# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: : 2017-2024 The PyPSA-Eur Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # coding: utf-8 """ Creates networks clustered to ``{cluster}`` number of zones with aggregated buses and transmission corridors. Relevant Settings ----------------- .. code:: yaml clustering: cluster_network: aggregation_strategies: focus_weights: solving: solver: name: lines: length_factor: .. seealso:: Documentation of the configuration file ``config/config.yaml`` at :ref:`toplevel_cf`, :ref:`renewable_cf`, :ref:`solving_cf`, :ref:`lines_cf` Inputs ------ - ``resources/regions_onshore_base.geojson``: confer :ref:`simplify` - ``resources/regions_offshore_base.geojson``: confer :ref:`simplify` - ``resources/busmap_base_s.csv``: confer :ref:`simplify` - ``networks/base.nc``: confer :ref:`simplify` - ``data/custom_busmap_base_s_{clusters}_{base_network}.csv``: optional input Outputs ------- - ``resources/regions_onshore_base_s_{clusters}.geojson``: .. image:: img/regions_onshore_base_s_X.png :scale: 33 % - ``resources/regions_offshore_base_s_{clusters}.geojson``: .. image:: img/regions_offshore_base_s_X.png :scale: 33 % - ``resources/busmap_base_s_{clusters}.csv``: Mapping of buses from ``networks/base.nc`` to ``networks/base_s_{clusters}.nc``; - ``resources/linemap_base_s_{clusters}.csv``: Mapping of lines from ``networks/base.nc`` to ``networks/base_s_{clusters}.nc``; - ``networks/base_s_{clusters}.nc``: .. image:: img/base_s_X.png :scale: 40 % Description ----------- .. note:: **Is it possible to run the model without the** ``simplify_network`` **rule?** No, the network clustering methods in the PyPSA module `pypsa.clustering.spatial <https://github.com/PyPSA/PyPSA/blob/master/pypsa/clustering/spatial.py>`_ do not work reliably with multiple voltage levels and transformers. Exemplary unsolved network clustered to 512 nodes: .. image:: img/base_s_512.png :scale: 40 % :align: center Exemplary unsolved network clustered to 256 nodes: .. image:: img/base_s_256.png :scale: 40 % :align: center Exemplary unsolved network clustered to 128 nodes: .. image:: img/base_s_128.png :scale: 40 % :align: center Exemplary unsolved network clustered to 37 nodes: .. image:: img/base_s_37.png :scale: 40 % :align: center """ import logging import warnings from functools import reduce import geopandas as gpd import linopy import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pypsa import xarray as xr from _helpers import configure_logging, set_scenario_config from base_network import append_bus_shapes from packaging.version import Version, parse from pypsa.clustering.spatial import ( busmap_by_greedy_modularity, busmap_by_hac, busmap_by_kmeans, get_clustering_from_busmap, ) from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components PD_GE_2_2 = parse(pd.__version__) >= Version("2.2") warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=UserWarning) idx = pd.IndexSlice logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def normed(x): return (x / x.sum()).fillna(0.0) def weighting_for_country(df: pd.DataFrame, weights: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: w = normed(weights.reindex(df.index, fill_value=0)) return (w * (100 / w.max())).clip(lower=1).astype(int) def get_feature_data_for_hac(fn: str) -> pd.DataFrame: ds = xr.open_dataset(fn) feature_data = ( pd.concat([ds[var].to_pandas() for var in ds.data_vars], axis=0).fillna(0.0).T ) feature_data.columns = feature_data.columns.astype(str) return feature_data def fix_country_assignment_for_hac(n: pypsa.Network) -> None: # overwrite country of nodes that are disconnected from their country-topology for country in n.buses.country.unique(): m = n[n.buses.country == country].copy() _, labels = connected_components(m.adjacency_matrix(), directed=False) component = pd.Series(labels, index=m.buses.index) component_sizes = component.value_counts() if len(component_sizes) > 1: disconnected_bus = component[component == component_sizes.index[-1]].index[ 0 ] neighbor_bus = n.lines.query( "bus0 == @disconnected_bus or bus1 == @disconnected_bus" ).iloc[0][["bus0", "bus1"]] new_country = list(set(n.buses.loc[neighbor_bus].country) - {country})[0] logger.info( f"overwriting country `{country}` of bus `{disconnected_bus}` " f"to new country `{new_country}`, because it is disconnected " "from its initial inter-country transmission grid." ) n.buses.at[disconnected_bus, "country"] = new_country def distribute_n_clusters_to_countries( n: pypsa.Network, n_clusters: int, cluster_weights: pd.Series, focus_weights: dict | None = None, solver_name: str = "scip", ) -> pd.Series: """ Determine the number of clusters per country. """ L = ( cluster_weights.groupby([n.buses.country, n.buses.sub_network]) .sum() .pipe(normed) ) N = n.buses.groupby(["country", "sub_network"]).size()[L.index] assert ( n_clusters >= len(N) and n_clusters <= N.sum() ), f"Number of clusters must be {len(N)} <= n_clusters <= {N.sum()} for this selection of countries." if isinstance(focus_weights, dict): total_focus = sum(list(focus_weights.values())) assert ( total_focus <= 1.0 ), "The sum of focus weights must be less than or equal to 1." for country, weight in focus_weights.items(): L[country] = weight / len(L[country]) remainder = [ c not in focus_weights.keys() for c in L.index.get_level_values("country") ] L[remainder] = L.loc[remainder].pipe(normed) * (1 - total_focus) logger.warning("Using custom focus weights for determining number of clusters.") assert np.isclose( L.sum(), 1.0, rtol=1e-3 ), f"Country weights L must sum up to 1.0 when distributing clusters. Is {L.sum()}." m = linopy.Model() clusters = m.add_variables( lower=1, upper=N, coords=[L.index], name="n", integer=True ) m.add_constraints(clusters.sum() == n_clusters, name="tot") # leave out constant in objective (L * n_clusters) ** 2 m.objective = (clusters * clusters - 2 * clusters * L * n_clusters).sum() if solver_name == "gurobi": logging.getLogger("gurobipy").propagate = False elif solver_name not in ["scip", "cplex", "xpress", "copt", "mosek"]: logger.info( f"The configured solver `{solver_name}` does not support quadratic objectives. Falling back to `scip`." ) solver_name = "scip" m.solve(solver_name=solver_name) return m.solution["n"].to_series().astype(int) def busmap_for_n_clusters( n: pypsa.Network, n_clusters_c: pd.Series, cluster_weights: pd.Series, algorithm: str = "kmeans", features: pd.DataFrame | None = None, **algorithm_kwds, ) -> pd.Series: if algorithm == "hac" and features is None: raise ValueError("For HAC clustering, features must be provided.") if algorithm == "kmeans": algorithm_kwds.setdefault("n_init", 1000) algorithm_kwds.setdefault("max_iter", 30000) algorithm_kwds.setdefault("tol", 1e-6) algorithm_kwds.setdefault("random_state", 0) def busmap_for_country(x): prefix = x.name[0] + x.name[1] + " " logger.debug( f"Determining busmap for country {prefix[:-1]} " f"from {len(x)} buses to {n_clusters_c[x.name]}." ) if len(x) == 1: return pd.Series(prefix + "0", index=x.index) weight = weighting_for_country(x, cluster_weights) if algorithm == "kmeans": return prefix + busmap_by_kmeans( n, weight, n_clusters_c[x.name], buses_i=x.index, **algorithm_kwds ) elif algorithm == "hac": return prefix + busmap_by_hac( n, n_clusters_c[x.name], buses_i=x.index, feature=features.reindex(x.index, fill_value=0.0), ) elif algorithm == "modularity": return prefix + busmap_by_greedy_modularity( n, n_clusters_c[x.name], buses_i=x.index ) else: raise ValueError( f"`algorithm` must be one of 'kmeans' or 'hac' or 'modularity'. Is {algorithm}." ) compat_kws = dict(include_groups=False) if PD_GE_2_2 else {} return ( n.buses.groupby(["country", "sub_network"], group_keys=False) .apply(busmap_for_country, **compat_kws) .squeeze() .rename("busmap") ) def clustering_for_n_clusters( n: pypsa.Network, busmap: pd.Series, line_length_factor: float = 1.25, aggregation_strategies: dict | None = None, ) -> pypsa.clustering.spatial.Clustering: if aggregation_strategies is None: aggregation_strategies = dict() line_strategies = aggregation_strategies.get("lines", dict()) bus_strategies = aggregation_strategies.get("buses", dict()) bus_strategies.setdefault("substation_lv", lambda x: bool(x.sum())) bus_strategies.setdefault("substation_off", lambda x: bool(x.sum())) clustering = get_clustering_from_busmap( n, busmap, line_length_factor=line_length_factor, bus_strategies=bus_strategies, line_strategies=line_strategies, custom_line_groupers=["build_year"], ) return clustering def cluster_regions( busmaps: tuple | list, regions: gpd.GeoDataFrame, with_country: bool = False ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Cluster regions based on busmaps and save the results to a file and to the network. Parameters: - busmaps (list): A list of busmaps used for clustering. - regions (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The regions to cluster. - with_country (bool): Whether to keep country column. Returns: None """ busmap = reduce(lambda x, y: x.map(y), busmaps[1:], busmaps[0]) columns = ["name", "country", "geometry"] if with_country else ["name", "geometry"] regions = regions.reindex(columns=columns).set_index("name") regions_c = regions.dissolve(busmap) regions_c.index.name = "name" return regions_c.reset_index() if __name__ == "__main__": if "snakemake" not in globals(): from _helpers import mock_snakemake snakemake = mock_snakemake("cluster_network", clusters=60) configure_logging(snakemake) set_scenario_config(snakemake) params = snakemake.params solver_name = snakemake.config["solving"]["solver"]["name"] n = pypsa.Network(snakemake.input.network) buses_prev, lines_prev, links_prev = len(n.buses), len(n.lines), len(n.links) load = ( xr.open_dataarray(snakemake.input.load) .mean(dim="time") .to_pandas() .reindex(n.buses.index, fill_value=0.0) ) if snakemake.wildcards.clusters == "all": n_clusters = len(n.buses) else: n_clusters = int(snakemake.wildcards.clusters) if n_clusters == len(n.buses): # Fast-path if no clustering is necessary busmap = n.buses.index.to_series() linemap = n.lines.index.to_series() clustering = pypsa.clustering.spatial.Clustering(n, busmap, linemap) else: Nyears = n.snapshot_weightings.objective.sum() / 8760 custom_busmap = params.custom_busmap if custom_busmap: custom_busmap = pd.read_csv( snakemake.input.custom_busmap, index_col=0 ).squeeze() custom_busmap.index = custom_busmap.index.astype(str) logger.info(f"Imported custom busmap from {snakemake.input.custom_busmap}") busmap = custom_busmap else: algorithm = params.cluster_network["algorithm"] features = None if algorithm == "hac": features = get_feature_data_for_hac(snakemake.input.hac_features) fix_country_assignment_for_hac(n) n.determine_network_topology() n_clusters_c = distribute_n_clusters_to_countries( n, n_clusters, load, focus_weights=params.focus_weights, solver_name=solver_name, ) busmap = busmap_for_n_clusters( n, n_clusters_c, cluster_weights=load, algorithm=algorithm, features=features, ) clustering = clustering_for_n_clusters( n, busmap, line_length_factor=params.length_factor, aggregation_strategies=params.aggregation_strategies, ) nc = clustering.network for attr in ["busmap", "linemap"]: getattr(clustering, attr).to_csv(snakemake.output[attr]) # nc.shapes = n.shapes.copy() for which in ["regions_onshore", "regions_offshore"]: regions = gpd.read_file(snakemake.input[which]) clustered_regions = cluster_regions((clustering.busmap,), regions) clustered_regions.to_file(snakemake.output[which]) # append_bus_shapes(nc, clustered_regions, type=which.split("_")[1]) nc.meta = dict(snakemake.config, **dict(wildcards=dict(snakemake.wildcards))) nc.export_to_netcdf(snakemake.output.network) logger.info( f"Clustered network:\n" f"Buses: {buses_prev} to {len(nc.buses)}\n" f"Lines: {lines_prev} to {len(nc.lines)}\n" f"Links: {links_prev} to {len(nc.links)}" )