# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT name: pypsa-eur channels: - conda-forge - bioconda dependencies: - python>=3.8 - pip - pypsa>=0.21.3 - atlite>=0.2.9 - dask # Dependencies of the workflow itself - xlrd - openpyxl!=3.1.1 - pycountry - seaborn - snakemake-minimal>=7.7.0 - memory_profiler - yaml - pytables - lxml - powerplantmatching>=0.5.5 - numpy<1.24 - pandas>=2.0 - geopandas>=0.11.0 - xarray - rioxarray - netcdf4 - networkx - scipy - shapely>=2.0 - pyomo - matplotlib<3.6 - proj - fiona - country_converter - geopy - tqdm - pytz - tabula-py - pyxlsb - graphviz # Keep in conda environment when calling ipython - ipython # GIS dependencies: - cartopy - descartes - rasterio!=1.2.10 - pip: - vresutils>=0.3.1 - tsam>=1.1.0