# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020 @JanFrederickUnnewehr, 2020-2024 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This rule downloads the load data from `Open Power System Data Time series <https://data.open-power-system-data.org/time_series/>`_. For all countries in the network, the per country load timeseries are extracted from the dataset. After filling small gaps linearly and large gaps by copying time-slice of a given period, the load data is exported to a ``.csv`` file. Relevant Settings ----------------- .. code:: yaml snapshots: load: interpolate_limit: time_shift_for_large_gaps: manual_adjustments: .. seealso:: Documentation of the configuration file ``config/config.yaml`` at :ref:`load_cf` Inputs ------ - ``data/electricity_demand_raw.csv``: Outputs ------- - ``resources/electricity_demand.csv``: """ import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd from _helpers import configure_logging from pandas import Timedelta as Delta logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_timeseries(fn, years, countries): """ Read load data from OPSD time-series package version 2020-10-06. Parameters ---------- years : None or slice() Years for which to read load data (defaults to slice("2018","2019")) fn : str File name or url location (file format .csv) countries : listlike Countries for which to read load data. Returns ------- load : pd.DataFrame Load time-series with UTC timestamps x ISO-2 countries """ return ( pd.read_csv(fn, index_col=0, parse_dates=[0], date_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") .tz_localize(None) .dropna(how="all", axis=0) .rename(columns={"GB_UKM": "GB"}) .filter(items=countries) .loc[years] ) def consecutive_nans(ds): return ( ds.isnull() .astype(int) .groupby(ds.notnull().astype(int).cumsum()[ds.isnull()]) .transform("sum") .fillna(0) ) def fill_large_gaps(ds, shift): """ Fill up large gaps with load data from the previous week. This function fills gaps ragning from 3 to 168 hours (one week). """ shift = Delta(shift) nhours = shift / np.timedelta64(1, "h") if (consecutive_nans(ds) > nhours).any(): logger.warning( "There exist gaps larger then the time shift used for " "copying time slices." ) time_shift = pd.Series(ds.values, ds.index + shift) return ds.where(ds.notnull(), time_shift.reindex_like(ds)) def nan_statistics(df): def max_consecutive_nans(ds): return ( ds.isnull() .astype(int) .groupby(ds.notnull().astype(int).cumsum()) .sum() .max() ) consecutive = df.apply(max_consecutive_nans) total = df.isnull().sum() max_total_per_month = df.isnull().resample("m").sum().max() return pd.concat( [total, consecutive, max_total_per_month], keys=["total", "consecutive", "max_total_per_month"], axis=1, ) def copy_timeslice(load, cntry, start, stop, delta, fn_load=None): start = pd.Timestamp(start) stop = pd.Timestamp(stop) if start in load.index and stop in load.index: if start - delta in load.index and stop - delta in load.index and cntry in load: load.loc[start:stop, cntry] = load.loc[ start - delta : stop - delta, cntry ].values elif fn_load is not None: duration = pd.date_range(freq="h", start=start - delta, end=stop - delta) load_raw = load_timeseries(fn_load, duration, [cntry]) load.loc[start:stop, cntry] = load_raw.loc[ start - delta : stop - delta, cntry ].values def manual_adjustment(load, fn_load, countries): """ Adjust gaps manual for load data from OPSD time-series package. 1. For years later than 2015 for which the load data is mainly taken from the ENTSOE power statistics Kosovo (KV) and Albania (AL) do not exist in the data set. Kosovo gets the same load curve as Serbia and Albania the same as Macdedonia, both scaled by the corresponding ratio of total energy consumptions reported by IEA Data browser [0] for the year 2013. 2. For years earlier than 2015 for which the load data is mainly taken from the ENTSOE transparency platforms Albania (AL) and Macedonia (MK) do not exist in the data set. Both get the same load curve as Montenegro, scaled by the corresponding ratio of total energy consumptions reported by IEA Data browser [0] for the year 2016. [0] https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics?country=WORLD&fuel=Electricity%20and%20heat&indicator=TotElecCons Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) does not exist in the data set for 2019. It gets the electricity consumption data from Croatia (HR) for the year 2019, scaled by the factors derived from https://energy.at-site.be/eurostat-2021/ Parameters ---------- load : pd.DataFrame Load time-series with UTC timestamps x ISO-2 countries load_fn: str File name or url location (file format .csv) Returns ------- load : pd.DataFrame Manual adjusted and interpolated load time-series with UTC timestamps x ISO-2 countries """ if "AL" not in load and "AL" in countries: if "ME" in load: load["AL"] = load.ME * (5.7 / 2.9) elif "MK" in load: load["AL"] = load["MK"] * (4.1 / 7.4) if "MK" in countries: if "MK" not in load or load.MK.isnull().sum() > len(load) / 2: if "ME" in load: load["MK"] = load.ME * (6.7 / 2.9) if "BA" not in load and "BA" in countries: if "ME" in load: load["BA"] = load.HR * (11.0 / 16.2) if "KV" not in load or load.KV.isnull().values.all(): if "RS" in load: load["KV"] = load["RS"] * (4.8 / 27.0) copy_timeslice(load, "GR", "2015-08-11 21:00", "2015-08-15 20:00", Delta(weeks=1)) copy_timeslice(load, "AT", "2018-12-31 22:00", "2019-01-01 22:00", Delta(days=2)) copy_timeslice(load, "CH", "2010-01-19 07:00", "2010-01-19 22:00", Delta(days=1)) copy_timeslice(load, "CH", "2010-03-28 00:00", "2010-03-28 21:00", Delta(days=1)) # is a WE, so take WE before copy_timeslice(load, "CH", "2010-10-08 13:00", "2010-10-10 21:00", Delta(weeks=1)) copy_timeslice(load, "CH", "2010-11-04 04:00", "2010-11-04 22:00", Delta(days=1)) copy_timeslice(load, "NO", "2010-12-09 11:00", "2010-12-09 18:00", Delta(days=1)) # whole january missing copy_timeslice( load, "GB", "2010-01-01 00:00", "2010-01-31 23:00", Delta(days=-365), fn_load, ) # 1.1. at midnight gets special treatment copy_timeslice( load, "IE", "2016-01-01 00:00", "2016-01-01 01:00", Delta(days=-366), fn_load, ) copy_timeslice( load, "PT", "2016-01-01 00:00", "2016-01-01 01:00", Delta(days=-366), fn_load, ) copy_timeslice( load, "GB", "2016-01-01 00:00", "2016-01-01 01:00", Delta(days=-366), fn_load, ) copy_timeslice(load, "BG", "2018-10-27 21:00", "2018-10-28 22:00", Delta(weeks=1)) copy_timeslice(load, "LU", "2019-01-02 11:00", "2019-01-05 05:00", Delta(weeks=-1)) copy_timeslice(load, "LU", "2019-02-05 20:00", "2019-02-06 19:00", Delta(weeks=-1)) if "UA" in countries: copy_timeslice( load, "UA", "2013-01-25 14:00", "2013-01-28 21:00", Delta(weeks=1) ) copy_timeslice( load, "UA", "2013-10-28 03:00", "2013-10-28 20:00", Delta(weeks=1) ) return load if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake("build_electricity_demand") configure_logging(snakemake) interpolate_limit = snakemake.params.load["interpolate_limit"] countries = snakemake.params.countries snapshots = pd.date_range(freq="h", **snakemake.params.snapshots) years = slice(snapshots[0], snapshots[-1]) time_shift = snakemake.params.load["time_shift_for_large_gaps"] load = load_timeseries(snakemake.input[0], years, countries) if "UA" in countries: # attach load of UA (best data only for entsoe transparency) load_ua = load_timeseries(snakemake.input[0], "2018", ["UA"], False) snapshot_year = str(snapshots.year.unique().item()) time_diff = pd.Timestamp("2018") - pd.Timestamp(snapshot_year) load_ua.index -= ( time_diff # hack indices (currently, UA is manually set to 2018) ) load["UA"] = load_ua # attach load of MD (no time-series available, use 2020-totals and distribute according to UA): # https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/data-browser/?country=MOLDOVA&fuel=Energy%20consumption&indicator=TotElecCons if "MD" in countries: load["MD"] = 6.2e6 * (load_ua / load_ua.sum()) if snakemake.params.load["manual_adjustments"]: load = manual_adjustment(load, snakemake.input[0], countries) if load.empty: logger.warning("Build electricity demand time series is empty.") logger.info(f"Linearly interpolate gaps of size {interpolate_limit} and less.") load = load.interpolate(method="linear", limit=interpolate_limit) logger.info( "Filling larger gaps by copying time-slices of period " f"'{time_shift}'." ) load = load.apply(fill_large_gaps, shift=time_shift) assert not load.isna().any().any(), ( "Load data contains nans. Adjust the parameters " "`time_shift_for_large_gaps` or modify the `manual_adjustment` function " "for implementing the needed load data modifications." ) load.to_csv(snakemake.output[0])