# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2023 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ Solve network. """ import logging import numpy as np import pypsa from _helpers import override_component_attrs, update_config_with_sector_opts from vresutils.benchmark import memory_logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) pypsa.pf.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) def add_land_use_constraint(n): if "m" in snakemake.wildcards.clusters: _add_land_use_constraint_m(n) else: _add_land_use_constraint(n) def _add_land_use_constraint(n): # warning: this will miss existing offwind which is not classed AC-DC and has carrier 'offwind' for carrier in ["solar", "onwind", "offwind-ac", "offwind-dc"]: ext_i = (n.generators.carrier == carrier) & ~n.generators.p_nom_extendable existing = ( n.generators.loc[ext_i, "p_nom"] .groupby(n.generators.bus.map(n.buses.location)) .sum() ) existing.index += " " + carrier + "-" + snakemake.wildcards.planning_horizons n.generators.loc[existing.index, "p_nom_max"] -= existing # check if existing capacities are larger than technical potential existing_large = n.generators[ n.generators["p_nom_min"] > n.generators["p_nom_max"] ].index if len(existing_large): logger.warning( f"Existing capacities larger than technical potential for {existing_large},\ adjust technical potential to existing capacities" ) n.generators.loc[existing_large, "p_nom_max"] = n.generators.loc[ existing_large, "p_nom_min" ] n.generators.p_nom_max.clip(lower=0, inplace=True) def _add_land_use_constraint_m(n): # if generators clustering is lower than network clustering, land_use accounting is at generators clusters planning_horizons = snakemake.config["scenario"]["planning_horizons"] grouping_years = snakemake.config["existing_capacities"]["grouping_years"] current_horizon = snakemake.wildcards.planning_horizons for carrier in ["solar", "onwind", "offwind-ac", "offwind-dc"]: existing = n.generators.loc[n.generators.carrier == carrier, "p_nom"] ind = list( set( [ i.split(sep=" ")[0] + " " + i.split(sep=" ")[1] for i in existing.index ] ) ) previous_years = [ str(y) for y in planning_horizons + grouping_years if y < int(snakemake.wildcards.planning_horizons) ] for p_year in previous_years: ind2 = [ i for i in ind if i + " " + carrier + "-" + p_year in existing.index ] sel_current = [i + " " + carrier + "-" + current_horizon for i in ind2] sel_p_year = [i + " " + carrier + "-" + p_year for i in ind2] n.generators.loc[sel_current, "p_nom_max"] -= existing.loc[ sel_p_year ].rename(lambda x: x[:-4] + current_horizon) n.generators.p_nom_max.clip(lower=0, inplace=True) def add_co2_sequestration_limit(n, limit=200): """ Add a global constraint on the amount of Mt CO2 that can be sequestered. """ n.carriers.loc["co2 stored", "co2_absorptions"] = -1 n.carriers.co2_absorptions = n.carriers.co2_absorptions.fillna(0) limit = limit * 1e6 for o in opts: if "seq" not in o: continue limit = float(o[o.find("seq") + 3 :]) * 1e6 break n.add( "GlobalConstraint", "co2_sequestration_limit", sense="<=", constant=limit, type="primary_energy", carrier_attribute="co2_absorptions", ) def prepare_network(n, solve_opts=None, config=None): if "clip_p_max_pu" in solve_opts: for df in ( n.generators_t.p_max_pu, n.generators_t.p_min_pu, n.storage_units_t.inflow, ): df.where(df > solve_opts["clip_p_max_pu"], other=0.0, inplace=True) if solve_opts.get("load_shedding"): # intersect between macroeconomic and surveybased willingness to pay # http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fenrg.2015.00055/full n.add("Carrier", "Load") n.madd( "Generator", n.buses.index, " load", bus=n.buses.index, carrier="load", sign=1e-3, # Adjust sign to measure p and p_nom in kW instead of MW marginal_cost=1e2, # Eur/kWh p_nom=1e9, # kW ) if solve_opts.get("noisy_costs"): for t in n.iterate_components(): # if 'capital_cost' in t.df: # t.df['capital_cost'] += 1e1 + 2.*(np.random.random(len(t.df)) - 0.5) if "marginal_cost" in t.df: np.random.seed(174) t.df["marginal_cost"] += 1e-2 + 2e-3 * ( np.random.random(len(t.df)) - 0.5 ) for t in n.iterate_components(["Line", "Link"]): np.random.seed(123) t.df["capital_cost"] += ( 1e-1 + 2e-2 * (np.random.random(len(t.df)) - 0.5) ) * t.df["length"] if solve_opts.get("nhours"): nhours = solve_opts["nhours"] n.set_snapshots(n.snapshots[:nhours]) n.snapshot_weightings[:] = 8760.0 / nhours if snakemake.config["foresight"] == "myopic": add_land_use_constraint(n) if n.stores.carrier.eq("co2 stored").any(): limit = config["sector"].get("co2_sequestration_potential", 200) add_co2_sequestration_limit(n, limit=limit) return n def add_battery_constraints(n): """ Add constraint ensuring that charger = discharger: 1 * charger_size - efficiency * discharger_size = 0 """ discharger_bool = n.links.index.str.contains("battery discharger") charger_bool = n.links.index.str.contains("battery charger") dischargers_ext = n.links[discharger_bool].query("p_nom_extendable").index chargers_ext = n.links[charger_bool].query("p_nom_extendable").index eff = n.links.efficiency[dischargers_ext].values lhs = ( n.model["Link-p_nom"].loc[chargers_ext] - n.model["Link-p_nom"].loc[dischargers_ext] * eff ) n.model.add_constraints(lhs == 0, name="Link-charger_ratio") def add_chp_constraints(n): electric = ( n.links.index.str.contains("urban central") & n.links.index.str.contains("CHP") & n.links.index.str.contains("electric") ) heat = ( n.links.index.str.contains("urban central") & n.links.index.str.contains("CHP") & n.links.index.str.contains("heat") ) electric_ext = n.links[electric].query("p_nom_extendable").index heat_ext = n.links[heat].query("p_nom_extendable").index electric_fix = n.links[electric].query("~p_nom_extendable").index heat_fix = n.links[heat].query("~p_nom_extendable").index p = n.model["Link-p"] # dimension: [time, link] # output ratio between heat and electricity and top_iso_fuel_line for extendable if not electric_ext.empty: p_nom = n.model["Link-p_nom"] lhs = ( p_nom.loc[electric_ext] * (n.links.p_nom_ratio * n.links.efficiency)[electric_ext].values - p_nom.loc[heat_ext] * n.links.efficiency[heat_ext].values ) n.model.add_constraints(lhs == 0, name="chplink-fix_p_nom_ratio") rename = {"Link-ext": "Link"} lhs = ( p.loc[:, electric_ext] + p.loc[:, heat_ext] - p_nom.rename(rename).loc[electric_ext] ) n.model.add_constraints(lhs <= 0, name="chplink-top_iso_fuel_line_ext") # top_iso_fuel_line for fixed if not electric_fix.empty: lhs = p.loc[:, electric_fix] + p.loc[:, heat_fix] rhs = n.links.p_nom[electric_fix] n.model.add_constraints(lhs <= rhs, name="chplink-top_iso_fuel_line_fix") # back-pressure if not electric.empty: lhs = ( p.loc[:, heat] * (n.links.efficiency[heat] * n.links.c_b[electric].values) - p.loc[:, electric] * n.links.efficiency[electric] ) n.model.add_constraints(lhs <= rhs, name="chplink-backpressure") def add_pipe_retrofit_constraint(n): """ Add constraint for retrofitting existing CH4 pipelines to H2 pipelines. """ gas_pipes_i = n.links.query("carrier == 'gas pipeline' and p_nom_extendable").index h2_retrofitted_i = n.links.query( "carrier == 'H2 pipeline retrofitted' and p_nom_extendable" ).index if h2_retrofitted_i.empty or gas_pipes_i.empty: return p_nom = n.model["Link-p_nom"] CH4_per_H2 = 1 / n.config["sector"]["H2_retrofit_capacity_per_CH4"] lhs = p_nom.loc[gas_pipes_i] + CH4_per_H2 * p_nom.loc[h2_retrofitted_i] rhs = n.links.p_nom[gas_pipes_i].rename_axis("Link-ext") n.model.add_constraints(lhs == rhs, name="Link-pipe_retrofit") def extra_functionality(n, snapshots): add_battery_constraints(n) add_pipe_retrofit_constraint(n) def solve_network(n, config, opts="", **kwargs): set_of_options = config["solving"]["solver"]["options"] solver_options = ( config["solving"]["solver_options"][set_of_options] if set_of_options else {} ) solver_name = config["solving"]["solver"]["name"] cf_solving = config["solving"]["options"] track_iterations = cf_solving.get("track_iterations", False) min_iterations = cf_solving.get("min_iterations", 4) max_iterations = cf_solving.get("max_iterations", 6) # add to network for extra_functionality n.config = config n.opts = opts skip_iterations = cf_solving.get("skip_iterations", False) if not n.lines.s_nom_extendable.any(): skip_iterations = True logger.info("No expandable lines found. Skipping iterative solving.") if skip_iterations: status, condition = n.optimize( solver_name=solver_name, extra_functionality=extra_functionality, **solver_options, **kwargs, ) else: status, condition = n.optimize.optimize_transmission_expansion_iteratively( solver_name=solver_name, track_iterations=track_iterations, min_iterations=min_iterations, max_iterations=max_iterations, extra_functionality=extra_functionality, **solver_options, **kwargs, ) if status != "ok": logger.warning( f"Solving status '{status}' with termination condition '{condition}'" ) return n # %% if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake( "solve_network_myopic", simpl="", opts="", clusters="45", ll='v1.0', sector_opts="8760H-T-H-B-I-A-solar+p3-dist1", planning_horizons="2020", ) logging.basicConfig( filename=snakemake.log.python, level=snakemake.config["logging"]["level"] ) update_config_with_sector_opts(snakemake.config, snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts) tmpdir = snakemake.config["solving"].get("tmpdir") if tmpdir is not None: from pathlib import Path Path(tmpdir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) opts = snakemake.wildcards.sector_opts.split("-") solve_opts = snakemake.config["solving"]["options"] fn = getattr(snakemake.log, "memory", None) with memory_logger(filename=fn, interval=30.0) as mem: overrides = override_component_attrs(snakemake.input.overrides) n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network, override_component_attrs=overrides) n = prepare_network(n, solve_opts, config=snakemake.config) n = solve_network( n, config=snakemake.config, opts=opts, log_fn=snakemake.log.solver ) if "lv_limit" in n.global_constraints.index: n.line_volume_limit = n.global_constraints.at["lv_limit", "constant"] n.line_volume_limit_dual = n.global_constraints.at["lv_limit", "mu"] n.meta = dict(snakemake.config, **dict(wildcards=dict(snakemake.wildcards))) n.export_to_netcdf(snakemake.output[0]) logger.info("Maximum memory usage: {}".format(mem.mem_usage))