# coding: utf-8 """ Retrieves conventional powerplant capacities and locations from `powerplantmatching `_, assigns these to buses and creates a ``.csv`` file. Relevant Settings ----------------- .. code:: yaml enable: powerplantmatching: .. seealso:: Documentation of the configuration file ``config.yaml`` at :ref:`toplevel_cf` Inputs ------ - ``networks/base.nc``: confer :ref:`base`. Outputs ------- - ``resource/powerplants.csv``: A list of conventional power plants (i.e. neither wind nor solar) with fields for name, fuel type, technology, country, capacity in MW, duration, commissioning year, retrofit year, latitude, longitude, and dam information as documented in the `powerplantmatching README `_; additionally it includes information on the closest substation/bus in ``networks/base.nc``. .. image:: ../img/powerplantmatching.png :scale: 30 % **Source:** `powerplantmatching on GitHub `_ Description ----------- """ import logging from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree import pypsa import powerplantmatching as pm if __name__ == "__main__": if 'snakemake' not in globals(): from vresutils.snakemake import MockSnakemake, Dict snakemake = MockSnakemake( input=Dict(base_network='networks/base.nc'), output=['resources/powerplants.csv'] ) logging.basicConfig(level=snakemake.config['logging_level']) n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.base_network) countries = n.buses.country.unique() ppl = (pm.powerplants(from_url=True) .powerplant.convert_country_to_alpha2() .query('Fueltype not in ["Solar", "Wind"] and Country in @countries') .replace({'Technology': {'Steam Turbine': 'OCGT'}}) .assign(Fueltype=lambda df: ( df.Fueltype .where(df.Fueltype != 'Natural Gas', df.Technology.replace('Steam Turbine', 'OCGT').fillna('OCGT'))))) cntries_without_ppl = [c for c in countries if c not in ppl.Country.unique()] substation_i = n.buses.query('substation_lv').index kdtree = KDTree(n.buses.loc[substation_i, ['x','y']].values) ppl['bus'] = substation_i[kdtree.query(ppl[['lon','lat']].values)[1]] if cntries_without_ppl: logging.warning(f"No powerplants known in: {', '.join(cntries_without_ppl)}") bus_null_b = ppl["bus"].isnull() if bus_null_b.any(): logging.warning(f"Couldn't find close bus for {bus_null_b.sum()} powerplants") ppl.to_csv(snakemake.output[0])