# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2020 The PyPSA-Eur Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

def configure_logging(snakemake, skip_handlers=False):
    Configure the basic behaviour for the logging module.

    Note: Must only be called once from the __main__ section of a script.

    The setup includes printing log messages to STDERR and to a log file defined
    by either (in priority order): snakemake.log.python, snakemake.log[0] or "logs/{rulename}.log".
    Additional keywords from logging.basicConfig are accepted via the snakemake configuration
    file under snakemake.config.logging.

    snakemake : snakemake object
        Your snakemake object containing a snakemake.config and snakemake.log.
    skip_handlers : True | False (default)
        Do (not) skip the default handlers created for redirecting output to STDERR and file.

    import logging

    kwargs = snakemake.config.get('logging', dict())
    kwargs.setdefault("level", "INFO")

    if skip_handlers is False:
        fallback_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..', 'logs', f"{snakemake.rule}.log")
        logfile = snakemake.log.get('python', snakemake.log[0] if snakemake.log
                                    else fallback_path)
            {'handlers': [
                # Prefer the 'python' log, otherwise take the first log for each
                # Snakemake rule

def load_network(import_name=None, custom_components=None):
    Helper for importing a pypsa.Network with additional custom components.

    import_name : str
        As in pypsa.Network(import_name)
    custom_components : dict
        Dictionary listing custom components.
        For using ``snakemake.config['override_components']``
        in ``config.yaml`` define:

        .. code:: yaml

                    component: ["shadow_prices","Shadow price for a global constraint.",np.nan]
                    name: ["string","n/a","n/a","Unique name","Input (required)"]
                    value: ["float","n/a",0.,"shadow value","Output"]

    import pypsa
    from pypsa.descriptors import Dict

    override_components = None
    override_component_attrs = None

    if custom_components is not None:
        override_components = pypsa.components.components.copy()
        override_component_attrs = Dict({k : v.copy() for k,v in pypsa.components.component_attrs.items()})
        for k, v in custom_components.items():
            override_components.loc[k] = v['component']
            override_component_attrs[k] = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["type","unit","default","description","status"])
            for attr, val in v['attributes'].items():
                override_component_attrs[k].loc[attr] = val

    return pypsa.Network(import_name=import_name,

def pdbcast(v, h):
    return pd.DataFrame(v.values.reshape((-1, 1)) * h.values,
                        index=v.index, columns=h.index)

def load_network_for_plots(fn, tech_costs, config, combine_hydro_ps=True):
    import pypsa
    from add_electricity import update_transmission_costs, load_costs

    n = pypsa.Network(fn)

    n.loads["carrier"] = n.loads.bus.map(n.buses.carrier) + " load"
    n.stores["carrier"] = n.stores.bus.map(n.buses.carrier)

    n.links["carrier"] = (n.links.bus0.map(n.buses.carrier) + "-" + n.links.bus1.map(n.buses.carrier))
    n.lines["carrier"] = "AC line"
    n.transformers["carrier"] = "AC transformer"

    n.lines['s_nom'] = n.lines['s_nom_min']
    n.links['p_nom'] = n.links['p_nom_min']

    if combine_hydro_ps:
        n.storage_units.loc[n.storage_units.carrier.isin({'PHS', 'hydro'}), 'carrier'] = 'hydro+PHS'

    # if the carrier was not set on the heat storage units
    # bus_carrier = n.storage_units.bus.map(n.buses.carrier)
    # n.storage_units.loc[bus_carrier == "heat","carrier"] = "water tanks"

    Nyears = n.snapshot_weightings.objective.sum() / 8760.
    costs = load_costs(Nyears, tech_costs, config['costs'], config['electricity'])
    update_transmission_costs(n, costs)

    return n

def update_p_nom_max(n):
    # if extendable carriers (solar/onwind/...) have capacity >= 0,
    # e.g. existing assets from the OPSD project are included to the network,
    # the installed capacity might exceed the expansion limit.
    # Hence, we update the assumptions.
    n.generators.p_nom_max = n.generators[['p_nom_min', 'p_nom_max']].max(1)

def aggregate_p_nom(n):
    return pd.concat([

def aggregate_p(n):
    return pd.concat([

def aggregate_e_nom(n):
    return pd.concat([

def aggregate_p_curtailed(n):
    return pd.concat([
        ((n.generators_t.p_max_pu.sum().multiply(n.generators.p_nom_opt) - n.generators_t.p.sum())
        ((n.storage_units_t.inflow.sum() - n.storage_units_t.p.sum())

def aggregate_costs(n, flatten=False, opts=None, existing_only=False):

    components = dict(Link=("p_nom", "p0"),
                      Generator=("p_nom", "p"),
                      StorageUnit=("p_nom", "p"),
                      Store=("e_nom", "p"),
                      Line=("s_nom", None),
                      Transformer=("s_nom", None))

    costs = {}
    for c, (p_nom, p_attr) in zip(
        n.iterate_components(components.keys(), skip_empty=False),
        if c.df.empty: continue
        if not existing_only: p_nom += "_opt"
        costs[(c.list_name, 'capital')] = (c.df[p_nom] * c.df.capital_cost).groupby(c.df.carrier).sum()
        if p_attr is not None:
            p = c.pnl[p_attr].sum()
            if c.name == 'StorageUnit':
                p = p.loc[p > 0]
            costs[(c.list_name, 'marginal')] = (p*c.df.marginal_cost).groupby(c.df.carrier).sum()
    costs = pd.concat(costs)

    if flatten:
        assert opts is not None
        conv_techs = opts['conv_techs']

        costs = costs.reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
        costs = costs['capital'].add(
            costs['marginal'].rename({t: t + ' marginal' for t in conv_techs}),

    return costs

def progress_retrieve(url, file):
    import urllib
    from progressbar import ProgressBar

    pbar = ProgressBar(0, 100)

    def dlProgress(count, blockSize, totalSize):
        pbar.update( int(count * blockSize * 100 / totalSize) )

    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file, reporthook=dlProgress)

def mock_snakemake(rulename, **wildcards):
    This function is expected to be executed from the 'scripts'-directory of '
    the snakemake project. It returns a snakemake.script.Snakemake object,
    based on the Snakefile.

    If a rule has wildcards, you have to specify them in **wildcards.

    rulename: str
        name of the rule for which the snakemake object should be generated
        keyword arguments fixing the wildcards. Only necessary if wildcards are
    import snakemake as sm
    import os
    from pypsa.descriptors import Dict
    from snakemake.script import Snakemake

    script_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
    assert Path.cwd().resolve() == script_dir, \
      f'mock_snakemake has to be run from the repository scripts directory {script_dir}'
    for p in sm.SNAKEFILE_CHOICES:
        if os.path.exists(p):
            snakefile = p
    workflow = sm.Workflow(snakefile)
    workflow.global_resources = {}
    rule = workflow.get_rule(rulename)
    dag = sm.dag.DAG(workflow, rules=[rule])
    wc = Dict(wildcards)
    job = sm.jobs.Job(rule, dag, wc)

    def make_accessable(*ios):
        for io in ios:
            for i in range(len(io)):
                io[i] = os.path.abspath(io[i])

    make_accessable(job.input, job.output, job.log)
    snakemake = Snakemake(job.input, job.output, job.params, job.wildcards,
                          job.threads, job.resources, job.log,
                          job.dag.workflow.config, job.rule.name, None,)
    # create log and output dir if not existent
    for path in list(snakemake.log) + list(snakemake.output):
        Path(path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    return snakemake