.. _installation: ########################################## Installation ########################################## The subsequently described installation steps are demonstrated as shell commands, where the path before the ``%`` sign denotes the directory in which the commands following the ``%`` should be entered. Clone the Repository ==================== First of all, clone the `PyPSA-Eur repository `_ using the version control system ``git``. The path to the directory into which the ``git repository`` is cloned, must **not** have any spaces! .. code:: bash /some/other/path % cd /some/path/without/spaces /some/path/without/spaces % git clone https://github.com/PyPSA/pypsa-eur.git .. note:: If you do not have ``git`` installed, follow installation instructions `here `_. .. _deps: Install Python Dependencies =============================== PyPSA-Eur relies on a set of other Python packages to function. We recommend using the package manager and environment management system ``conda`` to install them. Install `miniconda `_, which is a mini version of `Anaconda `_ that includes only ``conda`` and its dependencies or make sure ``conda`` is already installed on your system. For instructions for your operating system follow the ``conda`` `installation guide `_. The python package requirements are curated in the `environment.yaml `_ file. The environment can be installed and activated using .. code:: bash .../pypsa-eur % conda env create -f environment.yaml .../pypsa-eur % conda activate pypsa-eur .. note:: Note that activation is local to the currently open shell! After opening a new terminal window, one needs to reissue the second command! .. note:: If you have troubles with a slow ``conda`` installation, we recommend to install `mamba `_ as a fast drop-in replacement via .. code:: bash conda install -c conda-forge mamba and then install the environment with .. coda:: bash mamba env create -f environment.yaml Install a Solver ================ PyPSA passes the PyPSA-Eur network model to an external solver for performing a total annual system cost minimization with optimal power flow. PyPSA is known to work with the free software - `Ipopt `_ - `Cbc `_ - `GLPK `_ (`WinGLKP `_) and the non-free, commercial software (for which free academic licenses are available) - `Gurobi `_ - `CPLEX `_ and any other solver that works with the underlying modelling framework `Pyomo `_. For installation instructions of these solvers for your operating system, follow the links above. .. seealso:: `Getting a solver in the PyPSA documentation `_ .. note:: Commercial solvers such as Gurobi and CPLEX currently significantly outperform open-source solvers for large-scale problems. It might be the case that you can only retrieve solutions by using a commercial solver. .. note:: The rules :mod:`cluster_network` and :mod:`simplify_network` solve a quadratic optimisation problem for clustering. The open-source solvers Cbc and GlPK cannot handle this. A fallback to Ipopt is implemented in this case, but requires also Ipopt to be installed. For an open-source solver setup install in your `conda` environment on OSX/Linux .. code:: bash conda activate pypsa-eur conda install -c conda-forge ipopt coincbc and on Windows .. code:: bash conda activate pypsa-eur conda install -c conda-forge ipopt glpk .. _defaultconfig: Set Up the Default Configuration ================================ PyPSA-Eur has several configuration options that must be specified in a ``config.yaml`` file located in the root directory. An example configuration ``config.default.yaml`` is maintained in the repository. More details on the configuration options are in :ref:`config`. Before first use, create a ``config.yaml`` by copying the example. .. code:: bash .../pypsa-eur % cp config.default.yaml config.yaml Users are advised to regularly check their own ``config.yaml`` against changes in the ``config.default.yaml`` when pulling a new version from the remote repository. .. Using PyPSA-Eur with Docker Images .. ================================== .. If docker. Optional. .. To run on cloud computing. .. Gurobi license - floating token server - license must not be tied to a particular machine .. Provide ``Dockerfile``.