prepare_links_p_nom,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to retrieve current HVDC projects from `Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HVDC_projects>`_"
retrieve_databundle,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to retrieve databundle from zenodo via the rule :mod:`retrieve_databundle` or whether to keep a custom databundle located in the corresponding folder."
retrieve_sector_databundle,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to retrieve sector databundle from zenodo via the rule :mod:`retrieve_sector_databundle` or whether to keep a custom databundle located in the corresponding folder."
retrieve_cost_data,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to retrieve technology cost data from `technology-data repository <https://github.com/PyPSA/technology-data>`_."
build_cutout,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to enable the building of cutouts via the rule :mod:`build_cutout`."
retrieve_cutout,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to enable the retrieval of cutouts from zenodo with :mod:`retrieve_cutout`."
build_natura_raster,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to enable the creation of the raster ``natura.tiff`` via the rule :mod:`build_natura_raster`."
retrieve_natura_raster,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to enable the retrieval of ``natura.tiff`` from zenodo with :mod:`retrieve_natura_raster`."
custom_busmap,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to enable the use of custom busmaps in rule :mod:`cluster_network`. If activated the rule looks for provided busmaps at ``data/custom_busmap_elec_s{simpl}_{clusters}.csv`` which should have the same format as ``resources/busmap_elec_s{simpl}_{clusters}.csv``, i.e. the index should contain the buses of ``networks/elec_s{simpl}.nc``."