#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2020 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """Calculates for each network node the (i) installable capacity (based on land-use), (ii) the available generation time series (based on weather data), and (iii) the average distance from the node for onshore wind, AC-connected offshore wind, DC-connected offshore wind and solar PV generators. In addition for offshore wind it calculates the fraction of the grid connection which is under water. .. note:: Hydroelectric profiles are built in script :mod:`build_hydro_profiles`. Relevant settings ----------------- .. code:: yaml snapshots: atlite: nprocesses: renewable: {technology}: cutout: corine: grid_codes: distance: natura: max_depth: max_shore_distance: min_shore_distance: capacity_per_sqkm: correction_factor: potential: min_p_max_pu: clip_p_max_pu: resource: .. seealso:: Documentation of the configuration file ``config.yaml`` at :ref:`snapshots_cf`, :ref:`atlite_cf`, :ref:`renewable_cf` Inputs ------ - ``data/bundle/corine/g250_clc06_V18_5.tif``: `CORINE Land Cover (CLC) <https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/corine-land-cover>`_ inventory on `44 classes <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Corine_Land_Cover#Tagging>`_ of land use (e.g. forests, arable land, industrial, urban areas). .. image:: ../img/corine.png :scale: 33 % - ``data/bundle/GEBCO_2014_2D.nc``: A `bathymetric <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathymetry>`_ data set with a global terrain model for ocean and land at 15 arc-second intervals by the `General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) <https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gridded_bathymetry_data/>`_. .. image:: ../img/gebco_2019_grid_image.jpg :scale: 50 % **Source:** `GEBCO <https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/images/gebco_2019_grid_image.jpg>`_ - ``resources/natura.tiff``: confer :ref:`natura` - ``resources/offshore_shapes.geojson``: confer :ref:`shapes` - ``resources/regions_onshore.geojson``: (if not offshore wind), confer :ref:`busregions` - ``resources/regions_offshore.geojson``: (if offshore wind), :ref:`busregions` - ``"cutouts/" + config["renewable"][{technology}]['cutout']``: :ref:`cutout` - ``networks/base.nc``: :ref:`base` Outputs ------- - ``resources/profile_{technology}.nc`` with the following structure =================== ========== ========================================================= Field Dimensions Description =================== ========== ========================================================= profile bus, time the per unit hourly availability factors for each node ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- weight bus sum of the layout weighting for each node ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- p_nom_max bus maximal installable capacity at the node (in MW) ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- potential y, x layout of generator units at cutout grid cells inside the Voronoi cell (maximal installable capacity at each grid cell multiplied by capacity factor) ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- average_distance bus average distance of units in the Voronoi cell to the grid node (in km) ------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- underwater_fraction bus fraction of the average connection distance which is under water (only for offshore) =================== ========== ========================================================= - **profile** .. image:: ../img/profile_ts.png :scale: 33 % :align: center - **p_nom_max** .. image:: ../img/p_nom_max_hist.png :scale: 33 % :align: center - **potential** .. image:: ../img/potential_heatmap.png :scale: 33 % :align: center - **average_distance** .. image:: ../img/distance_hist.png :scale: 33 % :align: center - **underwater_fraction** .. image:: ../img/underwater_hist.png :scale: 33 % :align: center Description ----------- This script functions at two main spatial resolutions: the resolution of the network nodes and their `Voronoi cells <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronoi_diagram>`_, and the resolution of the cutout grid cells for the weather data. Typically the weather data grid is finer than the network nodes, so we have to work out the distribution of generators across the grid cells within each Voronoi cell. This is done by taking account of a combination of the available land at each grid cell and the capacity factor there. First the script computes how much of the technology can be installed at each cutout grid cell and each node using the `GLAES <https://github.com/FZJ-IEK3-VSA/glaes>`_ library. This uses the CORINE land use data, Natura2000 nature reserves and GEBCO bathymetry data. .. image:: ../img/eligibility.png :scale: 50 % :align: center To compute the layout of generators in each node's Voronoi cell, the installable potential in each grid cell is multiplied with the capacity factor at each grid cell. This is done since we assume more generators are installed at cells with a higher capacity factor. .. image:: ../img/offwinddc-gridcell.png :scale: 50 % :align: center .. image:: ../img/offwindac-gridcell.png :scale: 50 % :align: center .. image:: ../img/onwind-gridcell.png :scale: 50 % :align: center .. image:: ../img/solar-gridcell.png :scale: 50 % :align: center This layout is then used to compute the generation availability time series from the weather data cutout from ``atlite``. Two methods are available to compute the maximal installable potential for the node (`p_nom_max`): ``simple`` and ``conservative``: - ``simple`` adds up the installable potentials of the individual grid cells. If the model comes close to this limit, then the time series may slightly overestimate production since it is assumed the geographical distribution is proportional to capacity factor. - ``conservative`` assertains the nodal limit by increasing capacities proportional to the layout until the limit of an individual grid cell is reached. """ import progressbar as pgb import geopandas as gpd import xarray as xr import numpy as np import functools import atlite import logging from pypsa.geo import haversine from shapely.geometry import LineString import time from _helpers import configure_logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if __name__ == '__main__': if 'snakemake' not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake('build_renewable_profiles', technology='solar') configure_logging(snakemake) pgb.streams.wrap_stderr() paths = snakemake.input nprocesses = snakemake.config['atlite'].get('nprocesses') noprogress = not snakemake.config['atlite'].get('show_progress', True) config = snakemake.config['renewable'][snakemake.wildcards.technology] resource = config['resource'] # pv panel config / wind turbine config correction_factor = config.get('correction_factor', 1.) capacity_per_sqkm = config['capacity_per_sqkm'] p_nom_max_meth = config.get('potential', 'conservative') if isinstance(config.get("corine", {}), list): config['corine'] = {'grid_codes': config['corine']} if correction_factor != 1.: logger.info(f'correction_factor is set as {correction_factor}') cutout = atlite.Cutout(paths['cutout']) regions = gpd.read_file(paths.regions).set_index('name').rename_axis('bus') buses = regions.index excluder = atlite.ExclusionContainer(crs=3035, res=100) if config['natura']: excluder.add_raster(paths.natura, nodata=0, allow_no_overlap=True) corine = config.get("corine", {}) if "grid_codes" in corine: codes = corine["grid_codes"] excluder.add_raster(paths.corine, codes=codes, invert=True, crs=3035) if corine.get("distance", 0.) > 0.: codes = corine["distance_grid_codes"] buffer = corine["distance"] excluder.add_raster(paths.corine, codes=codes, buffer=buffer, crs=3035) if "max_depth" in config: # lambda not supported for atlite + multiprocessing # use named function np.greater with partially frozen argument instead # and exclude areas where: -max_depth > grid cell depth func = functools.partial(np.greater,-config['max_depth']) excluder.add_raster(paths.gebco, codes=func, crs=4236, nodata=-1000) if 'min_shore_distance' in config: buffer = config['min_shore_distance'] excluder.add_geometry(paths.country_shapes, buffer=buffer) if 'max_shore_distance' in config: buffer = config['max_shore_distance'] excluder.add_geometry(paths.country_shapes, buffer=buffer, invert=True) kwargs = dict(nprocesses=nprocesses, disable_progressbar=noprogress) if noprogress: logger.info('Calculate landuse availabilities...') start = time.time() availability = cutout.availabilitymatrix(regions, excluder, **kwargs) duration = time.time() - start logger.info(f'Completed availability calculation ({duration:2.2f}s)') else: availability = cutout.availabilitymatrix(regions, excluder, **kwargs) area = cutout.grid.to_crs(3035).area / 1e6 area = xr.DataArray(area.values.reshape(cutout.shape), [cutout.coords['y'], cutout.coords['x']]) potential = capacity_per_sqkm * availability.sum('bus') * area func = getattr(cutout, resource.pop('method')) resource['dask_kwargs'] = {'num_workers': nprocesses} capacity_factor = correction_factor * func(capacity_factor=True, **resource) layout = capacity_factor * area * capacity_per_sqkm profile, capacities = func(matrix=availability.stack(spatial=['y','x']), layout=layout, index=buses, per_unit=True, return_capacity=True, **resource) logger.info(f"Calculating maximal capacity per bus (method '{p_nom_max_meth}')") if p_nom_max_meth == 'simple': p_nom_max = capacity_per_sqkm * availability @ area elif p_nom_max_meth == 'conservative': max_cap_factor = capacity_factor.where(availability!=0).max(['x', 'y']) p_nom_max = capacities / max_cap_factor else: raise AssertionError('Config key `potential` should be one of "simple" ' f'(default) or "conservative", not "{p_nom_max_meth}"') logger.info('Calculate average distances.') layoutmatrix = (layout * availability).stack(spatial=['y','x']) coords = cutout.grid[['x', 'y']] bus_coords = regions[['x', 'y']] average_distance = [] centre_of_mass = [] for bus in buses: row = layoutmatrix.sel(bus=bus).data nz_b = row != 0 row = row[nz_b] co = coords[nz_b] distances = haversine(bus_coords.loc[bus], co) average_distance.append((distances * (row / row.sum())).sum()) centre_of_mass.append(co.values.T @ (row / row.sum())) average_distance = xr.DataArray(average_distance, [buses]) centre_of_mass = xr.DataArray(centre_of_mass, [buses, ('spatial', ['x', 'y'])]) ds = xr.merge([(correction_factor * profile).rename('profile'), capacities.rename('weight'), p_nom_max.rename('p_nom_max'), potential.rename('potential'), average_distance.rename('average_distance')]) if snakemake.wildcards.technology.startswith("offwind"): logger.info('Calculate underwater fraction of connections.') offshore_shape = gpd.read_file(paths['offshore_shapes']).unary_union underwater_fraction = [] for bus in buses: p = centre_of_mass.sel(bus=bus).data line = LineString([p, regions.loc[bus, ['x', 'y']]]) frac = line.intersection(offshore_shape).length/line.length underwater_fraction.append(frac) ds['underwater_fraction'] = xr.DataArray(underwater_fraction, [buses]) # select only buses with some capacity and minimal capacity factor ds = ds.sel(bus=((ds['profile'].mean('time') > config.get('min_p_max_pu', 0.)) & (ds['p_nom_max'] > config.get('min_p_nom_max', 0.)))) if 'clip_p_max_pu' in config: min_p_max_pu = config['clip_p_max_pu'] ds['profile'] = ds['profile'].where(ds['profile'] >= min_p_max_pu, 0) ds.to_netcdf(snakemake.output.profile)