#!/usr/bin/env python """ Create ``.csv`` files and plots for comparing per country full load hours of renewable time series. Relevant Settings ----------------- .. code:: yaml snapshots: renewable: {technology}: cutout: resource: correction_factor: .. seealso:: Documentation of the configuration file ``config.yaml`` at :ref:`snapshots_cf`, :ref:`renewable_cf` Inputs ------ - ``data/bundle/corine/g250_clc06_V18_5.tif``: `CORINE Land Cover (CLC) <https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/corine-land-cover>`_ inventory on `44 classes <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Corine_Land_Cover#Tagging>`_ of land use (e.g. forests, arable land, industrial, urban areas). .. image:: img/corine.png :scale: 33 % - ``data/bundle/GEBCO_2014_2D.nc``: A `bathymetric <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathymetry>`_ data set with a global terrain model for ocean and land at 15 arc-second intervals by the `General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) <https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/gridded_bathymetry_data/>`_. .. image:: img/gebco_2019_grid_image.jpg :scale: 50 % **Source:** `GEBCO <https://www.gebco.net/data_and_products/images/gebco_2019_grid_image.jpg>`_ - ``data/pietzker2014.xlsx``: `Supplementary material 2 <https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0306261914008149-mmc2.xlsx>`_ from `Pietzcker et al. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.08.011>`_; not part of the data bundle; download and place here yourself. - ``resources/natura.tiff``: confer :ref:`natura` - ``resources/country_shapes.geojson``: confer :ref:`shapes` - ``resources/offshore_shapes.geojson``: confer :ref:`shapes` - ``resources/regions_onshore.geojson``: (if not offshore wind), confer :ref:`busregions` - ``resources/regions_offshore.geojson``: (if offshore wind), :ref:`busregions` - ``"cutouts/" + config["renewable"][{technology}]['cutout']``: :ref:`cutout` - ``networks/base.nc``: :ref:`base` Outputs ------- - ``resources/country_flh_area_{technology}.csv``: - ``resources/country_flh_aggregated_{technology}.csv``: - ``resources/country_flh_uncorrected_{technology}.csv``: - ``resources/country_flh_{technology}.pdf``: - ``resources/country_exclusion_{technology}``: Description ----------- """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from _helpers import configure_logging import os import atlite import numpy as np import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import geokit as gk from scipy.sparse import vstack import pycountry as pyc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from vresutils import landuse as vlanduse from vresutils.array import spdiag import progressbar as pgb from build_renewable_profiles import init_globals, calculate_potential def build_area(flh, countries, areamatrix, breaks, fn): area_unbinned = xr.DataArray(areamatrix.todense(), [countries, capacity_factor.coords['spatial']]) bins = xr.DataArray(pd.cut(flh.to_series(), bins=breaks), flh.coords, name="bins") area = area_unbinned.groupby(bins).sum(dim="spatial").to_pandas() area.loc[:,slice(*area.sum()[lambda s: s > 0].index[[0,-1]])].to_csv(fn) area.columns = area.columns.map(lambda s: s.left) return area def plot_area_not_solar(area, countries): # onshore wind/offshore wind a = area.T fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(countries), sharex=True) for c, ax in zip(countries, axes): d = a[[c]] / 1e3 d.plot.bar(ax=ax, legend=False, align='edge', width=1.) ax.set_ylabel(f"Potential {c} / GW") ax.set_title(c) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("Full-load hours") fig.savefig(snakemake.output.plot, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') def plot_area_solar(area, p_area, countries): # onshore wind/offshore wind p = p_area.T a = area.T fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(countries), sharex=True, squeeze=False) for c, ax in zip(countries, axes.flat): d = pd.concat([a[c], p[c]], keys=['PyPSA-Eur', 'Pietzker'], axis=1) / 1e3 d.plot.bar(ax=ax, legend=False, align='edge', width=1.) # ax.set_ylabel(f"Potential {c} / GW") ax.set_title(c) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("Full-load hours") fig.savefig(snakemake.output.plot, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') def build_aggregate(flh, countries, areamatrix, breaks, p_area, fn): agg_a = pd.Series(np.ravel((areamatrix / areamatrix.sum(axis=1)).dot(flh.values)), countries, name="PyPSA-Eur") if p_area is None: agg_a['Overall'] = float((np.asarray((areamatrix.sum(axis=0) / areamatrix.sum()) .dot(flh.values)).squeeze())) agg = pd.DataFrame({'PyPSA-Eur': agg_a}) else: # Determine indices of countries which are also in Pietzcker inds = pd.Index(countries).get_indexer(p_area.index) areamatrix = areamatrix[inds] agg_a['Overall'] = float((np.asarray((areamatrix.sum(axis=0) / areamatrix.sum()) .dot(flh.values)).squeeze())) midpoints = (breaks[1:] + breaks[:-1])/2. p = p_area.T # Per-country FLH comparison agg_p = pd.Series((p / p.sum()).multiply(midpoints, axis=0).sum(), name="Pietzker") agg_p['Overall'] = float((p.sum(axis=1) / p.sum().sum()).multiply(midpoints, axis=0).sum()) agg = pd.DataFrame({'PyPSA-Eur': agg_a, 'Pietzcker': agg_p, 'Ratio': agg_p / agg_a}) agg.to_csv(fn) if __name__ == '__main__': if 'snakemake' not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake('build_country_flh', technology='solar') configure_logging(snakemake) pgb.streams.wrap_stderr() config = snakemake.config['renewable'][snakemake.wildcards.technology] time = pd.date_range(freq='m', **snakemake.config['snapshots']) params = dict(years=slice(*time.year[[0, -1]]), months=slice(*time.month[[0, -1]])) cutout = atlite.Cutout(config['cutout'], cutout_dir=os.path.dirname(snakemake.input.cutout), **params) minx, maxx, miny, maxy = cutout.extent dx = (maxx - minx) / (cutout.shape[1] - 1) dy = (maxy - miny) / (cutout.shape[0] - 1) bounds = gk.Extent.from_xXyY((minx - dx/2., maxx + dx/2., miny - dy/2., maxy + dy/2.)) # Use GLAES to compute available potentials and the transition matrix paths = dict(snakemake.input) init_globals(bounds.xXyY, dx, dy, config, paths) regions = gk.vector.extractFeatures(paths["regions"], onlyAttr=True) countries = pd.Index(regions["name"], name="country") widgets = [ pgb.widgets.Percentage(), ' ', pgb.widgets.SimpleProgress(format='(%s)' % pgb.widgets.SimpleProgress.DEFAULT_FORMAT), ' ', pgb.widgets.Bar(), ' ', pgb.widgets.Timer(), ' ', pgb.widgets.ETA() ] progressbar = pgb.ProgressBar(prefix='Compute GIS potentials: ', widgets=widgets, max_value=len(countries)) if not os.path.isdir(snakemake.output.exclusion): os.makedirs(snakemake.output.exclusion) matrix = vstack([calculate_potential(i, save_map=os.path.join(snakemake.output.exclusion, countries[i])) for i in progressbar(regions.index)]) areamatrix = matrix * spdiag(vlanduse._cutout_cell_areas(cutout).ravel()) areamatrix.data[areamatrix.data < 1.] = 0 # ignore weather cells where only less than 1 km^2 can be installed areamatrix.eliminate_zeros() resource = config['resource'] func = getattr(cutout, resource.pop('method')) correction_factor = config.get('correction_factor', 1.) capacity_factor = func(capacity_factor=True, show_progress='Compute capacity factors: ', **resource).stack(spatial=('y', 'x')) flh_uncorr = capacity_factor * 8760 flh_corr = correction_factor * flh_uncorr if snakemake.wildcards.technology == 'solar': pietzcker = pd.read_excel(snakemake.input.pietzker, sheet_name="PV on all area", skiprows=2, header=[0,1]).iloc[1:177] p_area1_50 = pietzcker['Usable Area at given FLh in 1-50km distance to settlement '].dropna(axis=1) p_area1_50.columns = p_area1_50.columns.str.split(' ').str[0] p_area50_100 = pietzcker['Usable Area at given FLh in 50-100km distance to settlement '] p_area = p_area1_50 + p_area50_100 cols = p_area.columns breaks = cols.str.split('-').str[0].append(pd.Index([cols[-1].split('-')[1]])).astype(int) p_area.columns = breaks[:-1] p_area = p_area.reindex(countries.map(lambda c: pyc.countries.get(alpha_2=c).name)) p_area.index = countries p_area = p_area.dropna() # Pietzcker does not have data for CZ and MK else: breaks = np.r_[0:8000:50] p_area = None area = build_area(flh_corr, countries, areamatrix, breaks, snakemake.output.area) if snakemake.wildcards.technology == 'solar': plot_area_solar(area, p_area, p_area.index) else: plot_area_not_solar(area, countries) build_aggregate(flh_uncorr, countries, areamatrix, breaks, p_area, snakemake.output.uncorrected) build_aggregate(flh_corr, countries, areamatrix, breaks, p_area, snakemake.output.aggregated)