import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path def configure_logging(snakemake, skip_handlers=False): """ Configure the basic behaviour for the logging module. Note: Must only be called once from the __main__ section of a script. The setup includes printing log messages to STDERR and to a log file defined by either (in priority order): snakemake.log.python, snakemake.log[0] or "logs/{rulename}.log". Additional keywords from logging.basicConfig are accepted via the snakemake configuration file under snakemake.config.logging. Parameters ---------- snakemake : snakemake object Your snakemake object containing a snakemake.config and snakemake.log. skip_handlers : True | False (default) Do (not) skip the default handlers created for redirecting output to STDERR and file. """ import logging kwargs = snakemake.config.get('logging', dict()) kwargs.setdefault("level", "INFO") if skip_handlers is False: fallback_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..', 'logs', f"{snakemake.rule}.log") logfile = snakemake.log.get('python', snakemake.log[0] if snakemake.log else fallback_path) kwargs.update( {'handlers': [ # Prefer the 'python' log, otherwise take the first log for each # Snakemake rule logging.FileHandler(logfile), logging.StreamHandler() ] }) logging.basicConfig(**kwargs) def load_network(import_name=None, custom_components=None): """ Helper for importing a pypsa.Network with additional custom components. Parameters ---------- import_name : str As in pypsa.Network(import_name) custom_components : dict Dictionary listing custom components. For using ``snakemake.config['override_components']`` in ``config.yaml`` define: .. code:: yaml override_components: ShadowPrice: component: ["shadow_prices","Shadow price for a global constraint.",np.nan] attributes: name: ["string","n/a","n/a","Unique name","Input (required)"] value: ["float","n/a",0.,"shadow value","Output"] Returns ------- pypsa.Network """ import pypsa from pypsa.descriptors import Dict override_components = None override_component_attrs = None if custom_components is not None: override_components = pypsa.components.components.copy() override_component_attrs = Dict({k : v.copy() for k,v in pypsa.components.component_attrs.items()}) for k, v in custom_components.items(): override_components.loc[k] = v['component'] override_component_attrs[k] = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["type","unit","default","description","status"]) for attr, val in v['attributes'].items(): override_component_attrs[k].loc[attr] = val return pypsa.Network(import_name=import_name, override_components=override_components, override_component_attrs=override_component_attrs) def pdbcast(v, h): return pd.DataFrame(v.values.reshape((-1, 1)) * h.values, index=v.index, columns=h.index) def load_network_for_plots(fn, tech_costs, config, combine_hydro_ps=True): import pypsa from add_electricity import update_transmission_costs, load_costs opts = config['plotting'] n = pypsa.Network(fn) n.loads["carrier"] = + " load" n.stores["carrier"] = n.links["carrier"] = ( + "-" + n.lines["carrier"] = "AC line" n.transformers["carrier"] = "AC transformer" n.lines['s_nom'] = n.lines['s_nom_min'] n.links['p_nom'] = n.links['p_nom_min'] if combine_hydro_ps: n.storage_units.loc[n.storage_units.carrier.isin({'PHS', 'hydro'}), 'carrier'] = 'hydro+PHS' # #if the carrier was not set on the heat storage units # bus_carrier = # n.storage_units.loc[bus_carrier == "heat","carrier"] = "water tanks" Nyears = n.snapshot_weightings.sum()/8760. costs = load_costs(Nyears, tech_costs, config['costs'], config['electricity']) update_transmission_costs(n, costs) return n def aggregate_p_nom(n): return pd.concat([ n.generators.groupby("carrier").p_nom_opt.sum(), n.storage_units.groupby("carrier").p_nom_opt.sum(), n.links.groupby("carrier").p_nom_opt.sum(), n.loads_t.p.groupby(n.loads.carrier,axis=1).sum().mean() ]) def aggregate_p(n): return pd.concat([ n.generators_t.p.sum().groupby(n.generators.carrier).sum(), n.storage_units_t.p.sum().groupby(n.storage_units.carrier).sum(), n.stores_t.p.sum().groupby(n.stores.carrier).sum(), -n.loads_t.p.sum().groupby(n.loads.carrier).sum() ]) def aggregate_e_nom(n): return pd.concat([ (n.storage_units["p_nom_opt"]*n.storage_units["max_hours"]).groupby(n.storage_units["carrier"]).sum(), n.stores["e_nom_opt"].groupby(n.stores.carrier).sum() ]) def aggregate_p_curtailed(n): return pd.concat([ ((n.generators_t.p_max_pu.sum().multiply(n.generators.p_nom_opt) - n.generators_t.p.sum()) .groupby(n.generators.carrier).sum()), ((n.storage_units_t.inflow.sum() - n.storage_units_t.p.sum()) .groupby(n.storage_units.carrier).sum()) ]) def aggregate_costs(n, flatten=False, opts=None, existing_only=False): from six import iterkeys, itervalues components = dict(Link=("p_nom", "p0"), Generator=("p_nom", "p"), StorageUnit=("p_nom", "p"), Store=("e_nom", "p"), Line=("s_nom", None), Transformer=("s_nom", None)) costs = {} for c, (p_nom, p_attr) in zip( n.iterate_components(iterkeys(components), skip_empty=False), itervalues(components) ): if not existing_only: p_nom += "_opt" costs[(c.list_name, 'capital')] = (c.df[p_nom] * c.df.capital_cost).groupby(c.df.carrier).sum() if p_attr is not None: p = c.pnl[p_attr].sum() if == 'StorageUnit': p = p.loc[p > 0] costs[(c.list_name, 'marginal')] = (p*c.df.marginal_cost).groupby(c.df.carrier).sum() costs = pd.concat(costs) if flatten: assert opts is not None conv_techs = opts['conv_techs'] costs = costs.reset_index(level=0, drop=True) costs = costs['capital'].add( costs['marginal'].rename({t: t + ' marginal' for t in conv_techs}), fill_value=0. ) return costs def progress_retrieve(url, file): import urllib from progressbar import ProgressBar pbar = ProgressBar(0, 100) def dlProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize): pbar.update( int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize) ) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file, reporthook=dlProgress) def mock_snakemake(rulename, **wildcards): """ This function is expected to be executed from the 'scripts'-directory of ' the snakemake project. It returns a snakemake.script.Snakemake object, based on the Snakefile. If a rule has wildcards, you have to specify them in **wildcards. Parameters ---------- rulename: str name of the rule for which the snakemake object should be generated **wildcards: keyword arguments fixing the wildcards. Only necessary if wildcards are needed. """ import snakemake as sm import os from pypsa.descriptors import Dict from snakemake.script import Snakemake script_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() assert Path.cwd().resolve() == script_dir, \ f'mock_snakemake has to be run from the repository scripts directory {script_dir}' os.chdir(script_dir.parent) for p in sm.SNAKEFILE_CHOICES: if os.path.exists(p): snakefile = p break workflow = sm.Workflow(snakefile) workflow.include(snakefile) workflow.global_resources = {} rule = workflow.get_rule(rulename) dag = sm.dag.DAG(workflow, rules=[rule]) wc = Dict(wildcards) job =, dag, wc) def make_accessable(*ios): for io in ios: for i in range(len(io)): io[i] = os.path.abspath(io[i]) make_accessable(job.input, job.output, job.log) snakemake = Snakemake(job.input, job.output, job.params, job.wildcards, job.threads, job.resources, job.log, job.dag.workflow.config,, None,) # create log and output dir if not existent for path in list(snakemake.log) + list(snakemake.output): Path(path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(script_dir) return snakemake