import pypsa import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely import wkt, prepared from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree def prepare_hotmaps_database(): df = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.hotmaps_industrial_database, sep=";", index_col=0) #remove those sites without valid geometries df.drop(df.index[df.geom.isna()], inplace=True) #parse geometry # df["Coordinates"] = df.geom.apply(lambda x : wkt.loads(x[x.find(";POINT")+1:])) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry='Coordinates') europe_shape = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input.europe_shape).loc[0, 'geometry'] europe_shape_prepped = prepared.prep(europe_shape) not_in_europe = gdf.index[~gdf.geometry.apply(europe_shape_prepped.contains)] print("Removing the following industrial facilities since they are not in European area:") print(gdf.loc[not_in_europe]) gdf.drop(not_in_europe, inplace=True) country_to_code = { 'Belgium' : 'BE', 'Bulgaria' : 'BG', 'Czech Republic' : 'CZ', 'Denmark' : 'DK', 'Germany' : 'DE', 'Estonia' : 'EE', 'Ireland' : 'IE', 'Greece' : 'GR', 'Spain' : 'ES', 'France' : 'FR', 'Croatia' : 'HR', 'Italy' : 'IT', 'Cyprus' : 'CY', 'Latvia' : 'LV', 'Lithuania' : 'LT', 'Luxembourg' : 'LU', 'Hungary' : 'HU', 'Malta' : 'MA', 'Netherland' : 'NL', 'Austria' : 'AT', 'Poland' : 'PL', 'Portugal' : 'PT', 'Romania' : 'RO', 'Slovenia' : 'SI', 'Slovakia' : 'SK', 'Finland' : 'FI', 'Sweden' : 'SE', 'United Kingdom' : 'GB', 'Iceland' : 'IS', 'Norway' : 'NO', 'Montenegro' : 'ME', 'FYR of Macedonia' : 'MK', 'Albania' : 'AL', 'Serbia' : 'RS', 'Turkey' : 'TU', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina' : 'BA', 'Switzerland' : 'CH', 'Liechtenstein' : 'AT', } gdf["country_code"] = if gdf["country_code"].isna().any(): print("Warning, some countries not assigned an ISO code") gdf["x"] = gdf.geometry.x gdf["y"] = gdf.geometry.y return gdf def assign_buses(gdf): gdf["bus"] = "" for c in buses_i = n.buses.index[ == c] kdtree = KDTree(n.buses.loc[buses_i, ['x','y']].values) industry_i = gdf.index[(gdf.country_code == c)] if industry_i.empty: print("Skipping country with no industry:",c) else: tree_i = kdtree.query(gdf.loc[industry_i, ['x','y']].values)[1] gdf.loc[industry_i, 'bus'] = buses_i[tree_i] if (gdf.bus == "").any(): print("Some industrial facilities have empty buses") if gdf.bus.isna().any(): print("Some industrial facilities have NaN buses") def build_nodal_industrial_production(gdf): industrial_production = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.industrial_production_per_country_tomorrow, index_col=0) nodal_industrial_production = pd.DataFrame(index=n.buses.index, columns=industrial_production.columns, dtype=float) pop_layout = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.clustered_pop_layout,index_col=0) pop_layout["ct"] = pop_layout.index.str[:2] ct_total =["ct"]).sum() pop_layout["ct_total"] = pop_layout["ct"].map(ct_total) pop_layout["fraction"] = pop_layout["total"]/pop_layout["ct_total"] #map JRC/our sectors to hotmaps sector, where mapping exist sector_mapping = {'Electric arc' : 'Iron and steel', 'Integrated steelworks' : 'Iron and steel', 'DRI + Electric arc' : 'Iron and steel', 'Ammonia' : 'Chemical industry', 'Basic chemicals (without ammonia)' : 'Chemical industry', 'Other chemicals' : 'Chemical industry', 'Pharmaceutical products etc.' : 'Chemical industry', 'Cement' : 'Cement', 'Ceramics & other NMM' : 'Non-metallic mineral products', 'Glass production' : 'Glass', 'Pulp production' : 'Paper and printing', 'Paper production' : 'Paper and printing', 'Printing and media reproduction' : 'Paper and printing', 'Alumina production' : 'Non-ferrous metals', 'Aluminium - primary production' : 'Non-ferrous metals', 'Aluminium - secondary production' : 'Non-ferrous metals', 'Other non-ferrous metals' : 'Non-ferrous metals', } for c in buses = n.buses.index[ == c] for sector in industrial_production.columns: facilities = gdf.index[(gdf.country_code == c) & (gdf.Subsector == sector_mapping.get(sector,"None"))] if (sector in sector_mapping) and not facilities.empty: emissions = gdf.loc[facilities,"Emissions_ETS_2014"] if emissions.sum() == 0: distribution_key = pd.Series(1/len(facilities), facilities) else: #BEWARE: this is a strong assumption emissions = emissions.fillna(emissions.mean()) distribution_key = emissions/emissions.sum() distribution_key = distribution_key.groupby(gdf.loc[facilities,"bus"]).sum().reindex(buses,fill_value=0.) else: distribution_key = pop_layout.loc[buses,"fraction"] if abs(distribution_key.sum() - 1) > 1e-4: print(c,sector,distribution_key) nodal_industrial_production.loc[buses,sector] =[c,sector]*distribution_key nodal_industrial_production.to_csv(snakemake.output.industrial_production_per_node) if __name__ == "__main__": n = pypsa.Network( hotmaps_database = prepare_hotmaps_database() assign_buses(hotmaps_database) build_nodal_industrial_production(hotmaps_database)