diff --git a/config/config.default.yaml b/config/config.default.yaml
index 42132f22..0db6dc03 100644
--- a/config/config.default.yaml
+++ b/config/config.default.yaml
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ solving:
- # refer to https://ergo-code.github.io/HiGHS/options/definitions.html#solver
+ # refer to https://ergo-code.github.io/HiGHS/dev/options/definitions/
threads: 4
solver: "ipm"
run_crossover: "off"
diff --git a/doc/configtables/solving.csv b/doc/configtables/solving.csv
index 7189399b..4d245195 100644
--- a/doc/configtables/solving.csv
+++ b/doc/configtables/solving.csv
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ constraints ,,,
-- BAU,bool,"{'true','false'}",Add a per-``carrier`` minimal overall capacity; i.e. at least ``40GW`` of ``OCGT`` in Europe; configured in ``electricity: BAU_mincapacities``
-- SAFE,bool,"{'true','false'}",Add a capacity reserve margin of a certain fraction above the peak demand to which renewable generators and storage do *not* contribute. Ignores network.
--- name,--,"One of {'gurobi', 'cplex', 'cbc', 'glpk', 'ipopt'}; potentially more possible",Solver to use for optimisation problems in the workflow; e.g. clustering and linear optimal power flow.
+-- name,--,"One of {'gurobi', 'cplex', 'highs', 'cbc', 'glpk'}; potentially more possible",Solver to use for optimisation problems in the workflow; e.g. clustering and linear optimal power flow.
-- options,--,Key listed under ``solver_options``.,Link to specific parameter settings.
solver_options,,dict,Dictionaries with solver-specific parameter settings.
mem,MB,int,Estimated maximum memory requirement for solving networks.
diff --git a/doc/installation.rst b/doc/installation.rst
index dd5c912e..45404e1f 100644
--- a/doc/installation.rst
+++ b/doc/installation.rst
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ PyPSA is known to work with the free software
- `HiGHS `__
- `Cbc `__
- `GLPK `__ (`WinGLKP `__)
-- `Ipopt `__
+- `SCIP `__
and the non-free, commercial software (for some of which free academic licenses are available)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Nevertheless, you can still use open-source solvers for smaller problems.
.. note::
The rules :mod:`cluster_network` and :mod:`simplify_network` solve a mixed-integer quadratic optimisation problem for clustering.
- The open-source solvers HiGHS, Cbc and GlPK cannot handle this. A fallback to SCIP is implemented in this case.
+ The open-source solvers HiGHS, Cbc and GlPK cannot handle this. A fallback to SCIP is implemented in this case, which is included in the standard environment specifications.
For an open-source solver setup install in your ``conda`` environment on OSX/Linux. To install the default solver Gurobi, run
.. code:: bash