version: 0.1 logging_level: INFO scenario: sectors: [E] # ,E+EV,E+BEV,E+BEV+V2G] # [ E+EV, E+BEV, E+BEV+V2G ] simpl: [''] lv: [1.0, 1.125, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0] clusters: [45, 64, 90, 128, 181, 256] #, 362] # (2**np.r_[5.5:9:.5]).astype(int) opts: [Co2L-3H] #, LC-FL, LC-T, Ep-T, Co2L-T] countries: ['AL', 'AT', 'BA', 'BE', 'BG', 'CH', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DK', 'EE', 'ES', 'FI', 'FR', 'GB', 'GR', 'HR', 'HU', 'IE', 'IT', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'ME', 'MK', 'NL', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'RS', 'SE', 'SI', 'SK'] snapshots: # arguments to pd.date_range start: "2013-01-01" end: "2014-01-01" closed: 'left' # end is not inclusive enable: powerplantmatching: false prepare_links_p_nom: false electricity: voltages: [220., 300., 380.] co2limit: 7.75e+7 # 0.05 * 3.1e9*0.5 extendable_carriers: Generator: [OCGT] StorageUnit: [battery, H2] # [CAES] max_hours: battery: 6 H2: 168 conventional_carriers: [nuclear, oil, OCGT, CCGT, coal, lignite, geothermal, biomass] atlite: nprocesses: 4 cutouts: europe-2013-era5: module: era5 xs: [-12., 35.] ys: [72., 33.] years: [2013, 2013] europe-2013-sarah: module: sarah resolution: 0.2 xs: [-12., 42.] ys: [65., 33.] years: [2013, 2013] renewable: onwind: cutout: europe-2013-era5 resource: method: wind turbine: Vestas_V112_3MW # ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 10MW/km^2 capacity_per_sqm: 3 # correction_factor: 0.93 corine: #The selection of CORINE Land Cover [1] types that are allowed for wind and solar are based on [2] p.42 / p.28 # #[1] # #[2] Scholz, Y. (2012). Renewable energy based electricity supply at low costs: development of the REMix model and application for Europe. grid_codes: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32] distance: 1000 distance_grid_codes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] natura: true offwind: cutout: europe-2013-era5 resource: method: wind turbine: NREL_ReferenceTurbine_5MW_offshore # ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 10MW/km^2 capacity_per_sqm: 3 height_cutoff: 50 # correction_factor: 0.93 corine: grid_codes: [44, 255] natura: true solar: cutout: europe-2013-sarah resource: method: pv panel: CSi orientation: slope: 35. azimuth: 180. # ScholzPhd Tab 4.3.1: 170 MW/km^2 capacity_per_sqm: 1.7 correction_factor: 0.877 corine: grid_codes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 31, 32] natura: true hydro: cutout: europe-2013-era5 carriers: [ror, PHS, hydro] PHS_max_hours: 6 lines: types: 220.: "Al/St 240/40 2-bundle 220.0" 300.: "Al/St 240/40 3-bundle 300.0" 380.: "Al/St 240/40 4-bundle 380.0" s_max_pu: 0.7 length_factor: 1.25 under_construction: 'zero' # 'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove, 'keep': with full capacity links: p_max_pu: 1.0 under_construction: 'zero' # 'zero': set capacity to zero, 'remove': remove, 'keep': with full capacity transformers: x: 0.1 s_nom: 2000. type: '' costs: year: 2030 # From a Lion Hirth paper, also reflects average of Noothout et al 2016 discountrate: 0.07 # [EUR/USD] ECB: # noqa: E501 USD2013_to_EUR2013: 0.7532 # Marginal and capital costs can be overwritten # capital_cost: # Wind: Bla marginal_cost: # solar: 0.01 onwind: 0.015 offwind: 0.015 hydro: 0. H2: 0. battery: 0. emission_prices: # only used with the option Ep (emission prices) co2: 0. solving: options: formulation: kirchhoff clip_p_max_pu: 1.e-2 load_shedding: true noisy_costs: true min_iterations: 4 max_iterations: 6 # max_iterations: 1 # nhours: 10 solver: name: gurobi threads: 4 method: 2 # barrier crossover: 0 BarConvTol: 1.e-5 FeasibilityTol: 1.e-6 LogToConsole: 0 OutputFlag: 1 # solver: # name: cplex # threads: 4 # lpmethod: 4 # barrier # solutiontype: 2 # non basic solution, ie no crossover # barrier.convergetol: 1.e-5 # feasopt.tolerance: 1.e-6 plotting: map: figsize: [7, 7] boundaries: [16, -35, 33, -22] p_nom: bus_size_factor: 5.e+4 linewidth_factor: 3.e+3 # 1.e+3 #3.e+3 costs_max: 800 vre_techs: ["Wind", "PV"] conv_techs: ["OCGT", "CCGT", "Nuclear", "Coal"] storage_techs: ["Hydro", "CAES", "Battery", "Pumped storage", "Hydro+PS"] store_techs: ["Li ion", "water tanks"] load_carriers: ["AC load", "heat load", "Li ion load"] AC_carriers: ["AC line", "AC transformer"] link_carriers: ["DC line", "Converter AC-DC"] heat_links: ["heat pump", "resistive heater", "CHP heat", "CHP electric", "gas boiler", "central heat pump", "central resistive heater", "central CHP heat", "central CHP electric", "central gas boiler"] heat_generators: ["gas boiler", "central gas boiler", "solar thermal collector", "central solar thermal collector"] tech_colors: onwind: "xkcd:azure" offwind: "blue" hydro: "g" ror: "g" PHS: "g" hydro+PHS: "g" solar: "yellow" OCGT: "brown" OCGT marginal: "sandybrown" OCGT-heat: "orange" central gas boiler: "orange" gas boiler: "orange" gas boilers: "orange" gas boiler marginal: "orange" gas: "brown" lines: "k" AC line: "k" AC-AC: "k" transmission lines: "k" H2: "m" hydrogen storage: "m" battery: "slategray" battery storage: "slategray" CAES: "lightgray" nuclear: "r" nuclear marginal: "r" coal: "k" coal marginal: "k" lignite: "grey" lignite marginal: "grey" CCGT: "orange" CCGT marginal: "orange" diesel: "darkred" diesel marginal: "darkred" heat pumps: "green" heat pump: "green" central heat pump: "green" resistive heater: "pink" central resistive heater: "pink" Sabatier: "turquoise" water tanks: "w" CHP: "r" CHP heat: "r" CHP electric: "r" central CHP heat: "r" central CHP electric: "r" Pumped storage: "g" Ambient: "k" AC load: "b" Heat load: "r" Li ion load: "grey" heat: "r" Li ion: "grey" district heating: "#CC4E5C" nice_names: # OCGT: "Gas" # OCGT marginal: "Gas (marginal)" offwind: "offshore wind" onwind: "onshore wind" battery: "Battery storage" lines: "Transmission lines" AC line: "AC lines" AC-AC: "DC lines" ror: "Run of river" nice_names_n: offwind: "offshore\nwind" onwind: "onshore\nwind" # OCGT: "Gas" H2: "Hydrogen\nstorage" # OCGT marginal: "Gas (marginal)" lines: "transmission\nlines" ror: "run of river"