# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Build industrial production per country. """ import logging from functools import partial logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import multiprocessing as mp import country_converter as coco import numpy as np import pandas as pd from _helpers import mute_print from tqdm import tqdm cc = coco.CountryConverter() tj_to_ktoe = 0.0238845 ktoe_to_twh = 0.01163 sub_sheet_name_dict = { "Iron and steel": "ISI", "Chemicals Industry": "CHI", "Non-metallic mineral products": "NMM", "Pulp, paper and printing": "PPA", "Food, beverages and tobacco": "FBT", "Non Ferrous Metals": "NFM", "Transport Equipment": "TRE", "Machinery Equipment": "MAE", "Textiles and leather": "TEL", "Wood and wood products": "WWP", "Other Industrial Sectors": "OIS", } eu28 = cc.EU28as("ISO2").ISO2.values jrc_names = {"GR": "EL", "GB": "UK"} sect2sub = { "Iron and steel": ["Electric arc", "Integrated steelworks"], "Chemicals Industry": [ "Basic chemicals", "Other chemicals", "Pharmaceutical products etc.", ], "Non-metallic mineral products": [ "Cement", "Ceramics & other NMM", "Glass production", ], "Pulp, paper and printing": [ "Pulp production", "Paper production", "Printing and media reproduction", ], "Food, beverages and tobacco": ["Food, beverages and tobacco"], "Non Ferrous Metals": [ "Alumina production", "Aluminium - primary production", "Aluminium - secondary production", "Other non-ferrous metals", ], "Transport Equipment": ["Transport Equipment"], "Machinery Equipment": ["Machinery Equipment"], "Textiles and leather": ["Textiles and leather"], "Wood and wood products": ["Wood and wood products"], "Other Industrial Sectors": ["Other Industrial Sectors"], } sub2sect = {v: k for k, vv in sect2sub.items() for v in vv} fields = { "Electric arc": "Electric arc", "Integrated steelworks": "Integrated steelworks", "Basic chemicals": "Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq.)", "Other chemicals": "Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq.)", "Pharmaceutical products etc.": "Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq.)", "Cement": "Cement (kt)", "Ceramics & other NMM": "Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)", "Glass production": "Glass production (kt)", "Pulp production": "Pulp production (kt)", "Paper production": "Paper production (kt)", "Printing and media reproduction": "Printing and media reproduction (kt paper eq.)", "Food, beverages and tobacco": "Physical output (index)", "Alumina production": "Alumina production (kt)", "Aluminium - primary production": "Aluminium - primary production", "Aluminium - secondary production": "Aluminium - secondary production", "Other non-ferrous metals": "Other non-ferrous metals (kt lead eq.)", "Transport Equipment": "Physical output (index)", "Machinery Equipment": "Physical output (index)", "Textiles and leather": "Physical output (index)", "Wood and wood products": "Physical output (index)", "Other Industrial Sectors": "Physical output (index)", } eb_names = { "NO": "Norway", "AL": "Albania", "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "MK": "FYR of Macedonia", "GE": "Georgia", "IS": "Iceland", "KO": "Kosovo", "MD": "Moldova", "ME": "Montenegro", "RS": "Serbia", "UA": "Ukraine", "TR": "Turkey", } eb_sectors = { "Iron & steel industry": "Iron and steel", "Chemical and Petrochemical industry": "Chemicals Industry", "Non-ferrous metal industry": "Non-metallic mineral products", "Paper, Pulp and Print": "Pulp, paper and printing", "Food and Tabacco": "Food, beverages and tobacco", "Non-metallic Minerals (Glass, pottery & building mat. Industry)": "Non Ferrous Metals", "Transport Equipment": "Transport Equipment", "Machinery": "Machinery Equipment", "Textile and Leather": "Textiles and leather", "Wood and Wood Products": "Wood and wood products", "Non-specified (Industry)": "Other Industrial Sectors", } # TODO: this should go in a csv in `data` # Annual energy consumption in Switzerland by sector in 2015 (in TJ) # From: Energieverbrauch in der Industrie und im Dienstleistungssektor, Der Bundesrat # http://www.bfe.admin.ch/themen/00526/00541/00543/index.html?lang=de&dossier_id=00775 e_switzerland = pd.Series( { "Iron and steel": 7889.0, "Chemicals Industry": 26871.0, "Non-metallic mineral products": 15513.0 + 3820.0, "Pulp, paper and printing": 12004.0, "Food, beverages and tobacco": 17728.0, "Non Ferrous Metals": 3037.0, "Transport Equipment": 14993.0, "Machinery Equipment": 4724.0, "Textiles and leather": 1742.0, "Wood and wood products": 0.0, "Other Industrial Sectors": 10825.0, "current electricity": 53760.0, } ) def find_physical_output(df): start = np.where(df.index.str.contains("Physical output", na=""))[0][0] empty_row = np.where(df.index.isnull())[0] end = empty_row[np.argmax(empty_row > start)] return slice(start, end) def get_energy_ratio(country, eurostat_dir, jrc_dir, year): if country == "CH": e_country = e_switzerland * tj_to_ktoe else: # estimate physical output, energy consumption in the sector and country fn = f"{eurostat_dir}/{eb_names[country]}.XLSX" with mute_print(): df = pd.read_excel( fn, sheet_name="2016", index_col=2, header=0, skiprows=1 ).squeeze("columns") e_country = df.loc[eb_sectors.keys(), "Total all products"].rename(eb_sectors) fn = f"{jrc_dir}/JRC-IDEES-2015_Industry_EU28.xlsx" with mute_print(): df = pd.read_excel(fn, sheet_name="Ind_Summary", index_col=0, header=0).squeeze( "columns" ) assert df.index[48] == "by sector" year_i = df.columns.get_loc(year) e_eu28 = df.iloc[49:76, year_i] e_eu28.index = e_eu28.index.str.lstrip() e_ratio = e_country / e_eu28 return pd.Series({k: e_ratio[v] for k, v in sub2sect.items()}) def industry_production_per_country(country, year, eurostat_dir, jrc_dir): def get_sector_data(sector, country): jrc_country = jrc_names.get(country, country) fn = f"{jrc_dir}/JRC-IDEES-2015_Industry_{jrc_country}.xlsx" sheet = sub_sheet_name_dict[sector] with mute_print(): df = pd.read_excel(fn, sheet_name=sheet, index_col=0, header=0).squeeze( "columns" ) year_i = df.columns.get_loc(year) df = df.iloc[find_physical_output(df), year_i] df = df.loc[map(fields.get, sect2sub[sector])] df.index = sect2sub[sector] return df ct = "EU28" if country not in eu28 else country demand = pd.concat([get_sector_data(s, ct) for s in sect2sub]) if country not in eu28: demand *= get_energy_ratio(country, eurostat_dir, jrc_dir, year) demand.name = country return demand def industry_production(countries, year, eurostat_dir, jrc_dir): nprocesses = snakemake.threads disable_progress = snakemake.config["run"].get("disable_progressbar", False) func = partial( industry_production_per_country, year=year, eurostat_dir=eurostat_dir, jrc_dir=jrc_dir, ) tqdm_kwargs = dict( ascii=False, unit=" country", total=len(countries), desc="Build industry production", disable=disable_progress, ) with mp.Pool(processes=nprocesses) as pool: demand_l = list(tqdm(pool.imap(func, countries), **tqdm_kwargs)) demand = pd.concat(demand_l, axis=1).T demand.index.name = "kton/a" return demand def separate_basic_chemicals(demand, year): """ Separate basic chemicals into ammonia, chlorine, methanol and HVC. """ ammonia = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.ammonia_production, index_col=0) there = ammonia.index.intersection(demand.index) missing = demand.index.symmetric_difference(there) logger.info(f"Following countries have no ammonia demand: {missing.tolist()}") demand["Ammonia"] = 0.0 demand.loc[there, "Ammonia"] = ammonia.loc[there, str(year)] demand["Basic chemicals"] -= demand["Ammonia"] # EE, HR and LT got negative demand through subtraction - poor data demand["Basic chemicals"].clip(lower=0.0, inplace=True) # assume HVC, methanol, chlorine production proportional to non-ammonia basic chemicals distribution_key = demand["Basic chemicals"] / demand["Basic chemicals"].sum() demand["HVC"] = config["HVC_production_today"] * 1e3 * distribution_key demand["Chlorine"] = config["chlorine_production_today"] * 1e3 * distribution_key demand["Methanol"] = config["methanol_production_today"] * 1e3 * distribution_key demand.drop(columns=["Basic chemicals"], inplace=True) if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake("build_industrial_production_per_country") logging.basicConfig(level=snakemake.config["logging"]["level"]) countries = snakemake.params["countries"] year = snakemake.params["industry"]["reference_year"] config = snakemake.params["industry"] jrc_dir = snakemake.input.jrc eurostat_dir = snakemake.input.eurostat demand = industry_production(countries, year, eurostat_dir, jrc_dir) separate_basic_chemicals(demand, year) fn = snakemake.output.industrial_production_per_country demand.to_csv(fn, float_format="%.2f")