import pandas as pd idx = pd.IndexSlice def build_biomass_potentials(): #delete empty column C from this sheet first before reading it in df = pd.read_excel(snakemake.input.jrc_potentials, "Potentials (PJ)", index_col=[0,1]) df.rename(columns={"Unnamed: 18":"Municipal waste"},inplace=True) df.drop(columns="Total",inplace=True) df.replace("-",0.,inplace=True) df_dict = {} for i in range(36): df_dict[df.iloc[i*16,1]] = df.iloc[1+i*16:(i+1)*16].astype(float) #convert from PJ to MWh df_new = pd.concat(df_dict).rename({"UK" : "GB", "BH" : "BA"})/3.6*1e6 = "MWh/a" df_new.to_csv(snakemake.output.biomass_potentials_all) # solid biomass includes: Primary agricultural residues (MINBIOAGRW1), # Forestry energy residue (MINBIOFRSF1), # Secondary forestry residues (MINBIOWOOW1), # Secondary Forestry residues – sawdust (MINBIOWOO1a)', # Forestry residues from landscape care biomass (MINBIOFRSF1a), # Municipal waste (MINBIOMUN1)', # biogas includes : Manure biomass potential (MINBIOGAS1), # Sludge biomass (MINBIOSLU1) us_type = pd.Series("", df_new.columns) for k,v in snakemake.config['biomass']['classes'].items(): us_type.loc[v] = k biomass_potentials = df_new.swaplevel(0,2).loc[snakemake.config['biomass']['scenario'],snakemake.config['biomass']['year']].groupby(us_type,axis=1).sum() = "MWh/a" biomass_potentials.to_csv(snakemake.output.biomass_potentials) if __name__ == "__main__": # Detect running outside of snakemake and mock snakemake for testing if 'snakemake' not in globals(): from vresutils import Dict import yaml snakemake = Dict() snakemake.input = Dict() snakemake.input['jrc_potentials'] = "data/biomass/JRC Biomass Potentials.xlsx" snakemake.output = Dict() snakemake.output['biomass_potentials'] = 'data/biomass_potentials.csv' with open('config.yaml') as f: snakemake.config = yaml.load(f) build_biomass_potentials()