cutout,--,"Should be a folder listed in the configuration ``atlite: cutouts:`` (e.g. 'europe-2013-era5') or reference an existing folder in the directory ``cutouts``. Source module must be ERA5.","Specifies the directory where the relevant weather data ist stored."
-- method,--,"Must be 'wind'","A superordinate technology type."
-- turbine,--,"One of turbine types included in `atlite <https://github.com/PyPSA/atlite/tree/master/atlite/resources/windturbine>`_. Can be a string or a dictionary with years as keys which denote the year another turbine model becomes available.","Specifies the turbine type and its characteristic power curve."
capacity_per_sqkm,:math:`MW/km^2`,float,"Allowable density of wind turbine placement."
-- grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/corine-land-cover-2006-raster-1/corine-land-cover-classes-and/clc_legend.csv/at_download/file>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes which are generally eligible for wind turbine placement."
-- distance,m,float,"Distance to keep from areas specified in ``distance_grid_codes``"
-- distance_grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `CORINE Land Cover code list <http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/corine-land-cover-2006-raster-1/corine-land-cover-classes-and/clc_legend.csv/at_download/file>`_","Specifies areas according to CORINE Land Cover codes to which wind turbines must maintain a distance specified in the setting ``distance``."
-- grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `LUISA Base Map codes in Annex 1 <https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC124621/technical_report_luisa_basemap_2018_v7_final.pdf>`_","Specifies areas according to the LUISA Base Map codes which are generally eligible for wind turbine placement."
-- distance,m,float,"Distance to keep from areas specified in ``distance_grid_codes``"
-- distance_grid_codes,--,"Any subset of the `LUISA Base Map codes in Annex 1 <https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/bitstream/JRC124621/technical_report_luisa_basemap_2018_v7_final.pdf>`_","Specifies areas according to the LUISA Base Map codes to which wind turbines must maintain a distance specified in the setting ``distance``."
natura,bool,"{true, false}","Switch to exclude `Natura 2000 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natura_2000>`_ natural protection areas. Area is excluded if ``true``."
clip_p_max_pu,p.u.,float,"To avoid too small values in the renewables` per-unit availability time series values below this threshold are set to zero."
correction_factor,--,float,"Correction factor for capacity factor time series."
excluder_resolution,m,float,"Resolution on which to perform geographical elibility analysis."