# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Create summary CSV files for all scenario runs with perfect foresight including costs, capacities, capacity factors, curtailment, energy balances, prices and other metrics. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pypsa from make_summary import ( assign_carriers, assign_locations, calculate_cfs, calculate_nodal_cfs, calculate_nodal_costs, ) from prepare_sector_network import prepare_costs from pypsa.descriptors import get_active_assets, nominal_attrs from six import iteritems idx = pd.IndexSlice opt_name = {"Store": "e", "Line": "s", "Transformer": "s"} def calculate_costs(n, label, costs): investments = n.investment_periods cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [ costs.columns.levels[0], costs.columns.levels[1], costs.columns.levels[2], investments, ], names=costs.columns.names[:3] + ["year"], ) costs = costs.reindex(cols, axis=1) for c in n.iterate_components( n.branch_components | n.controllable_one_port_components ^ {"Load"} ): capital_costs = c.df.capital_cost * c.df[opt_name.get(c.name, "p") + "_nom_opt"] active = pd.concat( [ get_active_assets(n, c.name, inv_p).rename(inv_p) for inv_p in investments ], axis=1, ).astype(int) capital_costs = active.mul(capital_costs, axis=0) discount = ( n.investment_period_weightings["objective"] / n.investment_period_weightings["years"] ) capital_costs_grouped = capital_costs.groupby(c.df.carrier).sum().mul(discount) capital_costs_grouped = pd.concat([capital_costs_grouped], keys=["capital"]) capital_costs_grouped = pd.concat([capital_costs_grouped], keys=[c.list_name]) costs = costs.reindex(capital_costs_grouped.index.union(costs.index)) costs.loc[capital_costs_grouped.index, label] = capital_costs_grouped.values if c.name == "Link": p = ( c.pnl.p0.multiply(n.snapshot_weightings.generators, axis=0) .groupby(level=0) .sum() ) elif c.name == "Line": continue elif c.name == "StorageUnit": p_all = c.pnl.p.multiply(n.snapshot_weightings.stores, axis=0) p_all[p_all < 0.0] = 0.0 p = p_all.groupby(level=0).sum() else: p = ( round(c.pnl.p, ndigits=2) .multiply(n.snapshot_weightings.generators, axis=0) .groupby(level=0) .sum() ) # correct sequestration cost if c.name == "Store": items = c.df.index[ (c.df.carrier == "co2 stored") & (c.df.marginal_cost <= -100.0) ] c.df.loc[items, "marginal_cost"] = -20.0 marginal_costs = p.mul(c.df.marginal_cost).T # marginal_costs = active.mul(marginal_costs, axis=0) marginal_costs_grouped = ( marginal_costs.groupby(c.df.carrier).sum().mul(discount) ) marginal_costs_grouped = pd.concat([marginal_costs_grouped], keys=["marginal"]) marginal_costs_grouped = pd.concat([marginal_costs_grouped], keys=[c.list_name]) costs = costs.reindex(marginal_costs_grouped.index.union(costs.index)) costs.loc[marginal_costs_grouped.index, label] = marginal_costs_grouped.values # add back in all hydro # costs.loc[("storage_units","capital","hydro"),label] = (0.01)*2e6*n.storage_units.loc[n.storage_units.group=="hydro","p_nom"].sum() # costs.loc[("storage_units","capital","PHS"),label] = (0.01)*2e6*n.storage_units.loc[n.storage_units.group=="PHS","p_nom"].sum() # costs.loc[("generators","capital","ror"),label] = (0.02)*3e6*n.generators.loc[n.generators.group=="ror","p_nom"].sum() return costs def calculate_cumulative_cost(): planning_horizons = snakemake.config["scenario"]["planning_horizons"] cumulative_cost = pd.DataFrame( index=df["costs"].sum().index, columns=pd.Series(data=np.arange(0, 0.1, 0.01), name="social discount rate"), ) # discount cost and express them in money value of planning_horizons[0] for r in cumulative_cost.columns: cumulative_cost[r] = [ df["costs"].sum()[index] / ((1 + r) ** (index[-1] - planning_horizons[0])) for index in cumulative_cost.index ] # integrate cost throughout the transition path for r in cumulative_cost.columns: for cluster in cumulative_cost.index.get_level_values(level=0).unique(): for lv in cumulative_cost.index.get_level_values(level=1).unique(): for sector_opts in cumulative_cost.index.get_level_values( level=2 ).unique(): cumulative_cost.loc[ (cluster, lv, sector_opts, "cumulative cost"), r ] = np.trapz( cumulative_cost.loc[ idx[cluster, lv, sector_opts, planning_horizons], r ].values, x=planning_horizons, ) return cumulative_cost def calculate_nodal_capacities(n, label, nodal_capacities): # Beware this also has extraneous locations for country (e.g. biomass) or continent-wide (e.g. fossil gas/oil) stuff for c in n.iterate_components( n.branch_components | n.controllable_one_port_components ^ {"Load"} ): nodal_capacities_c = c.df.groupby(["location", "carrier"])[ opt_name.get(c.name, "p") + "_nom_opt" ].sum() index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [(c.list_name,) + t for t in nodal_capacities_c.index.to_list()] ) nodal_capacities = nodal_capacities.reindex(index.union(nodal_capacities.index)) nodal_capacities.loc[index, label] = nodal_capacities_c.values return nodal_capacities def calculate_capacities(n, label, capacities): investments = n.investment_periods cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [ capacities.columns.levels[0], capacities.columns.levels[1], capacities.columns.levels[2], investments, ], names=capacities.columns.names[:3] + ["year"], ) capacities = capacities.reindex(cols, axis=1) for c in n.iterate_components( n.branch_components | n.controllable_one_port_components ^ {"Load"} ): active = pd.concat( [ get_active_assets(n, c.name, inv_p).rename(inv_p) for inv_p in investments ], axis=1, ).astype(int) caps = c.df[opt_name.get(c.name, "p") + "_nom_opt"] caps = active.mul(caps, axis=0) capacities_grouped = ( caps.groupby(c.df.carrier).sum().drop("load", errors="ignore") ) capacities_grouped = pd.concat([capacities_grouped], keys=[c.list_name]) capacities = capacities.reindex( capacities_grouped.index.union(capacities.index) ) capacities.loc[capacities_grouped.index, label] = capacities_grouped.values return capacities def calculate_curtailment(n, label, curtailment): avail = ( n.generators_t.p_max_pu.multiply(n.generators.p_nom_opt) .sum() .groupby(n.generators.carrier) .sum() ) used = n.generators_t.p.sum().groupby(n.generators.carrier).sum() curtailment[label] = (((avail - used) / avail) * 100).round(3) return curtailment def calculate_energy(n, label, energy): investments = n.investment_periods cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [ energy.columns.levels[0], energy.columns.levels[1], energy.columns.levels[2], investments, ], names=energy.columns.names[:3] + ["year"], ) energy = energy.reindex(cols, axis=1) for c in n.iterate_components(n.one_port_components | n.branch_components): if c.name in n.one_port_components: c_energies = ( c.pnl.p.multiply(n.snapshot_weightings.generators, axis=0) .groupby(level=0) .sum() .multiply(c.df.sign) .groupby(c.df.carrier, axis=1) .sum() ) else: c_energies = pd.DataFrame( 0.0, columns=c.df.carrier.unique(), index=n.investment_periods ) for port in [col[3:] for col in c.df.columns if col[:3] == "bus"]: totals = ( c.pnl["p" + port] .multiply(n.snapshot_weightings.generators, axis=0) .groupby(level=0) .sum() ) # remove values where bus is missing (bug in nomopyomo) no_bus = c.df.index[c.df["bus" + port] == ""] totals[no_bus] = float( n.component_attrs[c.name].loc["p" + port, "default"] ) c_energies -= totals.groupby(c.df.carrier, axis=1).sum() c_energies = pd.concat([c_energies.T], keys=[c.list_name]) energy = energy.reindex(c_energies.index.union(energy.index)) energy.loc[c_energies.index, label] = c_energies.values return energy def calculate_supply(n, label, supply): """ Calculate the max dispatch of each component at the buses aggregated by carrier. """ bus_carriers = n.buses.carrier.unique() for i in bus_carriers: bus_map = n.buses.carrier == i bus_map.at[""] = False for c in n.iterate_components(n.one_port_components): items = c.df.index[c.df.bus.map(bus_map).fillna(False)] if len(items) == 0: continue s = ( c.pnl.p[items] .max() .multiply(c.df.loc[items, "sign"]) .groupby(c.df.loc[items, "carrier"]) .sum() ) s = pd.concat([s], keys=[c.list_name]) s = pd.concat([s], keys=[i]) supply = supply.reindex(s.index.union(supply.index)) supply.loc[s.index, label] = s for c in n.iterate_components(n.branch_components): for end in [col[3:] for col in c.df.columns if col[:3] == "bus"]: items = c.df.index[c.df["bus" + end].map(bus_map).fillna(False)] if len(items) == 0: continue # lots of sign compensation for direction and to do maximums s = (-1) ** (1 - int(end)) * ( (-1) ** int(end) * c.pnl["p" + end][items] ).max().groupby(c.df.loc[items, "carrier"]).sum() s.index = s.index + end s = pd.concat([s], keys=[c.list_name]) s = pd.concat([s], keys=[i]) supply = supply.reindex(s.index.union(supply.index)) supply.loc[s.index, label] = s return supply def calculate_supply_energy(n, label, supply_energy): """ Calculate the total energy supply/consuption of each component at the buses aggregated by carrier. """ investments = n.investment_periods cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [ supply_energy.columns.levels[0], supply_energy.columns.levels[1], supply_energy.columns.levels[2], investments, ], names=supply_energy.columns.names[:3] + ["year"], ) supply_energy = supply_energy.reindex(cols, axis=1) bus_carriers = n.buses.carrier.unique() for i in bus_carriers: bus_map = n.buses.carrier == i bus_map.at[""] = False for c in n.iterate_components(n.one_port_components): items = c.df.index[c.df.bus.map(bus_map).fillna(False)] if len(items) == 0: continue if c.name == "Generator": weightings = n.snapshot_weightings.generators else: weightings = n.snapshot_weightings.stores if i in ["oil", "co2", "H2"]: if c.name == "Load": c.df.loc[items, "carrier"] = [ load.split("-202")[0] for load in items ] if i == "oil" and c.name == "Generator": c.df.loc[items, "carrier"] = "imported oil" s = ( c.pnl.p[items] .multiply(weightings, axis=0) .groupby(level=0) .sum() .multiply(c.df.loc[items, "sign"]) .groupby(c.df.loc[items, "carrier"], axis=1) .sum() .T ) s = pd.concat([s], keys=[c.list_name]) s = pd.concat([s], keys=[i]) supply_energy = supply_energy.reindex( s.index.union(supply_energy.index, sort=False) ) supply_energy.loc[s.index, label] = s.values for c in n.iterate_components(n.branch_components): for end in [col[3:] for col in c.df.columns if col[:3] == "bus"]: items = c.df.index[c.df["bus" + str(end)].map(bus_map).fillna(False)] if len(items) == 0: continue s = ( (-1) * c.pnl["p" + end] .reindex(items, axis=1) .multiply(n.snapshot_weightings.objective, axis=0) .groupby(level=0) .sum() .groupby(c.df.loc[items, "carrier"], axis=1) .sum() ).T s.index = s.index + end s = pd.concat([s], keys=[c.list_name]) s = pd.concat([s], keys=[i]) supply_energy = supply_energy.reindex( s.index.union(supply_energy.index, sort=False) ) supply_energy.loc[s.index, label] = s.values return supply_energy def calculate_metrics(n, label, metrics): metrics = metrics.reindex( pd.Index( [ "line_volume", "line_volume_limit", "line_volume_AC", "line_volume_DC", "line_volume_shadow", "co2_shadow", ] ).union(metrics.index) ) metrics.at["line_volume_DC", label] = (n.links.length * n.links.p_nom_opt)[ n.links.carrier == "DC" ].sum() metrics.at["line_volume_AC", label] = (n.lines.length * n.lines.s_nom_opt).sum() metrics.at["line_volume", label] = metrics.loc[ ["line_volume_AC", "line_volume_DC"], label ].sum() if hasattr(n, "line_volume_limit"): metrics.at["line_volume_limit", label] = n.line_volume_limit metrics.at["line_volume_shadow", label] = n.line_volume_limit_dual if "CO2Limit" in n.global_constraints.index: metrics.at["co2_shadow", label] = n.global_constraints.at["CO2Limit", "mu"] return metrics def calculate_prices(n, label, prices): prices = prices.reindex(prices.index.union(n.buses.carrier.unique())) # WARNING: this is time-averaged, see weighted_prices for load-weighted average prices[label] = n.buses_t.marginal_price.mean().groupby(n.buses.carrier).mean() return prices def calculate_weighted_prices(n, label, weighted_prices): # Warning: doesn't include storage units as loads weighted_prices = weighted_prices.reindex( pd.Index( [ "electricity", "heat", "space heat", "urban heat", "space urban heat", "gas", "H2", ] ) ) link_loads = { "electricity": [ "heat pump", "resistive heater", "battery charger", "H2 Electrolysis", ], "heat": ["water tanks charger"], "urban heat": ["water tanks charger"], "space heat": [], "space urban heat": [], "gas": ["OCGT", "gas boiler", "CHP electric", "CHP heat"], "H2": ["Sabatier", "H2 Fuel Cell"], } for carrier in link_loads: if carrier == "electricity": suffix = "" elif carrier[:5] == "space": suffix = carrier[5:] else: suffix = " " + carrier buses = n.buses.index[n.buses.index.str[2:] == suffix] if buses.empty: continue if carrier in ["H2", "gas"]: load = pd.DataFrame(index=n.snapshots, columns=buses, data=0.0) else: load = n.loads_t.p_set.reindex(buses, axis=1) for tech in link_loads[carrier]: names = n.links.index[n.links.index.to_series().str[-len(tech) :] == tech] if names.empty: continue load += ( n.links_t.p0[names].groupby(n.links.loc[names, "bus0"], axis=1).sum() ) # Add H2 Store when charging # if carrier == "H2": # stores = n.stores_t.p[buses+ " Store"].groupby(n.stores.loc[buses+ " Store","bus"],axis=1).sum(axis=1) # stores[stores > 0.] = 0. # load += -stores weighted_prices.loc[carrier, label] = ( load * n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses] ).sum().sum() / load.sum().sum() if carrier[:5] == "space": print(load * n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses]) return weighted_prices def calculate_market_values(n, label, market_values): # Warning: doesn't include storage units carrier = "AC" buses = n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier == carrier] ## First do market value of generators ## generators = n.generators.index[n.buses.loc[n.generators.bus, "carrier"] == carrier] techs = n.generators.loc[generators, "carrier"].value_counts().index market_values = market_values.reindex(market_values.index.union(techs)) for tech in techs: gens = generators[n.generators.loc[generators, "carrier"] == tech] dispatch = ( n.generators_t.p[gens] .groupby(n.generators.loc[gens, "bus"], axis=1) .sum() .reindex(columns=buses, fill_value=0.0) ) revenue = dispatch * n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses] market_values.at[tech, label] = revenue.sum().sum() / dispatch.sum().sum() ## Now do market value of links ## for i in ["0", "1"]: all_links = n.links.index[n.buses.loc[n.links["bus" + i], "carrier"] == carrier] techs = n.links.loc[all_links, "carrier"].value_counts().index market_values = market_values.reindex(market_values.index.union(techs)) for tech in techs: links = all_links[n.links.loc[all_links, "carrier"] == tech] dispatch = ( n.links_t["p" + i][links] .groupby(n.links.loc[links, "bus" + i], axis=1) .sum() .reindex(columns=buses, fill_value=0.0) ) revenue = dispatch * n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses] market_values.at[tech, label] = revenue.sum().sum() / dispatch.sum().sum() return market_values def calculate_price_statistics(n, label, price_statistics): price_statistics = price_statistics.reindex( price_statistics.index.union( pd.Index(["zero_hours", "mean", "standard_deviation"]) ) ) buses = n.buses.index[n.buses.carrier == "AC"] threshold = 0.1 # higher than phoney marginal_cost of wind/solar df = pd.DataFrame(data=0.0, columns=buses, index=n.snapshots) df[n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses] < threshold] = 1.0 price_statistics.at["zero_hours", label] = df.sum().sum() / ( df.shape[0] * df.shape[1] ) price_statistics.at["mean", label] = n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses].mean().mean() price_statistics.at["standard_deviation", label] = ( n.buses_t.marginal_price[buses].droplevel(0).unstack().std() ) return price_statistics def calculate_co2_emissions(n, label, df): carattr = "co2_emissions" emissions = n.carriers.query(f"{carattr} != 0")[carattr] if emissions.empty: return weightings = n.snapshot_weightings.generators.mul( n.investment_period_weightings["years"] .reindex(n.snapshots) .fillna(method="bfill") .fillna(1.0), axis=0, ) # generators gens = n.generators.query("carrier in @emissions.index") if not gens.empty: em_pu = gens.carrier.map(emissions) / gens.efficiency em_pu = ( weightings["generators"].to_frame("weightings") @ em_pu.to_frame("weightings").T ) emitted = n.generators_t.p[gens.index].mul(em_pu) emitted_grouped = ( emitted.groupby(level=0).sum().groupby(n.generators.carrier, axis=1).sum().T ) df = df.reindex(emitted_grouped.index.union(df.index)) df.loc[emitted_grouped.index, label] = emitted_grouped.values if any(n.stores.carrier == "co2"): co2_i = n.stores[n.stores.carrier == "co2"].index df[label] = n.stores_t.e.groupby(level=0).last()[co2_i].iloc[:, 0] return df outputs = [ "nodal_costs", "nodal_capacities", "nodal_cfs", "cfs", "costs", "capacities", "curtailment", "energy", "supply", "supply_energy", "prices", "weighted_prices", "price_statistics", "market_values", "metrics", "co2_emissions", ] def make_summaries(networks_dict): columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( networks_dict.keys(), names=["cluster", "lv", "opt"] ) df = {} for output in outputs: df[output] = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, dtype=float) for label, filename in iteritems(networks_dict): print(label, filename) try: n = pypsa.Network(filename) except OSError: print(label, " not solved yet.") continue # del networks_dict[label] if not hasattr(n, "objective"): print(label, " not solved correctly. Check log if infeasible or unbounded.") continue assign_carriers(n) assign_locations(n) for output in outputs: df[output] = globals()["calculate_" + output](n, label, df[output]) return df def to_csv(df): for key in df: df[key] = df[key].apply(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x)) df[key].to_csv(snakemake.output[key]) if __name__ == "__main__": # Detect running outside of snakemake and mock snakemake for testing if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake("make_summary_perfect") run = snakemake.config["run"]["name"] if run != "": run += "/" networks_dict = { (clusters, lv, opts + sector_opts): "results/" + run + f"postnetworks/elec_s{simpl}_{clusters}_l{lv}_{opts}_{sector_opts}_brownfield_all_years.nc" for simpl in snakemake.config["scenario"]["simpl"] for clusters in snakemake.config["scenario"]["clusters"] for opts in snakemake.config["scenario"]["opts"] for sector_opts in snakemake.config["scenario"]["sector_opts"] for lv in snakemake.config["scenario"]["ll"] } print(networks_dict) nyears = 1 costs_db = prepare_costs( snakemake.input.costs, snakemake.config["costs"], nyears, ) df = make_summaries(networks_dict) df["metrics"].loc["total costs"] = df["costs"].sum().groupby(level=[0, 1, 2]).sum() to_csv(df)