# CPS Hub: Fanuc CRX-10iA Framework ## Installation of the core packages The following software needed to be installed on the Intel NUC: + Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS-1 Noetic (from binaries) + ROS-2 Foxy (from source) including a separate initialization of the ROS-1 Bridge + Fanuc ROS-1 Interface (Fanuc Driver) ### ROS-1 Noetic The installation of ROS-1 Noetic is the most convenient option as it can be done using binaries. The following steps need to be executed in a bash terminal: ``` sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list' sudo apt install curl curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full ``` To use ROS-1 in a bash terminal, the setup file must be sourced. This must be done in each new bash terminal window. ``` source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash ``` ### ROS-2 Foxy Installing ROS-2 Foxy requires more steps because it needs to be installed from source. This installation method is necessary to set up the ROS-1 Bridge for custom message types. The following steps must be followed in a bash terminal: ``` sudo apt update && sudo apt install locales sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8 sudo update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sudo apt install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y sudo curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -o /usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] http://packages.ros.org/ros2/ubuntu $(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/null sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libbullet-dev python3-pip python3-pytest-cov ros-dev-tools python3 -m pip install -U argcomplete flake8-blind-except flake8-builtins flake8-class-newline flake8-comprehensions flake8-deprecated flake8-docstrings flake8-import-order flake8-quotes pytest-repeat pytest-rerunfailures pytest sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y libasio-dev libtinyxml2-dev sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y libcunit1-dev mkdir -p ~/ros2_foxy/src cd ~/ros2_foxy vcs import --input https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros2/ros2/foxy/ros2.repos src sudo apt upgrade sudo rosdep init rosdep update rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y --skip-keys "fastcdr rti-connext-dds-5.3.1 urdfdom_headers" cd ~/ros2_foxy/ colcon build --symlink-install ``` In any bash terminal, the ROS-2 setup file must be sourced if you intend to use ROS-2. ``` $ source ~/ros2_foxy/install/local_setup.bash ``` ### Overlay Workspaces To install the additional packages, overlay workspaces are needed. ``` source /path/to/noetic/setup.bash cd ~ mkdir cd mkdir src catkin_make ``` In another bash terminal: ``` source /path/to/foxy/setup.bash cd ~ mkdir cd mkdir src colcon build ``` Now you can place the ROS-1 and ROS-2 core packages from this repository into the "src" directories of the overlay workspaces: + ros1_noetic_core (into the ROS-1 overlay workspace folder on the NUC): + fanuc_msg_translator + fanuc_msg_translator_msgs + ros2_foxy_core (into the ROS-2 overlay workspace folder on the NUC): + fanuc_crx_description + fanuc_msg_translator_msgs CAVE: all python files have to be made executable: ``` cd path/to/python/file/in/the/package chmod +x ``` ### Fanuc ROS-1 Interface The Fanuc ROS-1 Interface package can be acquired by requesting it from Fanuc's Technical Support. Fanuc's Technical Support will provide a folder containing the pre-built ROS-1 package along with a short documentation. The zip package containing the Fanuc ROS-1 Interface must be extracted and placed in the file system. It is common to place it in the user's folder. Before installing the Fanuc ROS-1 Interface, it is advisable to create a ROS-1 workspace if one does not already exist. The following bash code demonstrates how to create this workspace in the user's home directory: ``` source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash cd ~ mkdir cd mkdir src catkin_make ``` For the installation process, the following steps need to be executed in a bash terminal: ``` sudo apt install ros-noetic-industrial-msgs sudo apt install ros-noetic-rviz sudo apt install libmodbus-dev libjsoncpp-dev lshw chmod u+x path/to/fanuc/ros/driver/lib/fanuc_ros_driver/*_node chmod u+x path/to/fanuc/ros/driver/_setup_util.py source path/to/fanuc/ros/driver/setup.bash cd path/to/your/ROS1/workspace rm -rf devel build catkin_make source devel/setup.bash ``` Running these commands will install the Fanuc ROS-1 interface. However, the license is still missing. Therefore, a file containing the hardware information of the computer must be sent to Fanuc's technical support. To create a hardware information file, the following commands need to be executed in a bash terminal: ``` roslaunch fanuc_ros_driver fanuc_interface.launch create_license:=true ``` Once the license file from technical support is received, the Fanuc ROS-1 Interface can be launched using the following steps: ``` roslaunch fanuc_ros_driver fanuc_interface.launch ip:="robot ip address" robot_type:="CRX-10iA" license:="path to license.data" ``` ### ROS-1 Bridge CAVE: Before installing the ROS-1 Bridge, the core packages from this repository must be placed into the correct workspaces (and the workspaces have to be built with catkin for ROS-1 and colcon for ROS-2). The installation files for the ROS-1 Bridge are already included in the ROS-2 distribution repository. To initialize the ROS-1 Bridge, the following steps need to be executed in a bash terminal: ``` cd ~/ros2_foxy colcon build --symlink-install --packages-skip ros1_bridge source path/to/ros1/workspace/install/setup.bash source path/to/ros2/workspace/install/setup.bash source path/to/ros1/overlay/workspace/install/setup.bash source path/to/ros2/overlay/workspace/install/local_setup.bash colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select ros1_bridge --cmake-force-configure ``` ### License Path At this step, the core packages from this repository should already be installed. Now, the static path of the license should be written into the FANUC_LICENSE environment variable. This can be permanently done by adding the export statement to the .bashrc file. ``` echo 'export FANUC_LICENSE="/absolute/path/to/license.data" ' >> ~/.bashrc ``` ## Launching the Interface ### ROS-1 fanuc_msg_translator Package Depending on the use case following launch files are available: + fanuc_1.launch + fanuc_2.launch + fanuc_pair.launch (launches the nodes for the operation of both robots on the same NUC) Example: ``` source /path/to/ros_1_overlay_ws/devel/setup.bash roslaunch fanuc_msg_translator fanuc_1.launch ``` These launch files launch all the nodes seen in this figure, including the parameter for the ROS-1 Bridge: ![Alt text](/imgs/landscape_full_interface_ros1.png) ### ROS-2 ros1-bridge Package To enable communication between ROS-1 and ROS-2 ``` source /path/to/ros_2_overlay_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge ``` ### ROS-2 fanuc_crx_descripton Package In ROS 1, the visualization cannot be directly bridged to ROS 2. As a result, the robot_state_publisher and some other nodes have to be launched separately in ROS 2. Additionally, the /tf and /tf_static topics are not bridged, allowing ROS 2 nodes to create them without encountering any complications. The following launch files can be launched: + fanuc_1.launch.py + fanuc_2.launch.py ``` source /path/to/ros_2_overlay_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 launch fanuc_crx_description fanuc_1.launch.py ``` The following figure shows the node structure in ROS-2: ![Alt text](/imgs/landscape_full_interface_ros2.png) ## Functionality of the Interface Once the interface is launched, it offers the following functions. ### Joint States The current joint state values of the robot can be received from the /joint_states topic. ### Robot Status The current robot status can be be received from the /robot_status topic. The custom message type has the following message file (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucRobotStatus.msg): ``` std_msgs/Header header fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucRobotStatusTriState tp_enabled fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucRobotStatusTriState e_stopped fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucRobotStatusTriState drives_powered fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucRobotStatusTriState motion_possible fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucRobotStatusTriState in_motion fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucRobotStatusTriState in_error int32 error_code ``` It uses the following message type, which is also defined in the same package (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucRobotStatusTriState.msg): ``` int8 val # enumerated values # Unknown or unavailable int8 UNKNOWN=-1 # High state int8 TRUE=1 int8 ON=1 int8 ENABLED=1 int8 HIGH=1 int8 CLOSED=1 # Low state int8 FALSE=0 int8 OFF=0 int8 DISABLED=0 int8 LOW=0 int8 OPEN=0 ``` ### Set Payload To set a predefined payload, a message of the following message type has to be sent to the /bridge/set_payload_num/goal topic (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucPayloadStatus.msg). ``` std_msgs/Header header int16 payload_num ``` ### Get the current Payload Number The last set payload number is periodically published to the /bridge/set_payload_num/state topic (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucPayloadStatus.msg). ``` std_msgs/Header header int16 payload_num ``` ### Send Trajectory A goal trajectory has to be sent to the /bridge/follow_joint_trajectory/goal topic. It uses the JointTrajectory message type from the trajectory_msgs package. ### Trajectory Queue The trajectories, which are waiting for execution, are shown in the /bridge/follow_joint_trajectory/queue topic, which periodically publishes messages of the following message type (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucTrajectoryConverterQueue.msg): ``` std_msgs/Header header fanuc_msg_translator_msgs/FanucTrajectoryConverterQueueItem[] goals ``` It uses the following message type, which is also defined in the same package (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucTrajectoryConverterQueueItem.msg): ``` builtin_interfaces/Time received_time_stamp int16 status_in_queue int16 status_on_server ``` The received_time_stamp is the unique id of every trajectory in the queue. It is the time stamp from the header of the trajectory message received via the /bridge/follow_joint_trajectory/goal topic. The status in the queue is: + 0 if the trajectory is waiting + 1 if the trajectory is currently executed + 100 to 130 if the trajectory is finished (counter until 130, afterward it is removed from the queue topic) The status on the server is: + -1 if the trajectory is waiting or currently executed + one of the following values from the original message type (action server of the Fanuc ROS Driver) after the trajectory is finished or aborted. From: http://docs.ros.org/en/api/actionlib_msgs/html/msg/GoalStatus.html ``` GoalID goal_id uint8 status uint8 PENDING = 0 # The goal has yet to be processed by the action server uint8 ACTIVE = 1 # The goal is currently being processed by the action server uint8 PREEMPTED = 2 # The goal received a cancel request after it started executing # and has since completed its execution (Terminal State) uint8 SUCCEEDED = 3 # The goal was achieved successfully by the action server (Terminal State) uint8 ABORTED = 4 # The goal was aborted during execution by the action server due # to some failure (Terminal State) uint8 REJECTED = 5 # The goal was rejected by the action server without being processed, # because the goal was unattainable or invalid (Terminal State) uint8 PREEMPTING = 6 # The goal received a cancel request after it started executing # and has not yet completed execution uint8 RECALLING = 7 # The goal received a cancel request before it started executing, # but the action server has not yet confirmed that the goal is canceled uint8 RECALLED = 8 # The goal received a cancel request before it started executing # and was successfully cancelled (Terminal State) uint8 LOST = 9 # An action client can determine that a goal is LOST. This should not be # sent over the wire by an action server ``` ### Cancel Trajectory A trajectory can be canceled by sending of the following type to the /bridge/follow_joint_trajectory/cancel topic (fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package: FanucTrajectoryConverterCancel.msg). ``` std_msgs/Header header builtin_interfaces/Time received_time_stamp ``` ## Operation Modes ### IP Configuration The following static IP addresses are assigned: + Fanuc 1: + Fanuc 2: + NUC 1: + NUC 2: If the IP addresses of the robot controllers are changed, the IP addresses have to be changed in following package: + Workspace: ROS-1 Overlay + Package: fanuc_msg_translator + Config Files: params_fanuc_1.yaml and params_fanuc_2.yaml ### Modularity Because of the static IPs and the Fanuc Robots and the NUCs can be used flexibly: + 1 Robot - 1 NUC + 2 Robots - 1 NUC ![Alt text](/imgs/operation_mode_one_nuc.png) + 2 Robots - 2 NUCs (in the same network, e.g. CPS-HUB) ![Alt text](/imgs/operation_mode_two_nuc.png) + 2 Robots - 2 NUCs (in different networks --> mobile router must be configured identically to the CPS Laboratory networks router) ![Alt text](/imgs/operation_mode_split.png) ## ROS-2 Network control To use to Fanuc ROS-2 Interface from another computer than the NUC, the message types need to be installed to ROS-2. Therefore copy the fanuc_msg_translator_msgs package from the ros2_foxy_core folder of this repository into the overlay workspace on any other machine and install it with colcon build. ## RViz The /tf and the /robot_description topics are published by the nodes launched in the procedure shown above. If you want to use RViz on another computer in the same network, make sure the fanuc_crx_description is installed in the local overlay workspace. If ROS-2 Humble is used on the computer,the fanuc_crx_description package from the folder "ros2_humble_crx_description" can be utilized. If ROS-2 Foxy is used, please use the package with the same name from the "ros2_foxy_core" folder, because ROS-2 Foxy has issues compiling the xacro (urdf) files. You can start rviz with: ``` source /path/to/ROS-2/setup.bash rviz2 ``` To visualize the transformation of the frames click "add" --> "TF". To show the whole model of the robot click "add" --> "RobotModel". TF and RobotModel should be shown in the tree structure on the left side of RViz. Make sure following settings are made for the RobotModel: + Description Topic: //robot_description + TF Prefix: ![Alt text](/imgs/rviz.png)