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2023-05-29 15:11:26 +00:00
# Copyright 2017 The dm_control Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ============================================================================
"""Parse and convert amc motion capture data."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
from dm_control.mujoco.wrapper import mjbindings
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from six.moves import range
mjlib = mjbindings.mjlib
MOCAP_DT = 1.0/120.0
'root0', 'root1', 'root2', 'root3', 'root4', 'root5', 'lowerbackrx',
'lowerbackry', 'lowerbackrz', 'upperbackrx', 'upperbackry', 'upperbackrz',
'thoraxrx', 'thoraxry', 'thoraxrz', 'lowerneckrx', 'lowerneckry',
'lowerneckrz', 'upperneckrx', 'upperneckry', 'upperneckrz', 'headrx',
'headry', 'headrz', 'rclaviclery', 'rclaviclerz', 'rhumerusrx',
'rhumerusry', 'rhumerusrz', 'rradiusrx', 'rwristry', 'rhandrx', 'rhandrz',
'rfingersrx', 'rthumbrx', 'rthumbrz', 'lclaviclery', 'lclaviclerz',
'lhumerusrx', 'lhumerusry', 'lhumerusrz', 'lradiusrx', 'lwristry',
'lhandrx', 'lhandrz', 'lfingersrx', 'lthumbrx', 'lthumbrz', 'rfemurrx',
'rfemurry', 'rfemurrz', 'rtibiarx', 'rfootrx', 'rfootrz', 'rtoesrx',
'lfemurrx', 'lfemurry', 'lfemurrz', 'ltibiarx', 'lfootrx', 'lfootrz',
Converted = collections.namedtuple('Converted',
['qpos', 'qvel', 'time'])
def convert(file_name, physics, timestep):
"""Converts the parsed .amc values into qpos and qvel values and resamples.
file_name: The .amc file to be parsed and converted.
physics: The corresponding physics instance.
timestep: Desired output interval between resampled frames.
A namedtuple with fields:
`qpos`, a numpy array containing converted positional variables.
`qvel`, a numpy array containing converted velocity variables.
`time`, a numpy array containing the corresponding times.
frame_values = parse(file_name)
joint2index = {}
for name in physics.named.data.qpos.axes.row.names:
joint2index[name] = physics.named.data.qpos.axes.row.convert_key_item(name)
index2joint = {}
for joint, index in joint2index.items():
if isinstance(index, slice):
indices = range(index.start, index.stop)
indices = [index]
for ii in indices:
index2joint[ii] = joint
# Convert frame_values to qpos
amcvals2qpos_transformer = Amcvals2qpos(index2joint, _CMU_MOCAP_JOINT_ORDER)
qpos_values = []
for frame_value in frame_values:
qpos_values = np.stack(qpos_values) # Time by nq
# Interpolate/resample.
# Note: interpolate quaternions rather than euler angles (slerp).
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slerp
qpos_values_resampled = []
time_vals = np.arange(0, len(frame_values)*MOCAP_DT - 1e-8, MOCAP_DT)
time_vals_new = np.arange(0, len(frame_values)*MOCAP_DT, timestep)
while time_vals_new[-1] > time_vals[-1]:
time_vals_new = time_vals_new[:-1]
for i in range(qpos_values.shape[1]):
f = interpolate.splrep(time_vals, qpos_values[:, i])
qpos_values_resampled.append(interpolate.splev(time_vals_new, f))
qpos_values_resampled = np.stack(qpos_values_resampled) # nq by ntime
qvel_list = []
for t in range(qpos_values_resampled.shape[1]-1):
p_tp1 = qpos_values_resampled[:, t + 1]
p_t = qpos_values_resampled[:, t]
qvel = [(p_tp1[:3]-p_t[:3])/ timestep,
mj_quat2vel(mj_quatdiff(p_t[3:7], p_tp1[3:7]), timestep),
(p_tp1[7:]-p_t[7:])/ timestep]
qvel_values_resampled = np.vstack(qvel_list).T
return Converted(qpos_values_resampled, qvel_values_resampled, time_vals_new)
def parse(file_name):
"""Parses the amc file format."""
values = []
fid = open(file_name, 'r')
line = fid.readline().strip()
frame_ind = 1
first_frame = True
while True:
# Parse first frame.
if first_frame and line[0] == str(frame_ind):
first_frame = False
frame_ind += 1
frame_vals = []
while True:
line = fid.readline().strip()
if not line or line == str(frame_ind):
values.append(np.array(frame_vals, dtype=np.float))
tokens = line.split()
# Parse other frames.
elif line == str(frame_ind):
frame_ind += 1
frame_vals = []
while True:
line = fid.readline().strip()
if not line or line == str(frame_ind):
values.append(np.array(frame_vals, dtype=np.float))
tokens = line.split()
line = fid.readline().strip()
if not line:
return values
class Amcvals2qpos(object):
"""Callable that converts .amc values for a frame and to MuJoCo qpos format.
def __init__(self, index2joint, joint_order):
"""Initializes a new Amcvals2qpos instance.
index2joint: List of joint angles in .amc file.
joint_order: List of joint names in MuJoco MJCF.
# Root is x,y,z, then quat.
# need to get indices of qpos that order for amc default order
self.qpos_root_xyz_ind = [0, 1, 2]
self.root_xyz_ransform = np.array(
[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]) * CONVERSION_LENGTH
self.qpos_root_quat_ind = [3, 4, 5, 6]
amc2qpos_transform = np.zeros((len(index2joint), len(joint_order)))
for i in range(len(index2joint)):
for j in range(len(joint_order)):
if index2joint[i] == joint_order[j]:
if 'rx' in index2joint[i]:
amc2qpos_transform[i][j] = 1
elif 'ry' in index2joint[i]:
amc2qpos_transform[i][j] = 1
elif 'rz' in index2joint[i]:
amc2qpos_transform[i][j] = 1
self.amc2qpos_transform = amc2qpos_transform
def __call__(self, amc_val):
"""Converts a `.amc` frame to MuJoCo qpos format."""
amc_val_rad = np.deg2rad(amc_val)
qpos = np.dot(self.amc2qpos_transform, amc_val_rad)
# Root.
qpos[:3] = np.dot(self.root_xyz_ransform, amc_val[:3])
qpos_quat = euler2quat(amc_val[3], amc_val[4], amc_val[5])
qpos_quat = mj_quatprod(euler2quat(90, 0, 0), qpos_quat)
for i, ind in enumerate(self.qpos_root_quat_ind):
qpos[ind] = qpos_quat[i]
return qpos
def euler2quat(ax, ay, az):
"""Converts euler angles to a quaternion.
Note: rotation order is zyx
ax: Roll angle (deg)
ay: Pitch angle (deg).
az: Yaw angle (deg).
A numpy array representing the rotation as a quaternion.
r1 = az
r2 = ay
r3 = ax
c1 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(r1 / 2))
s1 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(r1 / 2))
c2 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(r2 / 2))
s2 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(r2 / 2))
c3 = np.cos(np.deg2rad(r3 / 2))
s3 = np.sin(np.deg2rad(r3 / 2))
q0 = c1 * c2 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3
q1 = c1 * c2 * s3 - s1 * s2 * c3
q2 = c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * c2 * s3
q3 = s1 * c2 * c3 - c1 * s2 * s3
return np.array([q0, q1, q2, q3])
def mj_quatprod(q, r):
quaternion = np.zeros(4)
mjlib.mju_mulQuat(quaternion, np.ascontiguousarray(q),
return quaternion
def mj_quat2vel(q, dt):
vel = np.zeros(3)
mjlib.mju_quat2Vel(vel, np.ascontiguousarray(q), dt)
return vel
def mj_quatneg(q):
quaternion = np.zeros(4)
mjlib.mju_negQuat(quaternion, np.ascontiguousarray(q))
return quaternion
def mj_quatdiff(source, target):
return mj_quatprod(mj_quatneg(source), np.ascontiguousarray(target))