# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2020-2024 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT from enum import Enum from scripts.definitions.heat_sector import HeatSector from scripts.definitions.heat_system_type import HeatSystemType class HeatSystem(Enum): """ Enumeration representing different heat systems. Attributes ---------- RESIDENTIAL_RURAL : str Heat system for residential areas in rural locations. SERVICES_RURAL : str Heat system for service areas in rural locations. RESIDENTIAL_URBAN_DECENTRAL : str Heat system for residential areas in urban decentralized locations. SERVICES_URBAN_DECENTRAL : str Heat system for service areas in urban decentralized locations. URBAN_CENTRAL : str Heat system for urban central areas. Methods ------- __str__() Returns the string representation of the heat system. central_or_decentral() Returns whether the heat system is central or decentralized. system_type() Returns the type of the heat system. sector() Returns the sector of the heat system. rural() Returns whether the heat system is for rural areas. urban_decentral() Returns whether the heat system is for urban decentralized areas. urban() Returns whether the heat system is for urban areas. heat_demand_weighting(urban_fraction=None, dist_fraction=None) Calculates the heat demand weighting based on urban fraction and distribution fraction. heat_pump_costs_name(heat_source) Generates the name for the heat pump costs based on the heat source. """ RESIDENTIAL_RURAL = "residential rural" SERVICES_RURAL = "services rural" RESIDENTIAL_URBAN_DECENTRAL = "residential urban decentral" SERVICES_URBAN_DECENTRAL = "services urban decentral" URBAN_CENTRAL = "urban central" def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the heat system. Returns ------- str The string representation of the heat system. """ return self.value @property def central_or_decentral(self) -> str: """ Returns whether the heat system is central or decentralized. Returns ------- str "central" if the heat system is central, "decentral" otherwise. """ if self == HeatSystem.URBAN_CENTRAL: return "central" else: return "decentral" @property def system_type(self) -> HeatSystemType: """ Returns the type of the heat system. Returns ------- str The type of the heat system. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the heat system is invalid. """ if self == HeatSystem.URBAN_CENTRAL: return HeatSystemType.URBAN_CENTRAL elif ( self == HeatSystem.RESIDENTIAL_URBAN_DECENTRAL or self == HeatSystem.SERVICES_URBAN_DECENTRAL ): return HeatSystemType.URBAN_DECENTRAL elif self == HeatSystem.RESIDENTIAL_RURAL or self == HeatSystem.SERVICES_RURAL: return HeatSystemType.RURAL else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid heat system: {self}") @property def sector(self) -> HeatSector: """ Returns the sector of the heat system. Returns ------- HeatSector The sector of the heat system. """ if ( self == HeatSystem.RESIDENTIAL_RURAL or self == HeatSystem.RESIDENTIAL_URBAN_DECENTRAL ): return HeatSector.RESIDENTIAL elif ( self == HeatSystem.SERVICES_RURAL or self == HeatSystem.SERVICES_URBAN_DECENTRAL ): return HeatSector.SERVICES else: "tot" @property def is_rural(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the heat system is for rural areas. Returns ------- bool True if the heat system is for rural areas, False otherwise. """ if self == HeatSystem.RESIDENTIAL_RURAL or self == HeatSystem.SERVICES_RURAL: return True else: return False @property def is_urban_decentral(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the heat system is for urban decentralized areas. Returns ------- bool True if the heat system is for urban decentralized areas, False otherwise. """ if ( self == HeatSystem.RESIDENTIAL_URBAN_DECENTRAL or self == HeatSystem.SERVICES_URBAN_DECENTRAL ): return True else: return False @property def is_urban(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the heat system is for urban areas. Returns ------- bool True if the heat system is for urban areas, False otherwise. """ return not self.is_rural def heat_demand_weighting(self, urban_fraction=None, dist_fraction=None) -> float: """ Calculates the heat demand weighting based on urban fraction and distribution fraction. Parameters ---------- urban_fraction : float, optional The fraction of urban heat demand. dist_fraction : float, optional The fraction of distributed heat demand. Returns ------- float The heat demand weighting. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the heat system is invalid. """ if "rural" in self.value: return 1 - urban_fraction elif "urban central" in self.value: return dist_fraction elif "urban decentral" in self.value: return urban_fraction - dist_fraction else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid heat system: {self}") def heat_pump_costs_name(self, heat_source: str) -> str: """ Generates the name for the heat pump costs based on the heat source and system. Used to retrieve data from `technology-data <https://github.com/PyPSA/technology-data>`. Parameters ---------- heat_source : str The heat source. Returns ------- str The name for the heat pump costs. """ return f"{self.central_or_decentral} {heat_source}-sourced heat pump" @property def resistive_heater_costs_name(self) -> str: """ Generates the name for the resistive heater costs based on the heat system. Used to retrieve data from `technology-data <https://github.com/PyPSA/technology-data>`. Returns ------- str The name for the heater costs. """ return f"{self.central_or_decentral} resistive heater" @property def gas_boiler_costs_name(self) -> str: """ Generates the name for the gas boiler costs based on the heat system. Used to retrieve data from `technology-data <https://github.com/PyPSA/technology-data>`. Returns ------- str The name for the gas boiler costs. """ return f"{self.central_or_decentral} gas boiler" @property def oil_boiler_costs_name(self) -> str: """ Generates the name for the oil boiler costs based on the heat system. Used to retrieve data from `technology-data <https://github.com/PyPSA/technology-data>`. Returns ------- str The name for the oil boiler costs. """ return "decentral oil boiler"