# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2024 The PyPSA-Eur Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Approximate heat demand for all weather years.

:func:`approximate_heat_demand` approximates annual heat demand based on energy totals and heating degree days (HDD) using a regression of heat demand on HDDs.

- `resources/<run_name>/energy_totals.csv`: Energy consumption by sector (columns), country and year. Output of :func:`scripts.build_energy_totals.py`.
- `data/era5-annual-HDD-per-country.csv`: Number of heating degree days by year (columns) and country (index).

- `resources/<run_name>/heat_totals.csv`: Approximated annual heat demand for each country.

from itertools import product

import pandas as pd
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial

idx = pd.IndexSlice

def approximate_heat_demand(energy_totals: pd.DataFrame, hdd: pd.DataFrame):
    Approximate heat demand for a set of countries based on energy totals and
    heating degree days (HDD). A polynomial regression of heat demand on HDDs
    is performed on the data from 2007 to 2021. Then, for 2022 and 2023, the
    heat demand is estimated from known HDDs based on the regression.

    energy_totals : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame with energy consumption by sector (columns), country and year. Output of :func:`scripts.build_energy_totals.py`.
    hdd : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame with number of heating degree days by year (columns) and country (index).

        DataFrame with approximated heat demand for each country.

    - Missing data is filled forward for GB in 2020 and backward for CH from 2007 to 2009.
    - If only one year of heating data is available for a country, a point (0, 0) is added to make the polynomial fit work.

    countries = hdd.columns.intersection(energy_totals.index.levels[0])

    demands = {}

    for kind, sector in product(["total", "electricity"], ["services", "residential"]):
        # reduced number years (2007-2021) for regression because it implicitly
        # assumes a constant building stock
        row = idx[:, 2007:2021]
        col = f"{kind} {sector} space"
        demand = energy_totals.loc[row, col].unstack(0)

        # ffill for GB in 2020- and bfill for CH 2007-2009
        # compromise to have more years available for the fit
        demand = demand.ffill(axis=0).bfill(axis=0)

        demand_approx = {}

        for c in countries:
            Y = demand[c].dropna()
            X = hdd.loc[Y.index, c]

            # Sometimes (looking at you, Switzerland) we only have
            # _one_ year of heating data to base the prediction on. In
            # this case we add a point at 0, 0 to make a "polynomial"
            # fit work.
            if len(X) == len(Y) == 1:
                X.loc[-1] = 0
                Y.loc[-1] = 0

            to_predict = hdd.index.difference(Y.index)
            X_pred = hdd.loc[to_predict, c]

            p = Polynomial.fit(X, Y, 1)
            Y_pred = p(X_pred)

            demand_approx[c] = pd.Series(Y_pred, index=to_predict)

        demand_approx = pd.DataFrame(demand_approx)
        demand_approx = pd.concat([demand, demand_approx]).sort_index()
        demands[f"{kind} {sector} space"] = demand_approx.groupby(

    demands = pd.concat(demands).unstack().T.clip(lower=0)
    demands.index.names = ["country", "year"]

    return demands

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if "snakemake" not in globals():
        from _helpers import mock_snakemake

        snakemake = mock_snakemake("build_heat_totals")

    hdd = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.hdd, index_col=0).T
    hdd.index = hdd.index.astype(int)

    energy_totals = pd.read_csv(snakemake.input.energy_totals, index_col=[0, 1])

    heat_demand = approximate_heat_demand(energy_totals, hdd)
