import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal def importance_sampling(target_pdf, proposal_pdf, proposal_sample, num_samples): """ Perform importance sampling. Parameters: target_pdf: The PDF of the target distribution. proposal_pdf: The PDF of the proposal distribution. proposal_sample: A function that generates a sample from the proposal distribution. num_samples: The number of samples to generate. Returns: samples: The generated samples. weights: The importance weights of the samples. """ # Generate samples from the proposal distribution samples = np.array([proposal_sample() for _ in range(num_samples)]) # Calculate the importance weights weights = np.array([target_pdf(sample) / proposal_pdf(sample) for sample in samples]) # Normalize the weights weights /= np.sum(weights) return samples, weights # Define the target and proposal distributions target_pdf = lambda x: multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=[0, 0], cov=[[1, 0], [0, 1]]) proposal_pdf = lambda x: multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=[1, 1], cov=[[2, 0], [0, 2]]) proposal_sample = lambda: np.random.multivariate_normal([1, 1], [[2, 0], [0, 2]]) # Perform importance sampling samples, weights = importance_sampling(target_pdf, proposal_pdf, proposal_sample, 1000) # Define the target and proposal distributions target_pdf = lambda x: multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=[0, 0], cov=[[1, 0], [0, 1]]) proposal_pdf = lambda x: multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=[1, 1], cov=[[2, 0], [0, 2]]) # Generate a grid of points x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) pos = np.dstack((X, Y)) # Calculate the PDFs of the target and proposal distributions at each point target_Z = np.array([[target_pdf([x, y]) for x, y in zip(X_row, Y_row)] for X_row, Y_row in zip(X, Y)]) proposal_Z = np.array([[proposal_pdf([x, y]) for x, y in zip(X_row, Y_row)] for X_row, Y_row in zip(X, Y)]) new_samples = np.zeros(samples.shape) for i in range(weights.shape[0]): new_samples[i, :] = samples[i, 0] * weights[i], samples[i, 1] * weights[i] print(new_samples) # Plot the target distribution plt.figure() plt.contourf(X, Y, target_Z, cmap='viridis') plt.scatter(new_samples[:, 0], new_samples[:, 1], color='r', s=10) # Add the sample points plt.title('Target Distribution') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.colorbar(label='PDF') # Plot the proposal distribution plt.figure() plt.contourf(X, Y, proposal_Z, cmap='viridis') plt.scatter(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], color='r', s=10) # Add the sample points plt.title('Proposal Distribution') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.colorbar(label='PDF')