#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import pypsa import country_converter as coco import seaborn as sns from _helpers import configure_logging sns.set_theme("paper", style="whitegrid") cc = coco.CountryConverter() color_country = { "AL": "#440154", "AT": "#482677", "BA": "#43398e", "BE": "#3953a4", "BG": "#2c728e", "CH": "#228b8d", "CZ": "#1f9d8a", "DE": "#29af7f", "DK": "#3fbc73", "EE": "#5ec962", "ES": "#84d44b", "FI": "#addc30", "FR": "#d8e219", "GB": "#fde725", "GR": "#f0f921", "HR": "#f1c25e", "HU": "#f4a784", "IE": "#f78f98", "IT": "#f87ea0", "LT": "#f87a9a", "LU": "#f57694", "LV": "#f3758d", "ME": "#f37685", "MK": "#f37b7c", "NL": "#f28774", "NO": "#f1976b", "PL": "#efaa63", "PT": "#ebb160", "RO": "#e6c260", "RS": "#e2d75e", "SE": "#dedc5b", "SI": "#d9e35a", "SK": "#d3e75a", } def sort_one_country(country, df): indices = [link for link in df.columns if country in link] df_country = df[indices].copy() for link in df_country.columns: if country in link[5:]: df_country[link] = -df_country[link] link_reverse = str(link[5:] + " - " + link[:2]) df_country = df_country.rename(columns={link: link_reverse}) return df_country.reindex(sorted(df_country.columns), axis=1) def cross_border_time_series(countries, data): fig, ax = plt.subplots(2*len(countries), 1, figsize=(15, 10*len(countries))) axis = 0 for country in countries: ymin = 0 ymax = 0 for df in data: df_country = sort_one_country(country, df) df_neg, df_pos = df_country.clip(upper=0), df_country.clip(lower=0) color = [color_country[link[5:]] for link in df_country.columns] df_pos.plot.area( ax=ax[axis], stacked=True, linewidth=0.0, color=color, ylim=[-1, 1] ) df_neg.plot.area( ax=ax[axis], stacked=True, linewidth=0.0, color=color, ylim=[-1, 1] ) if (axis % 2) == 0: title = "Historic" else: title = "Optimized" ax[axis].set_title( title + " Import / Export for " + cc.convert(country, to="name_short") ) # Custom legend elements legend_elements = [] for link in df_country.columns: legend_elements = legend_elements + [ plt.fill_between( [], [], color=color_country[link[5:]], label=cc.convert(link[5:], to="name_short"), ) ] # Create the legend ax[axis].legend(handles=legend_elements, loc="upper right") # rescale the y axis neg_min = df_neg.sum(axis=1).min() * 1.2 if neg_min < ymin: ymin = neg_min pos_max = df_pos.sum(axis=1).max() * 1.2 if pos_max < ymax: ymax = pos_max axis = axis + 1 for x in range(axis-2,axis): ax[x].set_ylim([neg_min, pos_max]) fig.savefig(snakemake.output.trade_time_series, bbox_inches="tight") def cross_border_bar(countries, data): df_positive = pd.DataFrame() df_negative = pd.DataFrame() color = [] for country in countries: order = 0 for df in data: df_country = sort_one_country(country, df) df_neg, df_pos = df_country.clip(upper=0), df_country.clip(lower=0) if (order % 2) == 0: title = "Historic" else: title = "Optimized" color = [color_country[link[5:]] for link in df_country.columns] + color df_positive_new = pd.DataFrame(data=df_pos.sum()).T.rename( {0: title + " " + cc.convert(country, to="name_short")} ) df_negative_new = pd.DataFrame(data=df_neg.sum()).T.rename( {0: title + " " + cc.convert(country, to="name_short")} ) df_positive = pd.concat([df_positive_new, df_positive]) df_negative = pd.concat([df_negative_new, df_negative]) order = order + 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 60)) df_positive.plot.barh(ax=ax, stacked=True, color=color, zorder=2) df_negative.plot.barh(ax=ax, stacked=True, color=color, zorder=2) plt.grid(axis="x", zorder=0) plt.grid(axis="y", zorder=0) # Custom legend elements legend_elements = [] for country in list(color_country.keys()): legend_elements = legend_elements + [ plt.fill_between( [], [], color=color_country[country], label=cc.convert(country, to="name_short"), ) ] # Create the legend plt.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc="upper right") fig.savefig(snakemake.output.cross_border_bar, bbox_inches="tight") if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake( "plot_electricity_prices", simpl="", opts="Ept-12h", clusters="37", ll="v1.0", ) configure_logging(snakemake) countries = snakemake.params.countries n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network) n.loads.carrier = "load" historic = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.cross_border_flows, index_col=0, header=0, parse_dates=True, ) if len(historic.index) > len(n.snapshots): historic = historic.resample(n.snapshots.inferred_freq).mean().loc[n.snapshots] # Preparing network data to be shaped similar to ENTSOE datastructure optimized_links = n.links_t.p0.rename( columns=dict(n.links.bus0.str[:2] + " - " + n.links.bus1.str[:2]) ) optimized_lines = n.lines_t.p0.rename( columns=dict(n.lines.bus0.str[:2] + " - " + n.lines.bus1.str[:2]) ) optimized = pd.concat([optimized_links, optimized_lines], axis=1) # Drop internal country connection optimized.drop([c for c in optimized.columns if c[:2] == c[5:]], axis=1, inplace=True) # align columns name for c1 in optimized.columns: for c2 in optimized.columns: if c1[:2] == c2[5:] and c2[:2] == c1[5:]: optimized = optimized.rename(columns={c1: c2}) optimized = optimized.groupby(lambda x: x, axis=1).sum() cross_border_bar(countries,[historic, optimized]) cross_border_time_series(countries, [historic, optimized]) # optimized = n.buses_t.marginal_price.groupby(n.buses.country, axis=1).mean() # data = pd.concat([historic, optimized], keys=["Historic", "Optimized"], axis=1) # data.columns.names = ["Kind", "Country"] # # %% total production per carrier # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) # df = data.mean().unstack().T # df.plot.barh(ax=ax, xlabel="Electricity Price [€/MWh]", ylabel="") # ax.grid(axis="y") # fig.savefig(snakemake.output.price_bar, bbox_inches="tight") # touch file with open(snakemake.output.plots_touch, "a"): pass