## Requirements We assume you have access to a gpu that can run CUDA 9.2. Then, the simplest way to install all required dependencies is to create an anaconda environment by running: ``` conda env create -f conda_env.yml ``` After the instalation ends you can activate your environment with: ``` source activate pytorch_sac_ae ``` ## Instructions To train an agent on the `cheetah run` task from image-based observations run: ``` python train.py \ --domain_name cheetah \ --task_name run \ --encoder_type pixel \ --decoder_type pixel \ --action_repeat 4 \ --save_video \ --save_tb \ --work_dir ./log \ --seed 1 \ --img_source video \ --resource_files "/media/vedant/cpsDataStorageWK/Vedant/train/*.mp4" ``` This will produce 'log' folder, where all the outputs are going to be stored including train/eval logs, tensorboard blobs, and evaluation episode videos. One can attacha tensorboard to monitor training by running: ``` tensorboard --logdir log ``` and opening up tensorboad in your browser. The console output is also available in a form: ``` | train | E: 1 | S: 1000 | D: 0.8 s | R: 0.0000 | BR: 0.0000 | ALOSS: 0.0000 | CLOSS: 0.0000 | RLOSS: 0.0000 ``` a training entry decodes as: ``` train - training episode E - total number of episodes S - total number of environment steps D - duration in seconds to train 1 episode R - episode reward BR - average reward of sampled batch ALOSS - average loss of actor CLOSS - average loss of critic RLOSS - average reconstruction loss (only if is trained from pixels and decoder) ``` while an evaluation entry: ``` | eval | S: 0 | ER: 21.1676 ``` which just tells the expected reward `ER` evaluating current policy after `S` steps. Note that `ER` is average evaluation performance over `num_eval_episodes` episodes (usually 10).