", "bus3"] = ( urban_central + " urban central heat" ) n.links.loc[urban_central + " Fischer-Tropsch", "efficiency3"] = ( 0.95 - n.links.loc[urban_central + " Fischer-Tropsch", "efficiency"] ) # TODO integrate usable waste heat efficiency into technology-data from DEA if options.get("use_electrolysis_waste_heat", False): n.links.loc[urban_central + " H2 Electrolysis", "bus2"] = ( urban_central + " urban central heat" ) n.links.loc[urban_central + " H2 Electrolysis", "efficiency2"] = ( 0.84 - n.links.loc[urban_central + " H2 Electrolysis", "efficiency"] ) if options["use_fuel_cell_waste_heat"]: n.links.loc[urban_central + " H2 Fuel Cell", "bus2"] = ( urban_central + " urban central heat" ) n.links.loc[urban_central + " H2 Fuel Cell", "efficiency2"] = ( 0.95 - n.links.loc[urban_central + " H2 Fuel Cell", "efficiency"] ) def add_agriculture(n, costs): logger.info("Add agriculture, forestry and fishing sector.") nodes = pop_layout.index # electricity n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" agriculture electricity", bus=nodes, carrier="agriculture electricity", p_set=pop_weighted_energy_totals.loc[nodes, "total agriculture electricity"] * 1e6 / 8760, ) # heat n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" agriculture heat", bus=nodes + " services rural heat", carrier="agriculture heat", p_set=pop_weighted_energy_totals.loc[nodes, "total agriculture heat"] * 1e6 / 8760, ) # machinery electric_share = get( options["agriculture_machinery_electric_share"], investment_year ) oil_share = get(options["agriculture_machinery_oil_share"], investment_year) total_share = electric_share + oil_share if total_share != 1: logger.warning( f"Total agriculture machinery shares sum up to {total_share:.2%}, corresponding to increased or decreased demand assumptions." ) machinery_nodal_energy = pop_weighted_energy_totals.loc[ nodes, "total agriculture machinery" ] if electric_share > 0: efficiency_gain = ( options["agriculture_machinery_fuel_efficiency"] / options["agriculture_machinery_electric_efficiency"] ) n.madd( "Load", nodes, suffix=" agriculture machinery electric", bus=nodes, carrier="agriculture machinery electric", p_set=electric_share / efficiency_gain * machinery_nodal_energy * 1e6 / 8760, ) if oil_share > 0: n.madd( "Load", ["agriculture machinery oil"], bus=spatial.oil.nodes, carrier="agriculture machinery oil", p_set=oil_share * machinery_nodal_energy.sum() * 1e6 / 8760, ) co2 = ( oil_share * machinery_nodal_energy.sum() * 1e6 / 8760 * costs.at["oil", "CO2 intensity"] ) n.add( "Load", "agriculture machinery oil emissions", bus="co2 atmosphere", carrier="agriculture machinery oil emissions", p_set=-co2, ) def decentral(n): """ Removes the electricity transmission system. """ n.lines.drop(n.lines.index, inplace=True) n.links.drop(n.links.index[n.links.carrier.isin(["DC", "B2B"])], inplace=True) def remove_h2_network(n): n.links.drop( n.links.index[n.links.carrier.str.contains("H2 pipeline")], inplace=True ) if "EU H2 Store" in n.stores.index: n.stores.drop("EU H2 Store", inplace=True) def maybe_adjust_costs_and_potentials(n, opts): for o in opts: if "+" not in o: continue oo = o.split("+") carrier_list = np.hstack( ( n.generators.carrier.unique(), n.links.carrier.unique(), n.stores.carrier.unique(), n.storage_units.carrier.unique(), ) ) suptechs = map(lambda c: c.split("-", 2)[0], carrier_list) if oo[0].startswith(tuple(suptechs)): carrier = oo[0] attr_lookup = {"p": "p_nom_max", "e": "e_nom_max", "c": "capital_cost"} attr = attr_lookup[oo[1][0]] factor = float(oo[1][1:]) # beware if factor is 0 and p_nom_max is np.inf, 0*np.inf is nan if carrier == "AC": # lines do not have carrier n.lines[attr] *= factor else: if attr == "p_nom_max": comps = {"Generator", "Link", "StorageUnit"} elif attr == "e_nom_max": comps = {"Store"} else: comps = {"Generator", "Link", "StorageUnit", "Store"} for c in n.iterate_components(comps): if carrier == "solar": sel = c.df.carrier.str.contains( carrier ) & ~c.df.carrier.str.contains("solar rooftop") else: sel = c.df.carrier.str.contains(carrier) c.df.loc[sel, attr] *= factor logger.info(f"changing {attr} for {carrier} by factor {factor}") # TODO this should rather be a config no wildcard def limit_individual_line_extension(n, maxext): logger.info(f"Limiting new HVAC and HVDC extensions to {maxext} MW") n.lines["s_nom_max"] = n.lines["s_nom"] + maxext hvdc = n.links.index[n.links.carrier == "DC"] n.links.loc[hvdc, "p_nom_max"] = n.links.loc[hvdc, "p_nom"] + maxext aggregate_dict = { "p_nom": "sum", "s_nom": "sum", "v_nom": "max", "v_mag_pu_max": "min", "v_mag_pu_min": "max", "p_nom_max": "sum", "s_nom_max": "sum", "p_nom_min": "sum", "s_nom_min": "sum", "v_ang_min": "max", "v_ang_max": "min", "terrain_factor": "mean", "num_parallel": "sum", "p_set": "sum", "e_initial": "sum", "e_nom": "sum", "e_nom_max": "sum", "e_nom_min": "sum", "state_of_charge_initial": "sum", "state_of_charge_set": "sum", "inflow": "sum", "p_max_pu": "first", "x": "mean", "y": "mean", } def cluster_heat_buses(n): """ Cluster residential and service heat buses to one representative bus. This can be done to save memory and speed up optimisation """ def define_clustering(attributes, aggregate_dict): """Define how attributes should be clustered. Input: attributes : pd.Index() aggregate_dict: dictionary (key: name of attribute, value clustering method) Returns: agg : clustering dictionary """ keys = attributes.intersection(aggregate_dict.keys()) agg = dict( zip( attributes.difference(keys), ["first"] * len(df.columns.difference(keys)), ) ) for key in keys: agg[key] = aggregate_dict[key] return agg logger.info("Cluster residential and service heat buses.") components = ["Bus", "Carrier", "Generator", "Link", "Load", "Store"] for c in n.iterate_components(components): df = c.df cols = df.columns[df.columns.str.contains("bus") | (df.columns == "carrier")] # rename columns and index df[cols] = df[cols].apply( lambda x: x.str.replace("residential ", "").str.replace("services ", ""), axis=1, ) df = df.rename( index=lambda x: x.replace("residential ", "").replace("services ", "") ) # cluster heat nodes # static dataframe agg = define_clustering(df.columns, aggregate_dict) df = df.groupby(level=0).agg(agg, **agg_group_kwargs) # time-varying data pnl = c.pnl agg = define_clustering(pd.Index(pnl.keys()), aggregate_dict) for k in pnl.keys(): pnl[k].rename( columns=lambda x: x.replace("residential ", "").replace( "services ", "" ), inplace=True, ) pnl[k] = pnl[k].groupby(level=0, axis=1).agg(agg[k], **agg_group_kwargs) # remove unclustered assets of service/residential to_drop = c.df.index.difference(df.index) n.mremove(c.name, to_drop) # add clustered assets to_add = df.index.difference(c.df.index) import_components_from_dataframe(n, df.loc[to_add], c.name) def apply_time_segmentation( n, segments, solver_name="cbc", overwrite_time_dependent=True ): """ Aggregating time series to segments with different lengths. Input: n: pypsa Network segments: (int) number of segments in which the typical period should be subdivided solver_name: (str) name of solver overwrite_time_dependent: (bool) overwrite time dependent data of pypsa network with typical time series created by tsam """ try: import tsam.timeseriesaggregation as tsam except: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Optional dependency 'tsam' not found." "Install via 'pip install tsam'" ) # get all time-dependent data columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([], names=["component", "key", "asset"]) raw = pd.DataFrame(index=n.snapshots, columns=columns) for c in n.iterate_components(): for attr, pnl in c.pnl.items(): # exclude e_min_pu which is used for SOC of EVs in the morning if not pnl.empty and attr != "e_min_pu": df = pnl.copy() df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[c.name], [attr], df.columns]) raw = pd.concat([raw, df], axis=1) # normalise all time-dependent data annual_max = raw.max().replace(0, 1) raw = raw.div(annual_max, level=0) # get representative segments agg = tsam.TimeSeriesAggregation( raw, hoursPerPeriod=len(raw), noTypicalPeriods=1, noSegments=int(segments), segmentation=True, solver=solver_name, ) segmented = agg.createTypicalPeriods() weightings = segmented.index.get_level_values("Segment Duration") offsets = np.insert(np.cumsum(weightings[:-1]), 0, 0) timesteps = [raw.index[0] + pd.Timedelta(f"{offset}h") for offset in offsets] snapshots = pd.DatetimeIndex(timesteps) sn_weightings = pd.Series( weightings, index=snapshots, name="weightings", dtype="float64" ) n.set_snapshots(sn_weightings.index) n.snapshot_weightings = n.snapshot_weightings.mul(sn_weightings, axis=0) # overwrite time-dependent data with timeseries created by tsam if overwrite_time_dependent: values_t = segmented.mul(annual_max).set_index(snapshots) for component, key in values_t.columns.droplevel(2).unique(): n.pnl(component)[key] = values_t[component, key] return n def set_temporal_aggregation(n, opts, solver_name): """ Aggregate network temporally. """ for o in opts: # temporal averaging m = re.match(r"^\d+h$", o, re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: n = average_every_nhours(n, m.group(0)) break # representative snapshots m = re.match(r"(^\d+)sn$", o, re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: sn = int(m[1]) logger.info(f"Use every {sn} snapshot as representative") n.set_snapshots(n.snapshots[::sn]) n.snapshot_weightings *= sn break # segments with package tsam m = re.match(r"^(\d+)seg$", o, re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: segments = int(m[1]) logger.info(f"Use temporal segmentation with {segments} segments") n = apply_time_segmentation(n, segments, solver_name=solver_name) break return n # %% if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from helper import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake( "prepare_sector_network", simpl="", opts="", clusters="37", lv=1.5, sector_opts="cb40ex0-365H-T-H-B-I-A-solar+p3-dist1", planning_horizons="2020", ) logging.basicConfig(level=snakemake.config["logging"]["level"]) update_config_with_sector_opts(snakemake.config, snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts) options = snakemake.config["sector"] opts = snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts.split("-") investment_year = int(snakemake.wildcards.planning_horizons[-4:]) overrides = override_component_attrs(snakemake.input.overrides) n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network, override_component_attrs=overrides) pop_layout = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.clustered_pop_layout, index_col=0) Nyears = n.snapshot_weightings.generators.sum() / 8760 costs = prepare_costs( snakemake.input.costs, snakemake.config["costs"]["discountrate"], Nyears, snakemake.config["costs"]["lifetime"], ) pop_weighted_energy_totals = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.pop_weighted_energy_totals, index_col=0 ) patch_electricity_network(n) spatial = define_spatial(pop_layout.index, options) if snakemake.config["foresight"] == "myopic": add_lifetime_wind_solar(n, costs) conventional = snakemake.config["existing_capacities"]["conventional_carriers"] for carrier in conventional: add_carrier_buses(n, carrier) add_co2_tracking(n, options) add_generation(n, costs) add_storage_and_grids(n, costs) # TODO merge with opts cost adjustment below for o in opts: if o[:4] == "wave": wave_cost_factor = float(o[4:].replace("p", ".").replace("m", "-")) logger.info( f"Including wave generators with cost factor of {wave_cost_factor}" ) add_wave(n, wave_cost_factor) if o[:4] == "dist": options["electricity_distribution_grid"] = True options["electricity_distribution_grid_cost_factor"] = float( o[4:].replace("p", ".").replace("m", "-") ) if o == "biomasstransport": options["biomass_transport"] = True if "nodistrict" in opts: options["district_heating"]["progress"] = 0.0 if "T" in opts: add_land_transport(n, costs) if "H" in opts: add_heat(n, costs) if "B" in opts: add_biomass(n, costs) if options["ammonia"]: add_ammonia(n, costs) if "I" in opts: add_industry(n, costs) if "I" in opts and "H" in opts: add_waste_heat(n) if "A" in opts: # requires H and I add_agriculture(n, costs) if options["dac"]: add_dac(n, costs) if "decentral" in opts: decentral(n) if "noH2network" in opts: remove_h2_network(n) if options["co2network"]: add_co2_network(n, costs) if options["allam_cycle"]: add_allam(n, costs) solver_name = snakemake.config["solving"]["solver"]["name"] n = set_temporal_aggregation(n, opts, solver_name) limit_type = "config" limit = get(snakemake.config["co2_budget"], investment_year) for o in opts: if not "cb" in o: continue limit_type = "carbon budget" fn = ( snakemake.config["results_dir"] + snakemake.config["run"] + "/csvs/carbon_budget_distribution.csv" ) if not os.path.exists(fn): emissions_scope = snakemake.config["energy"]["emissions"] report_year = snakemake.config["energy"]["eurostat_report_year"] build_carbon_budget( o, snakemake.input.eurostat, fn, emissions_scope, report_year ) co2_cap = pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0).squeeze() limit = co2_cap.loc[investment_year] break for o in opts: if not "Co2L" in o: continue limit_type = "wildcard" limit = o[o.find("Co2L") + 4 :] limit = float(limit.replace("p", ".").replace("m", "-")) break logger.info(f"Add CO2 limit from {limit_type}") add_co2limit(n, Nyears, limit) for o in opts: if not o[:10] == "linemaxext": continue maxext = float(o[10:]) * 1e3 limit_individual_line_extension(n, maxext) break if options["electricity_distribution_grid"]: insert_electricity_distribution_grid(n, costs) maybe_adjust_costs_and_potentials(n, opts) if options["gas_distribution_grid"]: insert_gas_distribution_costs(n, costs) if options["electricity_grid_connection"]: add_electricity_grid_connection(n, costs) first_year_myopic = (snakemake.config["foresight"] == "myopic") and ( snakemake.config["scenario"]["planning_horizons"][0] == investment_year ) if options.get("cluster_heat_buses", False) and not first_year_myopic: cluster_heat_buses(n) n.meta = dict(snakemake.config, **dict(wildcards=dict(snakemake.wildcards))) n.export_to_netcdf(snakemake.output[0])