diff --git a/doc/data.csv b/doc/data.csv index e8c19518..8e316281 100644 --- a/doc/data.csv +++ b/doc/data.csv @@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ U-values Poland,u_values_poland.csv,unknown,https://data.europa.eu/euodp/de/data Floor area missing in hotmaps building stock data,floor_area_missing.csv,unknown,https://data.europa.eu/euodp/de/data/dataset/building-stock-observatory Comparative level investment,comparative_level_investment.csv,Eurostat,https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Comparative_price_levels_for_investment Electricity taxes,electricity_taxes_eu.csv,Eurostat,https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=nrg_pc_204&lang=en -Average surface components,average_surface_components.csv,unknown,http://webtool.building-typology.eu/#bm +Building topologies and corresponding standard values,tabula-calculator-calcsetbuilding.csv,unknown,https://episcope.eu/fileadmin/tabula/public/calc/tabula-calculator.xlsx Retrofitting thermal envelope costs for Germany,retro_cost_germany.csv,unkown,https://www.iwu.de/forschung/handlungslogiken/kosten-energierelevanter-bau-und-anlagenteile-bei-modernisierung/ diff --git a/doc/release_notes.rst b/doc/release_notes.rst index b3d26829..b31096b4 100644 --- a/doc/release_notes.rst +++ b/doc/release_notes.rst @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Future release * Rename the bus for European liquid hydrocarbons from ``Fischer-Tropsch`` to ``EU oil``, since it can be supplied not just with the Fischer-Tropsch process, but also with fossil oil. * Bugfix: Fix reading in of ``pypsa-eur/resources/powerplants.csv`` to PyPSA-Eur Version 0.3.0 (use column attribute name ``DateIn`` instead of old ``YearDecommissioned``). * Bugfix: Make sure that ``Store`` components (battery and H2) are also removed from PyPSA-Eur, so they can be added later by PyPSA-Eur-Sec. +* update of the cost database for retrofitting of the thermal envelope of buildings. Now, for calculating the space heat savings of a building, losses by thermal bridges and ventilation are included as well as heat gains (internal and by solar radiation). PyPSA-Eur-Sec 0.4.0 (11th December 2020) diff --git a/doc/supply_demand.rst b/doc/supply_demand.rst index 002bd16c..0fb05d87 100644 --- a/doc/supply_demand.rst +++ b/doc/supply_demand.rst @@ -108,6 +108,41 @@ Small for decentral applications. Big water pit storage for district heating. +Retrofitting of the thermal envelope of buildings +=================================================== +Co-optimising building renovation is only enabled if in the ``config.yaml`` the +option :mod:`retro_endogen: True`. To reduce the computational burden +default setting is + +.. literalinclude:: ../config.default.yaml + :language: yaml + :lines: 134-135 + +Renovation of the thermal envelope reduces the space heating demand and is +optimised at each node for every heat bus. Renovation measures through additional +insulation material and replacement of energy inefficient windows are considered. + +In a first step, costs per energy savings are estimated in :mod:`build_retro_cost.py`. +They depend on the insulation condition of the building stock and costs for +renovation of the building elements. +In a second step, for those cost per energy savings two possible renovation +strengths are determined: a moderate renovation with lower costs and lower +maximum possible space heat savings, and an ambitious renovation with associated +higher costs and higher efficiency gains. They are added by step-wise +linearisation in form of two additional generations in +:mod:`prepare_sector_network.py`. + +Settings in the config.yaml concerning the endogenously optimisation of building +renovation + +.. literalinclude:: ../config.default.yaml + :language: yaml + :lines: 136-140 + +Further information are given in the publication + +`Mitigating heat demand peaks in buildings in a highly renewable European energy system, (2021) `_. + Hydrogen demand ==================