;PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] ; ============================================================ ; chose environment: ; ESP8266 ; ESP32 ; SAMD ; DUE ; NRF52 ; STM32 ; AVR ; TEENSY ; pico ;portenta_h7_m7 ;portenta_h7_m4 ; ============================================================ ;default_envs = ESP8266 ;default_envs = ESP32 default_envs = SAMD ;default_envs = DUE ;default_envs = NRF52 ;default_envs = STM32 ;default_envs = AVR ;default_envs = TEENSY ;default_envs = pico ;default_envs = portenta_h7_m7 ;default_envs = portenta_h7_m4 [env] ; ============================================================ ; Serial configuration ; choose upload speed, serial-monitor speed ; ============================================================ upload_speed = 921600 ;upload_port = COM11 ;monitor_speed = 9600 ;monitor_port = COM11 ; Checks for the compatibility with frameworks and dev/platforms lib_compat_mode = strict lib_deps = ; PlatformIO 4.x ; WiFiNINA_Generic@~1.8.14-3 ; WebServer_WT32_ETH01@~1.4.1 ; Ethernet_Generic@>=2.0.1 ; EthernetENC@~2.0.0 ; UIPEthernet@~2.0.8 ; WiFiEspAT@~1.3.2 ; ESP8266_AT_WebServer@~1.5.3 ; QNEthernet@>=0.14.0 ; STM32duino STM32Ethernet@~1.2.0 ; STM32duino LwIP@~2.1.2 ; ; PlatformIO 5.x khoih-prog/WiFiNINA_Generic@~1.8.14-3 khoih-prog/WebServer_WT32_ETH01@~1.4.1 khoih-prog/Ethernet_Generic@~2.0.1 jandrassy/EthernetENC@~2.0.0 UIPEthernet/UIPEthernet@~2.0.8 jandrassy/WiFiEspAT@~1.3.2 khoih-prog/ESP8266_AT_WebServer@~1.5.3 ; stm32duino/STM32duino LwIP@~2.1.2 ; stm32duino/STM32duino STM32Ethernet@~1.2.0 ssilverman/QNEthernet@>=0.14.0 build_flags = ; set your debug output (default=Serial) ; -D DEBUG_ESP_PORT=Serial ; comment the folowing line to enable WiFi debugging ; -D NDEBUG [env:DUE] platform = atmelsam framework = arduino board = due ; change microcontroller board_build.mcu = at91sam3x8e ; change MCU frequency board_build.f_cpu = 84000000L ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:ESP8266] platform = espressif8266 framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration ; choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ;board = gen4iod ;board = huzzah ;board = oak ;board = esp_wroom_02 ;board = espduino ;board = espectro ;board = espino ;board = espresso_lite_v1 ;board = espresso_lite_v2 ;board = esp12e ;board = esp01_1m ;board = esp01 ;board = esp07 ;board = esp8285 ;board = heltec_wifi_kit_8 ;board = inventone ;board = nodemcu board = nodemcuv2 ;board = modwifi ;board = phoenix_v1 ;board = phoenix_v2 ;board = sparkfunBlynk ;board = thing ;board = thingdev ;board = esp210 ;board = espinotee ;board = d1 ;board = d1_mini ;board = d1_mini_lite ;board = d1_mini_pro ;board = wifi_slot ;board = wifiduino ;board = wifinfo ;board = wio_link ;board = wio_node ;board = xinabox_cw01 ;board = esp32doit-devkit-v1 ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:ESP32] platform = espressif32 framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration ; choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ;board = esp32cam ;board = alksesp32 ;board = featheresp32 ;board = espea32 ;board = bpi-bit ;board = d-duino-32 board = esp32doit-devkit-v1 ;board = pocket_32 ;board = fm-devkit ;board = pico32 ;board = esp32-evb ;board = esp32-gateway ;board = esp32-pro ;board = esp32-poe ;board = oroca_edubot ;board = onehorse32dev ;board = lopy ;board = lopy4 ;board = wesp32 ;board = esp32thing ;board = sparkfun_lora_gateway_1-channel ;board = ttgo-lora32-v1 ;board = ttgo-t-beam ;board = turta_iot_node ;board = lolin_d32 ;board = lolin_d32_pro ;board = lolin32 ;board = wemosbat ;board = widora-air ;board = xinabox_cw02 ;board = iotbusio ;board = iotbusproteus ;board = nina_w10 ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:SAMD] platform = atmelsam framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Adafruit SAMD ; ============================================================ ;board = adafruit_feather_m0 ;board = adafruit_feather_m0_express ;board = adafruit_metro_m0 ;board = adafruit_circuitplayground_m0 ;board = adafruit_gemma_m0 ;board = adafruit_trinket_m0 ;board = adafruit_itsybitsy_m0 ;board = adafruit_pirkey ;board = adafruit_hallowing ;board = adafruit_crickit_m0 ;board = adafruit_metro_m4 ;board = adafruit_grandcentral_m4 board = adafruit_itsybitsy_m4 ;board = adafruit_feather_m4 ;board = adafruit_trellis_m4 ;board = adafruit_pyportal_m4 ;board = adafruit_pyportal_m4_titano ;board = adafruit_pybadge_m4 ;board = adafruit_metro_m4_airliftlite ;board = adafruit_pygamer_m4 ;board = adafruit_pygamer_advance_m4 ;board = adafruit_pybadge_airlift_m4 ;board = adafruit_monster_m4sk ;board = adafruit_hallowing_m4 ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Arduino SAMD and SAM ; ============================================================ ;board = arduino_zero_edbg ;board = arduino_zero_native ;board = mkr1000 ;board = mkrzero ;board = mkrwifi1010 ;board = nano_33_iot ;board = mkrfox1200 ;board = mkrwan1300 ;board = mkrwan1310 ;board = mkrgsm1400 ;board = mkrnb1500 ;board = mkrvidor4000 ;board = adafruit_circuitplayground_m0 ;board = mzero_pro_bl_dbg ;board = mzero_pro_bl ;board = mzero_bl ;board = tian ;board = tian_cons ;board = arduino_due_x_dbg ;board = arduino_due_x ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Seeeduino SAMD ; ============================================================ ;board = seeed_wio_terminal ;board = Seeed_femto_m0 ;board = seeed_XIAO_m0 ;board = Wio_Lite_MG126 ;board = WioGPS ;board = zero ;board = rolawan ;board = seeed_grove_ui_wireless ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:NRF52] platform = nordicnrf52 framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Adafruit nRF52 ; choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ;board = feather52832 board = feather52840 ;board = feather52840sense ;board = itsybitsy52840 ;board = cplaynrf52840 ;board = cluenrf52840 ;board = metro52840 ;board = pca10056 ;board = particle_xenon ;board = mdbt50qrx ;board = ninab302 ;board = ninab112 ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:STM32] platform = ststm32 framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Nucleo-144 ; ============================================================ ;board = nucleo_f207zg ;board = nucleo_f429zi ;board = nucleo_f746zg ;board = nucleo_f756zg ;board = nucleo_f767zi ;board = nucleo_h743zi ;board = nucleo_l496zg ;board = nucleo_l496zg-p ;board = nucleo_l4r5zi ;board = nucleo_l4r5zi-p ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Nucleo-64 ; ============================================================ ;board = nucleo_f030r8 ;board = nucleo_f072rb ;board = nucleo_f091rc ;board = nucleo_f103rb ;board = nucleo_f302r8 ;board = nucleo_f303re ;board = nucleo_f401re ;board = nucleo_f411re ;board = nucleo_f446re ;board = nucleo_g071rb ;board = nucleo_g431rb ;board = nucleo_g474re ;board = nucleo_l053r8 ;board = nucleo_l073rz ;board = nucleo_l152re ;board = nucleo_l433rc_p ;board = nucleo_l452re ;board = nucleo_l452re-p ;board = nucleo_l476rg ;board = pnucleo_wb55rg ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Nucleo-32 ; ============================================================ ;board = nucleo_f031k6 ;board = nucleo_l031k6 ;board = nucleo_l412kb ;board = nucleo_l432lc ;board = nucleo_f303k8 ;board = nucleo_g431kb ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Discovery Boards ; ============================================================ ;board = disco_f030r8 ;board = disco_f072rb ;board = disco_f030r8 ;board = disco_f100rb ;board = disco_f407vg ;board = disco_f413zh ;board = disco_f746ng ;board = disco_g0316 ;board = disco_l475vg_iot ;board = disco_f072cz-lrwan1 ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration STM32MP1 Boards ; ============================================================ ;board = stm32mp157a-dk1 ;board = stm32mp157c-dk2 ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Generic Boards ; ============================================================ ;board = bluepill_f103c6 ;board = bluepill_f103c8 ;board = blackpill_f103c8 ;board = stm32f103cx ;board = stm32f103rx ;board = stm32f103tx ;board = stm32f103vx ;board = stm32f103zx ;board = stm32f103zet6 ;board = maplemini_f103cb ;board = blackpill_f303cc ;board = black_f407ve ;board = black_f407vg ;board = black_f407ze ;board = black_f407zg ;board = blue_f407ve_mini ;board = blackpill_f401cc ;board = blackpill_f411ce ;board = coreboard_f401rc ;board = feather_f405 ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration Many more Boards to be filled ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:AVR] platform = atmelavr framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration AVR ; ============================================================ ;board = yun ;board = uno ;board = diecimila ;board = nano ;board = nanoatmega328 ;board = mega board = megaatmega2560 ;board = megaADK ;board = leonardo ;board = leonardoeth ;board = micro ;board = esplora ;board = mini ;board = ethernet ;board = fio ;board = bt ;board = LilyPadUSB ;board = lilypad ;board = pro ;board = atmegang ;board = robotControl ;board = robotMotor ;board = gemma ;board = circuitplay32u4cat ;board = yunmini ;board = chiwawa ;board = one ;board = unowifi ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ [env:TEENSY] platform = teensy framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration TEENSY ; ============================================================ ;board = teensy2 ;board = teensy2pp ;board = teensy30 ;board = teensy31 ;board = teensylc ;board = teensy35 ;board = teensy36 ;board = teensy40 ;board = teensy41 ; ============================================================ ; Choose your board by uncommenting one of the following lines ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration raspberrypi pico ; ============================================================ [env:pico] ; ============================================================ ; Just a sample ; You have to research and fix if there is issue ; ============================================================ platform = raspberrypi board = pico framework = arduino upload_protocol = picotool ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration portenta_h7_m7 ; ============================================================ [env:portenta_h7_m7] platform = ststm32 board = portenta_h7_m7 framework = arduino ; ============================================================ ; Board configuration portenta_h7_m4 ; ============================================================ [env:portenta_h7_m4] platform = ststm32 board = portenta_h7_m4 framework = arduino