""" Build import locations for fossil gas from entry-points, LNG terminals and production sites. """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely import wkt from cluster_gas_network import load_bus_regions import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') def read_scigrid_gas(fn): df = gpd.read_file(fn) df = pd.concat([df, df.param.apply(pd.Series)], axis=1) df.drop(["param", "uncertainty", "method"], axis=1, inplace=True) return df def build_gas_input_locations(lng_fn, entry_fn, prod_fn, countries): # LNG terminals lng = gpd.read_file(lng_fn) lng.CapacityInMtpa = lng.CapacityInMtpa.astype(float) # Entry points from outside the model scope entry = read_scigrid_gas(entry_fn) entry["from_country"] = entry.from_country.str.rstrip() entry = entry.loc[ ~(entry.from_country.isin(countries) & entry.to_country.isin(countries)) & # only take non-EU entries ~entry.name.str.contains("Tegelen") | # malformed datapoint (entry.from_country == "NO") # entries from NO to GB ] # production sites inside the model scope prod = read_scigrid_gas(prod_fn) prod = prod.loc[ (prod.geometry.y > 35) & (prod.geometry.x < 30) & (prod.country_code != "DE") ] conversion_factor = 437.5 # MCM/day to MWh/h conversion_factor_lng = 1649.224 # mtpa to MWh/h lng["p_nom"] = lng["CapacityInMtpa"] * conversion_factor_lng entry["p_nom"] = entry["max_cap_from_to_M_m3_per_d"] * conversion_factor prod["p_nom"] = prod["max_supply_M_m3_per_d"] * conversion_factor lng["type"] = "lng" entry["type"] = "pipeline" prod["type"] = "production" sel = ["geometry", "p_nom", "type"] return pd.concat([prod[sel], entry[sel], lng[sel]], ignore_index=True) if __name__ == "__main__": if 'snakemake' not in globals(): from helper import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake( 'build_gas_import_locations', simpl='', clusters='37', ) logging.basicConfig(level=snakemake.config['logging_level']) regions = load_bus_regions( snakemake.input.regions_onshore, snakemake.input.regions_offshore ) # add a buffer to eastern countries because some # entry points are still in Russian or Ukrainian territory. buffer = 9000 # meters eastern_countries = ['FI', 'EE', 'LT', 'LV', 'PL', 'SK', 'HU', 'RO'] add_buffer_b = regions.index.str[:2].isin(eastern_countries) regions.loc[add_buffer_b] = regions[add_buffer_b].to_crs(3035).buffer(buffer).to_crs(4326) countries = regions.index.str[:2].unique().str.replace("GB", "UK") gas_input_locations = build_gas_input_locations( snakemake.input.lng, snakemake.input.entry, snakemake.input.production, countries ) gas_input_nodes = gpd.sjoin(gas_input_locations, regions, how='left') gas_input_nodes.rename(columns={"index_right": "bus"}, inplace=True) gas_input_nodes.to_file(snakemake.output.gas_input_nodes, driver='GeoJSON') gas_input_nodes_s = gas_input_nodes.groupby(["bus", "type"])["p_nom"].sum().unstack() gas_input_nodes_s.columns.name = "p_nom" gas_input_nodes_s.to_csv(snakemake.output.gas_input_nodes_simplified)